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  1. I'm unsure if this what you want, but in a levels adjustment (live or not) hold the alt key (windows) while changing the black & white level sliders - the blown out areas are then highlighted.
  2. Give them time - after all it's only been 5 years.
  3. XnViewMP for me. Not ideal, but I've grown to like it. Very east to change file info too eg modified & exif dates etc .
  4. Shame most other companies breached do not show the transparency shown here!!
  5. This should be an URGENT change. I couldn't less about my Forum login.
  6. I'm using the beta. Active tab identification is rubbish and has been so since AP first launched. Pretty sure I posted similarly years ago.
  7. I (still) find it far too difficult to identify the active tab (Photo) among the many I may have open. Why can't the active tab background or the text be a different colour (maybe green)? I can't find any setting to change this. To close the active tab, the only easy and reliable way I find is to use Ctrl-W.
  8. Why give MS a cut of the license fee? Do they add any value? Yes, I know Apple do the same, but the same applies.
  9. But who would know it is there? You didn't and you seem to know pretty much everything (not sarcasm!). Maybe both, but certainly it should ask on install IMO.
  10. Great, but Preferences is the wrong place IMO. It should ask on install. And it didn't pick up my macros.
  11. When I changed from msix to msi it didn't pick up my settings. Fortunately, I had taken a copy of my Workspaces folder. Same happened when I installed the beta alongside.
  12. And use the hotkey to load images directly into Photo - user configurable.
  13. My way, and bear in mind I only use Photo. First find and copy the Workspaces folder for the msix version (you'll have to search for it), then install and run the msi version and hope it picks up your settings. Uninstall the msix version. If the new install has not picked up your settings, copy the Workspaces folder to the location of the new Workspaces folder (again search for it) and all should be well . If you have not customised the interface or shortcuts, you can safely uninstall the msix version and install the msi version.
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