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Found 19 results

  1. A full review of the Affinity Designer Workbook - Cover to Cover. I show you everything in the Book, so you know exactly what you get. We have a look at every chapter: Interface Tour, Core Skills, Illustration Projects, Design Projects, Inserts and more. There are a lot of interesting things to find in this book. How to use the Personas, Art Boards, design a cool Panther, a Sci-fi City in full vector, a Logo for a Shop, Product and Brochure designs. This book guides you from sketch to finished vector design in easy to follow steps. And all with that wonderful paper smell - oh the good old days! Affinity Photo Workbook Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrZNFcH3eW0 Get the Book here: https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/designer/workbook/ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sarikas Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarikastutorials
  2. Cover to Cover Review of everything in the Book. Get my honest opinion with all the good and bad things about this Book. Spoiler Alter: There are some things I don't like about it. We look at all the Chapters: Interface Tour, Core Skills, Enthusiast Projects, Commercial Projects and Creative Effects and Techniques. Great stuff like Focus Stacking, Night shots, Portrait editing, Panorama Stitching, HDR Development, Black & White conversion, Double Exposure, Product Shots (Cheese Sandwich), Creative Composition and so much more. This book has it all and in a very inspiring way. But is it good? Does it fill your needs? Should you spend the Buck? Let's find out Video Content: 22:37 - Should you buy it? (long opinion) 26:16 - Should you buy it? (short opinion) 1:57 - Chapter 1: Interface Tour 3:38 - Chapter 2: Core Skills 6:47 - Chapter 3: Enthusiast Projects 12:19 - Chapter 4: Commercial Projects 18:39 - Chapter 5: Creative Effects 22:10 - Shortcut Tear-outs Get the Book here: https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/photo/workbook/ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sarikas Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarikastutorials Photo used in Cover: https://unsplash.com/photos/4dpAqfTbvKA
  3. Hello guys, Thanks for developing this nice application. I have some issues merging stacked images from "new stack" option. I try merge 20 images and it doesn't start doing anything even after 15 minutes, but the RAM usage is over 30 GB, all JPGs only. Force quitting program from task manager is the only way to solve it. The stacking in any of the menu options takes too long in stable or BETA, almost 5 minute just for a simple stack process. I also have issues with Panorama and HDR stacking like in previous stable edition. Aligning HDR brackets will sometime lock to skies and move the landscape, you know how that story ends. The HDR noise reduction removes important details and replace them with big artifacts or just massive blotches of black/nothing. The "tonemapping" function - or your RAW converter - have a long way to go. I get the cringe every time I need to go in there, and the results I get can easily get better surpassed by cellphone apps. It feels like I'm pushing a JPG every time I'm in that converter and not a RAW file, the details instantly clip to black using "black point" setting, but you did some magic with the latest "highlight" and "shadow" slider, it feels better. Worst part is the crazy lagg I get from pushing any of the sliders, mouse and system freeze for seconds before slider jumps to "next" spot, even freeze my Spotify playing. This is a 12 core Threadripper 4 GHz with 32 GB RAM, 1080 Ti and NVMe SSDs, so it should be able to handle a basic RAW converter, I got CaptureOne Pro v11 and no problem there with a lot more tools and stuff. I don't find any way to tune the Panorama merge function like in PtGui, I wish it had more options like that program. I don't know if it is possible to tweek the perspective after the merge, but there should be more features while having the image as layers, thats when you got the most power to fix things. There is one function I miss from PS CC and I hope you can add similar function, because this is invaluable when using a Wacom tablet like I do. Just FYI, I replace mouse buttons on my pen, so this works great for me: In brush tool (PS CC), hold (Left Alt), Hold (Right mouse click), move mouse up and down to change size of any brush tool. Move mouse side to side to change the hardness. Don't take the critic too hard, I know you're not Adobe and I probably won't get any of the things I'm asking for, but I hope you guys spend more time on the features above. The stacking features and RAW converter/tonemapping should really be top priority for you to fix. I just left Adobe but I feel forced to go buy PtGui because this stacking you got going on never works for me. Best regards Aleksander
  4. Coming back to Publisher beta .128 now ! @AdamW the installation was fluid and without issues at all (like previous beta version for mac) but was a bit faster than beta .58 Software start is even faster. Yeah ! the convert to frame picture is working very well; i'm happy to be able to create smart tool of any form and simply change it to picture frame and clip a picture to it and obtain an artistic thing. and still be able to tweak by adding more points, radius, and even curve edges; this is simply very good move. Here something very pleasing is the availability of preset and preset manager for smart tools... it's simply nice and time saving but i have a question for this: what file extension is recognized as a preset that can be imported as smart tool preset in APub ? Also i'm now able to easily place geometry section in my toolbar (couldn't do that with .58 at all); yet Another question: could it be possible to also have Geometry and Transform & Rotate as group ? this should be like you did with the alignment group which is now offering much more options that saves lives; i believe making it possible for the geometry section of tool to also become a group will make it better ... also please make it possible to have live preview on each of the geometry function (placing my mouse over subtract should show me how the it will look like without me clicking) this will help people making up their mind and figuring it out before applying cuts or adds using the geometry section. Yeah Export now includes bleeds as you promised, big thanks ! The Export persona is still ... and need to be improved to fit with what APub is becoming. The same file/project created with .58 loads much faster with .128, this is a good move. What file is recognized to be a table format that can be imported in APub ? This is my quick review of Affinity Publisher Beta .128 on MacOS, maybe i will give the windows version a try in coming days. Blessings !
  5. Hi everyone. I'm not sure where to post this - hopefully here is okay. The rather excellent motion graphics website 'School of Motion' have been singing the praises of Affinity Designer and discussing how to use it with After Effects. Links here: https://www.schoolofmotion.com/blog/illustrator-vs-affinity https://www.schoolofmotion.com/blog/save-affinity-designer-vector-files-after-effects https://www.schoolofmotion.com/blog/tips-vector-files-affinity-after-effects I can only wish that one day there's an Affinity Motion product... Cheers Dougie
  6. Big shoutout to Affinity Photo! First time user of this sort of software. Tried Adobe first and was a little confused. Probably a great program also but did not like subscription based price point and stumbled upon this little gem. I am completely blown away! Will be posting some of my projects here to share and to highlight the capabilities of this program. I am still in the beginner stages but did take an online coarse which helped greatly. Then went back to James Ritson's tutorials and it really sunk in! I do have a couple of questions that I will post later on regarding memory usage and such when dealing with large files but other than that I am very happy with the program so far. Hope to hear from you all here and here is one of my projects I am currently undergoing.
  7. Hello to everyone! I am going to buy LENOVO MiiX 510-12ISK, 8GB, 256GB, 4G, Windows 10 Professional 64. I will use it for creating vector illustrations in Affinity Designer with Lenovo Active Pen. The question is: will it work well? Maybe anybody has tested this device with Affinity Designer? By the way, I couldn't find Lenovo Active Pen in my country (I live in Russia), only on Aliexpress - should I order the pen there?
  8. Greetings All, I have been busy using Affinity Photo for the last month. I'm not an image editor neophyte. I've used, and continue to use, many image processing tools. Affinity is a welcome addition to my tools. Here are impressions. https://analyzethedatanotthedrivel.org/2017/01/22/affinity-photo-review/ Cheers John Baker
  9. Not really sure if this is the best section of the forums to post this in, but it seems to be the most relevant. http://blog.iconfinder.com/affinity-designer-1-5-beta-review/ Pretty nice in-depth review of Affinity Designer from the vantage point of icon designers. They have also done a review of Illustrator, and will soon be publishing their Sketch review, as well as a comparison of the three apps.
  10. Not a question but I don't know where else to post this. TechRadar published a review of Affinity Photo. Here's the link: Serif Affinity Photo Review :)
  11. Not a question at all, but I can't post in the «News» forum so I'm posting this here. A friend told me about a John Siracusa podcast where he talks about Affinity Designer (among other apps). Siracusa, for those of you who don't know the guy, is a programmer but he dabbles into pretty much anything so he will talk about AD as a programmer/developer/UI guy. Here's the link (it starts around the 81:00 minute mark with a prologue/intro into the subject): http://atp.fm/episodes/132 Short but pretty interesting. I suppose that there will be a surge in demo downloads and users because of this podcast.
  12. Bonjour à tous, Hello everyone, 1st post ever on the Affinity forum. I just wanted to share my first Affinity Photo drawing and work in progress with all of you and a little review that will be posted for the months to come. So, let see the drawing wip first : Plus a nice layer workflow screenshot in detail : Here is the recorded time laps from yesterday : Last but not least, here is a kind of teaser for the french users/readers around that launches my deep investigations on Affinity Photo. I hope you'll like it. Affinity Photo, la "killer app" pour photographes "next-gen" ? (Affinity Photo, the "killer app" for "next-gen" photographers?) That's all for today :) richarre P.S. : the early sketches looked like this : and this
  13. Affinity Photo (henceforth "AP") does a stellar job of importing from PSDs, but there are some usability improvements that would help to properly set user's expectations about the nature of the import process. For example, AP appears to rasterize Vector Smart Objects and Embedded Smart Objects into "pixel layers". Fortunately the user can determine the type of an imported layer quite easily by looking at the parenthetical text following its name, but AP's attempt to preserve layer names has the potential to set false expectations at-a-glance, as this image describes: As also noted in the above image, this can have significant usability implications for exporting to PSD, as rasterized layers may keep their default names (as imported by AP), but are in fact be pixel layers within the exported PSD. This confused me the first time I exported to PSD after initially importing from one. There are similar caveats for the layer names of other imported layers. For example: type layers are imported with their names, which suppresses AP's automatic layer naming for type layers based on their text content. It's likely that these layer names originated as auto-generated names in Photoshop to begin with. – Based on these observations, I have a few recommendations in the form of optional PSD import options for layer names: A "PSD Import" option to append " (Rasterized by Affinity Photo)" to the end of layers in a PSD that become pixel layers upon import into Affinity Photo A "PSD Import" option to remove names of type layers if the entire layer name exists as a substring in the type layer's text content, starting from the first character An option to review layers that have been rasterized upon importing a PSD Cheers, Joe
  14. this is my review of the features demonstrated in the promotional video. If you are not clear on the potential power this application then this is the video for you.
  15. I'm running Affinity Designer in Mountain Lion (10.8.5) which does not have iBooks. Can I get Affinity Review on my iPad in iOS 7? If not, is there, or will there be, a PDF version of Affinity Review for those of us with older systems?
  16. First of all it's accusation in the title is silly but even more bizarre is what he says about Sketch. "There is no killer feature that really caught my attention in order to justify why I would use this over something like Sketch." I think almost everyone knows that Sketch isn't really a competitor to Affinity it's more of a compliment. Sketch was setting out to offer a solid replacement for Fireworks and we know that Affinity mostly has it's slight set on Illustrator. It just seems odd that people would vote that as the most helpful review even though it seems to miss the obvious. Seems fishy.
  17. We just posted our review of Affinity Designer - http://www.redbilby.com.au/affinity-designer-review/
  18. Earlier this year I wrote a review on the Photoshop CC page at Amazon describing the advantages that Sketch had over Photoshop. The review got a lot of positive votes and rose to the featured reviews section. Now that I found out about Affinity Designer I gave some equal time talking about it in my review. If anyone here would like to mark the review as helpful it will keep it in the featured section and will be a great way to give Affinity more exposure to potential Adobe customers. See the following link to get to the review: http://www.amazon.com/review/R37N9QYFC1JY6L/ref=cm_cr_dp_title?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00CS75KKI&nodeID=229534&store=software I also would have mentioned Affinity in my Illustrator review as well but to be honest it didn't get rated very high. If someone would like to do a review comparing Illustrator to Affinity in the Illustrator section that should give it some good exposure. A lot of the reviews just focus on being anti-Adobe but rarely give you suggestions for what you should replace Adobe with. I am glad someone mentioned Affinity in the Adobe forums and I am sure many Amazon customers would appeciate knowing about this software as well.
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