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  1. Thanks. Yes, "place" works - if I can remember it next time, while I'm hunting for something obvious, like "open as layer"....
  2. I want to open an image as a new layer. Yes, I've Googled. Yes, I've tried searching this forum. Apparently there's no simple direct way to do this... the image opens in a new tab, I have to 'select all', copy, and paste into the document in the other tab...?
  3. On my system, the preview - NOT the thumbnail - is a small fixed size (as in the image I posted) and does not resize. I believe other posters have said they get properly sized, resizeable preview images. And I think this used to work on my system, in previous releases.
  4. Here's what I get: a small preview that doesn't resize. I've googled this extensively, tried a few things, nothing works. All other file types (jpg, tiff) show full size, resizeable previews. Interestingly, I tried unchecking "preview handlers" in Windows Explorer's options - then restarting - and nothing changed. Then I re-checked it, re-started - still no change. I conclude that AP either has no "preview handler" or it doesn't get installed correctly.
  5. I uninstalled the MSIX version, downloaded and installed the MSI. I now have previews - but they're very small, maybe 50% larger than the thumbnails. And they don't resize. Is this what I should expect? I don't find any options in File Explore that affect the size of images in the Preview pane.
  6. Thanks Walt. Apparently I'm still trapped in MSIX la-la-land. I'll have to summon up the patience to unwind this and get to the MSI version.
  7. I thought I was already using the EXE/MSI version. I don't even remember how that crazy MSIX hoo-ha worked. How do I find out which version I'm running?
  8. And another bump [sigh]. Windows 11, I get the thumbnails, but no previews. Any progress? Any workaround?
  9. I don't think we'll ever get it. Especially after the acquisition by Canva, I expect future releases to be all about bolted-on "powered by AI" hoo-ha while actual photography is de-emphasized. Canva has no interest in photography and will be wanting its investment in Affinity to pay off as quickly as possible.
  10. Good God, man, this is pure gold. You ran it up the flagpole and I, for one, salute it.
  11. I invested time in AP because it was becoming a full featured application for photography. When they added raw processing I was really excited, even though it turned out to be a weak implementation - I thought it was going to be developed further. Now that's probably not going to happen, because Canva has nothing to do with photography. So I start once again looking around for a new path. I'm out-of-date, I don't follow the market, just see names now and then. ACDSee? Lumina? DxO? Capture One is very good but increasing aimed at high-volume pros shooting events. They'll never add any sort of pixel editing. So I'm like a lot of users, sitting here in a stalled vehicle, wondering if it's time to get out and start walking somewhere...
  12. I spent half my working life in software development, on projects large and small. These deals never, ever work out. All that stuff about "transferring technology", "synergy", "joining the family", and "adding functionality" is just leveraged execs blowing smoke as they collect bonuses and sell stock. What actually happens is that after a few months the key developers are gone, they're impossible to replace, and the product becomes a zombie. There might be a pathetic "feature release", and updates to run on the latest OS versions so sales can continue, but any faith in a more glorious future is misplaced. And with that I'll stop commenting. Good luck to those of you heavily invested in this tool, I hope to be proven wrong.
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