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  1. This ‘partnership’ slams together two audiences that, in many cases, can’t stand each other. The Affinity side sees their new sibling-in-law as a bunch of lazy app filter fanatics looking to score free baubles for their Cricut machines. The Canva side sees their opposite as a bunch of elitist snobs who overcomplicate things and look down on anyone without an unnecessary 30 years of experience or a fancy college degree. Canva subscribers want it all for free, and usable by pushing no more than 3 buttons per document. Affinity customers want to have things exactly like they want them, pay for what they want once, and not have to hear about anything new unless it does what they remember Adobe software doing 10 years ago. The clash will come when the one side pulls financial rank on the other and says that, based on sales figures, the features of the other side will be dissolved to cut costs and give the people what they want to pay for. The Graphics Industry will look like it always looks. A bunch of money people looking to spend as little as possible will hire designers who are looking to live the George Jetson push-button life and get paid by lifting only the finger(s) they want to lift and get companies that employ people from smaller economies wearing SuperBowl t-shirts that didn’t come true to produce the final product for pennies on the dollar. The Industry doesn’t care what comes out of the vending machine. All it cares about is how little it had to put in the machine, and if the vended product will make them billions per financial quarter. If AI can give them what they’re after with a minimal amount of whining about office hours and healthcare, so be it. The designers lucky enough to nest themselves in the warmth of the Industry during cold nights will use whatever they can horde, baring their teeth and puffing out their fur to intimidate anything they perceive as an immediate threat.
  2. Like many Affinity users, I am really worried about my favorite software getting covered in Canva template-based easy-to-use barnacles that slow down the ship as a whole. Many of the users I’ve communicated with expect Canva to gut and part out the tools of Affinity, to then shove them into an all-in-one Canva-stein’s Monster that will cater to non-professionals and leave the professional graphics crowd high and dry. I have no idea if that’s the plan going forward, but in any situation where a fish is acquired by bigger fish, you can guess which of the two will wind up in pieces. My request is this: rather than melt Affinity into Canva and vice versa, do the Studio Link thing: keep Canva as a standalone app, and make Canva tools and services accessible within Publisher. Canva can remain its own thing (with a few UI upgrades from the award wining Affinity side of the partnership) and can be used by its core audience the way they’re used to using it; no scary new Designer Nodes or Photo Live Filters to get in the way of their good time. Meanwhile, all the collaboration stuff, cloud storage, and everything else the Canva app brings to the table can be integrated and accessed only by the Affinity users who want to get involved in the Canva workflow going forward. No new menus to clutter the right side of the screen, and no new online connectivity requests fighting for attention every time you want to simply boot up Affinity Photo and adjust some Noise. Canva as a separate Studio Link situation would even allow for the pricing structures to remain separate. The get-off-my-lawn crowd can have their one-time Universal License fee and not have to hear about anything else. Meanwhile, the cutting edge AI tech fans can keep a subscription for access to the newest whatever for making the latest whatever for whatever whatever. As Canva keeps playing Bigger Fish and acquiring more companies into its belly, they too can be brought into the fold Studio Link style, keeping a consistent brand interface and functionality that keeps everything uniform and organized while giving all the users just enough of what they want with the stepping on of toes kept to a minimum. I don’t own any Australian graphics companies, so I have no idea how the business side of all of this works. I’m just an iPad Pro user that doesn’t want to see their favorite software on their favorite platform go away. Hopefully the bug I’m attempting to plant in the company ear will contribute something toward keeping touch-based computing the superior method for doing things that Affinity helps make possible. Thanks.
  3. I second this request. The desktop gets the ability to simulate the Adobe ‘Blend’ function in real time, but the iPad people have to Power Duplicate x amount of times to see if the numbers work out? Way to let the team down, guys. [insert slow clap here]
  4. Just stopping by to say a big Thank You to the devs for Collapse All Parents in the Layers Panel of AD2. As the part count of my documents approach the triple digits, having that Collapse is a salvation for my sanity as I search for that one thing in that one group in that one layer. THANK YOU!!
  5. 🤣 I thought I was alone on this one! i actually have no idea when it actually started. I didn’t even notice it until yesterday during the edit of a text intensive file. That feeling when you finally look over from your Node Tool and actually type something…
  6. In the Text Studio of all my Affinity apps, the font names are all replaced with Chinese characters. The new appearance still includes the last letter of the English font name, so I don’t know if this is a glitch or a viral attack. The other apps on my iPad do not display a similar problem. My iPad language defaults to English. *I assume based on the Chinese characters I have experienced previously.
  7. Here is my experience with the Global Colors problem. Created a Document Palette. ‘Upon adding a Global Color to the palette, I can’t add another one. Why not? I’m in my newly created palette… Wrong. Menu says I’m in my created palette. I’m actually in Recents. I need to switch to my created palette, that the menu says I’m already in, in order to add more Global Colors. ‘I’m going to go ahead and call this a bug. Who’s with me? RPReplay_Final1670441685.mp4
  8. Here is my experience with the Global Colors problem. Created a Document Palette. ‘Upon adding a Global Color to the palette, I can’t add another one. Why not? I’m in my newly created palette… Wrong. Menu says I’m in my created palette. I’m actually in Recents. I need to switch to my created palette, that the menu says I’m already in, in order to add more Global Colors. ‘I’m going to go ahead and call this a bug. Who’s with me? RPReplay_Final1670441685.mp4
  9. Dropping the object onto the thumbnail creates an Opacity Mask. Dropping an object into another creates a Clipping Mask.
  10. Oh boy! The version 2.0.2 update for iPad has downloaded and……..there’s still no Reverse button. ☹️
  11. With the suite of 3D software available for the iPad Pro, I find it equally easy to just create a 3D model in some cases. AD Mesh Warp is the next best thing. Both solutions complement each other well and fill each others gaps. All of this is the reason I barely touch the desktop version of my Affinity suite.
  12. If you want to put a logo on a 3D object, then why not just put it on a 3D object? 2C1983A7-137D-4A2B-8765-57FC8D1FF95B.mov
  13. I’m iPad Pro, so no Inkscape for me. I rely on Capture for the majority of my vector tracing. Vectornator is its closest competitor, and it is meh at the best of times. I know having the function built in could probably be a lot more convenient, but as a mobile user, I’m accustomed to switching apps in the name of limited memory management. Plus having one app dedicated to one thing minimizes the UI clutter in a lot of cases, imo Out of curiosity, where did Adobe Capture drop the ball for you? Was it being a standalone thing that got in the way? The UI? The Adobe trying to get you to use their cloud service for everything? Where’d they lose you? 🏈
  14. Until you win your state lottery, purchase Serif and fund the Trace project yourself, there’s always Adobe Capture.
  15. …and that’s if you actually need any fonts at all.
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