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  1. Walt, you got it. Thank you. I never noticed that menu option, but it should be me who turned it off Great help.
  2. win 10 x64 i7 16GB RAM Affinity Designer 2.0.4 Yesterday I wanted to open my Assets panel to save a resource but the panel does not appear despite being marked as open in the list of the studio tab. I have noticed that the same thing happens with the Stock panel, the rest work well. I uninstalled the application and it continues to happen after the new installation. Obviously I have tried resetting the default panel settings but I do not get any changes. I remember to work with that panel few weeks ago with no problems.
  3. Hello Walt, I forgot to mention that point at the moment of writing the previous post. I have installed all 2.0.4 suite in the same device and naver had a problem. Thanks.
  4. I Tried to install several times in my surface device but every single time I find this error: Mensaje de error en la instalación de la aplicación: Error 0x8007000D en la operación de implementación de Add con el volumen C: en el paquete SerifEuropeLtd.AffinityDesigner2Beta_2.1.0.1706_x64__3cqzy0nppv2rt de: (Affinity%20Designer%202%20Beta.msix) . Visite http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=235160 para obtener ayuda sobre el diagnóstico de los problemas de implementación de aplicaciones. (0x8007000d) (Spanish)
  5. Hello everyone. This is my first time sharing something on the forum. I've been using the affinity designer V2 since its launch and I'm very comfortable working with it. It has made my work process much easier, and right now I feel hooked on it. I just wanted to share some illustrations of this last month with you and show my work process in the video. The serie is not finished yet but you can get and idea of how it goes... Best regards
  6. I recently updated Affinity Photo, and a few days after, Affinity Designer. As I use Designer much more often, as soon as I started to use it, my computer suffered random screens blackouts forcing me to restart every single time. It use to happens opening designer, some times opening photo, and sometimes other graphic programs as Sketchbook, but it all started once I updated to V. 2.0.4 I never had any problem like this in my PC before. Any clue?? Windows 10 home/version 22H2/64bits Graphic card: Nvidia quadro k2200 (controller updated today) RAM: 16 GB CPU: Intel i-7 8700K
  7. Yeah, it only was a way to speak. The "problem" is when you are not aware you are not using vectors, but png. Thanks for the tip above.
  8. I had a similar problem, my solution was to use the pencil tool instead of brushes. You can use it as a "brush" adjusting pressures options and thickness. It´s completely vector, so no problem at the time of expand. I think the png brushes is a problem Affinity should fix in future, because can cause some problems to unaware designers.
  9. At the time of installation, the application does not show any option to choose the desired hard drive in the system. Windows 10 Intel i7-8700k 16 GB ram
  10. I have same problem in windows 10 version in my Surface pro 3 device. Right after update to version 1.9.2 I lost my registration capability.
  11. Hola Germán, yo he empezado a ver esta herramienta de otra manera a partir de un vídeo que vi el otro día. Si quieres dibujar a mano alzada con tablet wacom, no uses el lápiz, sino el pincel, funciona como el lápiz si quieres trazados limpios de dibujo. Sin embargo el lápiz tiene una cualidad muy buena a la hora de colorear, puedes rellenar muy rápidamente partes de una illustración con esa herramienta. Si quieres unir diferentes rellenos, simplemente seleccionas las formas y las unes con la herramienta booleana. Es muy rápido y práctico. Te adjunto el vídeo que yo vi, y que me cambió la percepción que yo tenía de la herramienta. Esta versión es para Ipad, pero funciona igual en desktop.
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