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Chris Van Cleve

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    Altoona, IA USA

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  1. I shutdown my old website when I dissolved the company. Sorry. I no longer support those old offerings. I have completely new ones almost ready to introduce that, I think, put the old ones to shame. Moving forward, anyone who has the old zip archives are free to distribute them. YOu can also grab the complete zip with the most recent versions of the resources here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9myc4dpkcqem44g0uc33i/DSV-Affinity-Archive.zip?rlkey=15g0bbjl5mdoiq4tq91r319oi&st=pqdx0v9e&dl=0
  2. Sorry about the certificate warning. The hosting I use didn't renew the cert appropriately from the authority. It has nothing to do with the files being downloaded, just the connection to the web site. I promise I'm not malicious. If I was I'd have nailed everyone from the affinity.graphics site when I had it up. Edit: Fixed. It was actually a problem with wildcard domains. The authority doesn't like them, so I have to specify sub-domains individually.
  3. @pioneer @Hoosierdad219 https://vanishsvault.com/244-2/
  4. Many of you know me from the free resources I've provided through my company, DSV. I wanted to share with you all that I'm revisiting all of my resources and updating them, making sure to cover all the colors in my selected palette, correcting minor flaws (and a few major flaws), ensuring everything is named properly, etc. I am not releasing them through my company this time, rather you can find them on my Blog: V2 - Vanish's Vault. To start off, I have redone the Metallic Gradients from gradients volume 1 with all 9 metals I have done so far, totaling 45 gradients. I also combined gradients volumes 1 and 2 into a single color palette and added all of the colors from my palette that were missing. 208 color gradients await your use. Featured images for each from my blog are attached to save you from clicking through to see if you want them. I hope you find these as useful as the old versions. More to come!
  5. https://cdn.dscape-llc.com/affinitygr/AffinityDreams.zip All of the resources we produced in one giant ZIP. We'll have individual links at a later date on our company web site. For now, this is the best I can do. This DOES NOT include resources from other creators that were on Affinity.Graphics. I don't feel right sharing other people's work.
  6. It is with great sadness I announce we will be shutting down the Affinity.Graphics site before March 31, 2022. (Timing depends on when our move to new infrastructure is complete) We are moving to a new infrastructure setup using more modern technologies which simply don't support the old code that runs the site. There simply hasn't been enough interest in the site to warrant the effort it would take to upgrade it for our new setup. We would like to thank everyone who has supported the site over the past few years. It was good to see some interest in an offering like this one. We sincerely hope someone else takes up the challenge of providing a valuable resource like this going forward.
  7. That would depend on the creator of whichever product you used. In the case of the DSV Dream items, we won't pursue you. We want our resources to be used by as many people who can benefit from them as possible. The attribution is more a bout people trying to pass off our resources as their own. I can't speak for the other resources on the site.
  8. I've been trying to track this down all week since it was first reported. I just finally figured it out. Sorry for the hassle. The files should download fine now.
  9. It was recently suggested that I create s single post showing all of the free resources we have made available via https://affinity.graphics as some were never announced here and some folks still don't know about Affinity.Graphics for finding resources. We just updated the site a bit and released 2 more free resources there, so stop by and check things out. You can find DSV's offerings directly at our Affinity.Graphics User Page. Attached are promo images of everything we've released to date. Enjoy! Dream Atmospheres Dream Brushed Metals Dream Buttons Styles Dream Cinematic Bold Styles Dream Cinematic Styles Dream EmotiKit Dream Gem Styles Dream Gradients 1 Dream Gradients 2 Dream Holiday Styles Dream Latex Styles Dream Liquid Vials Styles Dream Meeple Toolkit Dream Metals Styles Dream Organics Styles Dream Polished Metals Styles Dream Raw Metals Styles Dream Resume Templates Dream Rubber Styles Dream Skies Gradients Dream Styles 1 Dream Styles 2 Dream Styles 3 Dream Styles 4 Dream Xanadu Styles
  10. Very nice! I apologize for the 500 error on Affinity.Graphics. It seems our anti-virus software was shut off and we didn't get notified. Should be fixed now.
  11. I can't seem to edit the original post anymore, but I wanted to say you can find these exclusively at https://affinity.graphics now. The link to my company site will no longer work as of today.
  12. Thanks! We can't wait for you to put some stuff up.
  13. hey bro.....tried to load some tools to your beta site and the User name and PW didnt work out......just figured I would let you knw, I have time this week to load a few sets so let me know if we can work it out to get in 



  14. You can now view resources from newest to oldest, number of downloads, or number of favorites!
  15. We just added a Discussion menu item with links to these forums and the other places we're aware of that talk about Affinity products, short of Facebook groups.
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