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  1. Thank you for your work on the issue. I'm looking forward to returning to my project when it's updated.
  2. All the same, thank you for letting me know and answering my questions. Have a great day.
  3. Thank you for your reply :). I've done this on my MacBook Pro already, but from what I've seen there's no way to go back to v2.4.2 on my iPad Pro.
  4. This is incredible work. I like how you managed to make your topographic transitions look so smooth.
  5. Thank you for writing this post. I'm in a very similar boat, fantasy cartography in my case, and all these points you've made are spot on. I finished the map project late last year, and I don't think I could have done it with the features that are presently being implemented. Don't get me wrong, there are several new features like the Stroke Width Tool which are amazing and I'm looking forward to using them in my work, but I would love to have the option to toggle on and off this pencil feature.
  6. Regarding the new ‘Auto-close’ pencil tool improvements included in Affinity Designer 2.5, is there a way to turn this feature off on an M1 iPad Pro? Or is there a way to go back to the 2.4 version? I've been working on a project for several months and found this new feature to be less than helpful since I am working on many small areas of detail and want to keep my work somewhat unrefined. -Chris
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