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  1. Hey hey everybody! My situation doesn't look any better today, sadly. I have an illustrator friend whom I will pay a consultation fee so that she teaches me more how to fix those broken files. the document size is completely different, the groups are not groups - she says it is a glitch and Adobe doesn't recognize my groups, the software creates some mysterious frames that mess up with other layers Conclusion? I think I will have to abandon Affinity and switch to Adobe because my career is important to me. This is super hard for me because I've always been a big advocate for Affinity. I created many online courses about it, I built my YouTube channel around it. Aiiii, not good, not good at all And to be honest, Affinity is so much better! I am trying to find my way in Adobe now, and it is such a mess... Not intuitive at all, no Pantone colors, sigh. But all my publisher clients will demand .ai or .psd files. Thank you @Dan C for all the information, nevertheless!
  2. Following this thread and pasting in what I wrote in some other threads on this topic: Currently trying to export my Affinity Designer vector illustration for a book project into Adobe Illustrator and it is a terrible mess. The biggest success I have is with exporting a PSD into Adobe Illustrator, but Adobe creates some strange unnecessary sublayers, or masks. It is frustrating and I am stressed I won't be able to deliver a proper .ai file to my client Eps isn't working at all, PDFs, lose all the layers and groups, plus the formatting is in points, not in millimetres
  3. I am pasting in my issue from another thread: I'm currently trying to export my Affinity Designer vector illustration for a book project into Adobe Illustrator and it is a terrible mess. The biggest success I have is with exporting a PSD format into Adobe Illustrator, but Adobe creates some strange unnecessary sublayers, or masks. It is frustrating and I am stressed I won't be able to delivery a proper .ai file to my client Still, .psd is the closest. EPS is a joke, PDF loses all the layers and groups, SVG is also not accurate meeeehhhh.
  4. I had a chat with Serif and they’ll “improve it back” with the next update 🙃
  5. Hello everybody 👋 I was researching the option of setting spot colors in Affinity Designer but I can’t find this option on the iPad. I need to set them up for my client. I see that Pantones are automatically spot, but I also have a few CMYKs. I create a document color palette and add my CMYK colors as global colors. When I long press to open the edit menu on that color, I can only adjust the color on the sliders but there is no box for changing it to a spot color. Hilfe! Ayuta me! Pomocy! :))) Thank you! Wera
  6. Oh, sadly I’m not very happy with the new auto-close. Is there a way to go back to the previous version? I liked that the curve closed itself, even if the start and end nodes were farther away. It made hand-drawing vectors much easier and faster. Now I have to go through the effort of getting as close to the first node as possible, and also creating unnecessary node points on the way. The old pencil tool would just snap-close itself and create a straight line, kinda like the pen tool. On top of that, the sculpt mode doesn’t close itself automatically, so there is really no other faster way of working for me. I just released a new illustration course and I will probably need to do some extra work, producing a bonus lesson, explaining this to my students.
  7. Just wanted to let you know that this got resolved. It was a misunderstanding, everything is working properly. Sorry for the confusion!
  8. Hi there, I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing issues with their iPad app when trying to place a photo (a screenshot) from the iPad Photos app? Affinity Designer iPad, all updated, 2020 iPad model. Thanks for your help! It wasn’t an issue yesterday and today it’s crashing every single time, with different photos.
  9. Thank you! Yes, i am waiting for my student to provide me with the images. I will get back to you once I have them.
  10. Hello! One of my students has the same issue, using symbols. Has anyone gotten a solution for this problem?
  11. Thanks so much for drawing my attention to this article! That's a very interesting approach - using the grid. What do you think, how does she export all those icons separately, from this one artboard? Does it have to do with the Export persona an creating slices? Thank so much for your insights! Wera
  12. Brilliant, thanks so much, I’ll get to reading it 🤩
  13. Hello, does anybody know if the new Affinity have some hidden “zig zag” lines option? I’m trying to find a tool like in Adobe’s Effect > zig zag option. I had the same issue when wanting to create a perfectly wavy line. I’m not very proficient in using the pen tool, I rather use the pencil tool, so I was wondering if there’s a hidden secret feature that can do that for me Here’s one example:
  14. Thanks! I just had a look at it in my Designer interface. Could you maybe advise me on the “Intent” part of this soft proof adjustment? There’s options like: perceptual or relative colorimetric. I was wondering which of those settings would be the best if my illustration were to be printed out in a picture book.
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