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  1. One useful addition to Affinity Photo would be the inclusion of a JPEG artefact removal filter or macro. It would help to tidy up low quality JPEG sources and produce an image that we can work more effectively with. I seem to remember that the Adobe Photoshop Elements version 1 had a de-speckle filter which did a rather acceptable job of removing the tiling effect from smaller JPEGS. Paintshop Pro X4 had a reasonably powerful JPEG removal procedure which added noise to an image before smoothing the result which worked quite well. This may be a facility in which AI might be trained to do more effectively but until then an in-application dequantization algorithm would be useful. THE G'MIC plugin provides some filters which can be used but are limited in their application. Photozoom Pro 7 has an artefact removal filter which seems to soften and blur the image, losing definition in the process.
  2. This seems to be an outstanding bug since at least 2022: In my case, white lines are present in ALL the JPEG files created by exporting RAW files, I use an embedded Intel video card (i5 14600K) with the latest video drivers, but the issue seems to affect also other videocards: Disabling hardware acceleration could avoid this behaviour, but I really think that this problem should be solved without giving up the benefits of having HW acceleration available.
  3. Affinity Photo recompresses JPEG images when metadata is edited even though the image itself has no changes. Steps: 1. Make a copy of a test JPEG image as backup. 2. Edit metadata in one copy of the image in Affinity Photo. 3. Stack before and after images in layers and view as Difference.
  4. Hello Affinity team.. i created a poster and all set to export ..but the problem comes when iam exporting as JPEG from AP...some strange glitches are coming in the final export. The only solution i found is to open that file in Affinity Designer and export it ..then everything is fine..i don't know why it is occuring ..may be its a bug ..That's why iam reporting here. Please solve this issue asap..
  5. There's been a few threads on these forums about JXL but no real feedback from Serif on their plans other than an answer that it might happen some day. I really do think Serif should consider JXL seriously and be a first mover in regards to this format. The reasons for supporting JPEG XL is many, a new actually great format for >8bit final export, possibility of lossless quality, transparent conversion to JPEG for compatibility, better compression and more. Some sources: source 1, source 2. The reason I think Serif should be a first mover in regards to this format is that no new format will ever get the chance at dethroning JPEG from it's role if nobody ever implements it in their software. Browsers do support JPEG XL (JXL) but the enablement is hidden behind browser flags currently, partly because nothing else supports JPEG XL at this time.
  6. Is there a way to batch convert from .afphoto format to jpeg or others. I have done a lot of editing work and all of my photos saved as .afphoto and now I would like to convert without doing one at a time.,
  7. I'm experiencing a lot of issues when exporting my CR2 to another format. There is a lot of white line appearing randomly. I need to export 5 or 6 times to reduce this effect. I'm using version 1.10.5 (build 1342)
  8. Hello Affinity World! I am new to Affinity Photo. It is my first important step to abandon Adobe from my Mac. Learning to use Affinity Photo goes well, but there is one section, where I am struggling: Many times I have to work with JPEG files of product shots on a neutral (mostly white) background, that have one or more embedded clipping paths. Opening such a file in AP does show me these paths and I can clip (or blank out) the white background. So far, so good. But Affinity Photo doesn't seem to be able to save (or export) JPEGs with these clipping paths. Or at least, I can't see the logic behind it. Example: Composing an Image in Affinity Photo I have a background and want to place (import) a product shot on that background. I'm choosing a JPEG with embedded clipping path. But when the image is placed, it has a white background, and I can't find an option to use the embedded clipping path, to remove the white background. The only way I found to do that, is to open the JPEG separately in AP, then chose the path (background is now transparent), select the main object by clicking on it, copy it to the clipboard go to the composite image and paste it. Example: Saving a JPEG with clipping path In Photoshop: I create a selection, refine it, click on "make work path from selection", double click it, to make it a clipping path, and save it as JPEG. The path is now embedded into the JPEG file, and when placing it within an InDesign document, I can choose the clipping path to remove the white background. But I could not find a way to save a path into JPEG with Affinity Photo. As long as Affinity Publisher is not out and hasn't proven it's capabilities, I am tied to InDesign. So I need to create and save JPEGs with clipping paths. – TIFFs, PSDs and so an are no option! So finally the question: How exactly can I save JPEGs with embedded clipping paths, so that I can chose them in InDesign to remove the background? Many thanks for you help!
  9. Hi! I’m new here and I’m pretty sure my question has been asked many times before. Maybe I did something wrong when I used the search bar but I couldn’t find anything about it so please accept my apologies if there are already tons of topics about this and please post a link to where I can find the export discussions. My issue: my jpeg exports are much softer then the raw file in Affinity. I use an iPad Pro 2021 12.9”. When I export an image and compare it to the image in the Affinity app there’s a big difference in sharpness. I think my export settings are in order but I’m new both to iPad photo editing and Affinity Photo so I might be missing something. You can see what I mean in the attached files. Just as a test I exported a file to its original size with just a little sharpness added. First image is a screenshot of the raw file in the app, the second is a screenshot of the exported photo and the third are my export settings. Are there any obvious mistakes?
  10. In the Export Persona, when exporting an image for the web and you want the size as small as possible, you want to see a preview of what you will be exporting. So you can change the quality of a jpeg and see instantly what the result will be. The same when you change the number of colors in the palette of gifs and pngs. Also show the sizes in bytes of the slices you are exporting. The size is shown in the simple Export, but not in the more advanced Export Persona. Fireworks does this very well, it even has multiple previews with different export settings.
  11. I want to switch from Photoshop to Affinity Photo. I need it for Web Pages. Unfortunately the JPEG Export reproduces very bad quality. After export the pictures seems to be radical sharpened and have enormous artifacts by same file size as with Photoshop. My example demonstrate the same picture in 300% Magnification, left is exported with Affinity Photo, right with Photoshop. The original had 36 MP, both are exported to 2400x1600px with JPEG compression to a file size of 170KB. If I want a comparable quality to Photoshop, I need a file bigger than 250KB. This is not acceptable. I use macOS 10.13.1 and Affinity Photo 1.6.6 – but 1.5 had the same problem. What can I do?
  12. https://jpeg.org/ Maybe it looks like a trifle, but if you want to find out if the application can work with JPEG images, then it will not find anything 😞
  13. Happens to me too! I’m using the latest Affinity Photo 1.9.1 and every time I export photos that I edit just to correct exposure I get these horizontal lines (sometimes white sometimes grey) flooding my pictures. I tried emailing you guys and attaching the photo but couldn’t reach you.
  14. After processing JPEG and TIFF files in Affinity Photo for Windows, I can no longer open the files in Nikon Capture NX-D. However, the same files will open in other programs such as Picture Window Pro, Windows Photo Viewer, & On One. Any suggestions? Thank you.
  15. I have tried exporting 25 photos to jpeg noticing that sometimes you get multiple colored, white, or black squares on the export. It appears random. As you export the same file multiple times the squares move as well as their color changes and the number of them. Every export is hit or miss. You can see the colored squares on the export preview window as well. Sometimes it takes up to 10 attempts at export before you get a clean (no squares) and sometimes on the first attempt. More than often you get a clean export. It appears related to OpenCl since if you turn it off then it appears to export fine. I have a Ryzen 3700X, AMD Radeon 5500XT graphics card with the latest recommended driver.
  16. I'm having trouble figuring out how to export a JPEG for print. The document is set to print and is 300 dpi, however, when I save, the image is 72 dpi. I don't see an option in the save settings (attached).
  17. Good day, I am looking for some guidance on how to convert a jpeg to a vector. I attached an image titled "Image to Convert" that is the one I would like to covert to the vectored file. I have also attached an image titled "Desired Result" which is what I would like to achieve as an end result. Any help or guidance in how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.
  18. Hello I recently switched to Affinity photo, currently on the latest version 1.8.4, been using it for like a year and so far loving it. except the following issue. I am using Nikon Z50 camera, and set my camera to take photos in RAW + JPEG whenever I shoot a photo, then copy the sd card contents to my mac 1. The JPEG taken by the camera has correct colors / white balance / exposure. 2. Opening the NEF file in Affinity photo develop persona, and change nothing, click develop then export the resulted image to JPG looks so flat, no vibrant enough, and it's really really hard to match the exact white balance i saw or the exact white balance of the original JPEG mentioned in point #1 3. Opening the same NEF on Capture One 20, and also changning nothing and export the image to jpg, gives way better image, comparable to #1 but not exactly 4. Opening the same NEF on FastRawViewer then taking a screenshot of the view also gives a good result, comparable to #1 but not exactly For comparison, i did the same for photos taken with my old Nikon D3400, and surprisingly the resulted image from Affinity photo NEF -> Export is not far from the original JPEG from camera. See d3400 original: vs d3400 processed in affinity photo (NEF -> Develop -> Export) I am wondering what might be causing Affinity photo to be off this much when processing NEF files especially for Nikon Z50 ? does any one with Nikon Z50 faces the same problem? Thanks
  19. I want to place a jpeg.file in Affinity Designer. All images are grayed out. Please help. Or it's the update bug again?
  20. I placed an image into a Publisher document page and added text within the image area. After grouping all of the elements, with the group selected I exported to JPEG ("Selection with background"). The resulting JPEG file contained a thin white border that was not in the original file. Then I tried exporting using the "without background" setting. Same result. Then I tried it as a PNG ("selection with background"). Same result. Next I tried it as a PNG without background and finally the thing was exported without the thin white rule. This has happened several times when I've exported a selection to JPEG. (The quality setting is always 85 or higher.) So it doesn't appear to be some peculiarity of a particular image. I don't want to have to export first to PNG, then open the PNG file in some other program and re-save as JPEG. Is there some way to save from Publisher to JPEG without the unwanted rule around the image?
  21. hello designers, after i have done a project i exported it and this is what happend (in picture) it is rasteraize and it is very clear when i export many shapes Can someone tells me what is the correct method to export a logo in affinity designer ? because i iam a new affinity user thanks.
  22. This is something I use Corel Paintshop Pro X4 for. The ability to remove JPEG Artifacts from images by first adding subtle noise and then selecting an edge preserving smooth. This removes the blocky look to highly compressed images. Interestingly the Despeckle feature did it in one step on the first Photoshop Elements app. I'd like to see this feature in Affinity Photo in the future. Maybe under an image repair persona,
  23. In making a book of photographs to be printed by a print-on-demand company, I found I'd exceeded their 300 MB per PDF limit even before I had all image files placed in the Publisher document. The idea of further JPEG compression was not appealing but I decided (holding my nose the entire time) to try compression settings during export to PDF. The results surprised me. No compression: 388.5 MB No compression (2nd time around): 363.4 MB (why the difference?) Compression setting 100: 211 MB Compression setting 99: 182.7 MB Compression setting 97: 139 MB Compression setting 95: 114 MB Compression setting 90: 83 MB I take it this means that the max quality setting (100) still involves re-compression of the images. All along I'd thought 100 means: no compression. Apparently not. So if output file sizes are plaguing you, perhaps the slight JPEG compression will be helpful. Before starting the tests I ran the original JPEGs through the compression program JPEG-Mini. It made a whopping difference in the files' sizes and without noticeable loss of quality. But using the JPEGs compressed with JPEG-Mini as source files within the Publisher document doesn't seem to have provided a lot of savings during export to PDF. Perhaps JPEG-Mini's major advantage is a "web thing" and not a "print thing".
  24. Does anyone know what's the default setting for saving (not exporting) JPEG? After editing JPEG files with layers flattened, we could "save" the file directly. However, I don't know the quality and other settings when saving JPEG. I know I could export JPEG file with the settings I want, but to speed up the workflow, it'd be great if I could know and adjust the settings of default JPEG saving. If anyone knows how to do it, please let me know. Thank you very much for your help. Best regards, Sleepy
  25. Image created with 2 5-image HDR merge, exported as 16bit tiffs, and then combined as a vertical pano Have not been able to save to Photos Export 16bit, RGB & 8bit RGB Tif and jpeg file size calculated Share Botton Crash Am able to export 16bit RGB tiff to ‘my iPad’ without issue RPReplay_Final1563335210.mp4
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