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  1. Thanks Mike. When 2.0 came out, I believe that feature was not working yet. Will try it again with my next book. No sense jinxing myself. As it stands, the index is in its own section in the end matter.
  2. Thanks as always, Mike. Just downloaded your latest manual. I have an off topic question that you would probably better understand than most and if I post it elsewhere I may just wind up being offered workarounds or excuses. Q. Has there been any development that you know of concerning the indexing of multiple separate chapters in a book project format? I'm just finishing another book which I began by splitting it up into 20 separate chapters only to realize that the primary index would only index one of those chapters. Has any of this changed or is any of this being addressed during development that you know of? Any feedback is appreciated.
  3. Do you promise? I've had my heart broken before like this.
  4. Discovering this bug was an unexpected Xmas present that I now wish to return.
  5. Hello. You'll probably have better luck getting an answer to your question by starting a new topic of discussion; this thread is just for the unofficial PDF manual. I'm sure the mods can assist to move this over.
  6. I can't upload the file because it's a manuscript for a soon to be published book. So that's not an option. But if no one else has this problem then it must be anomaly. For now, I'm doing my workaround. It may help to note that my index is in a separate master file at the end of the doc. that other text does not flow into. Not sure if that matters, but there are many sections. Either way, the crash is totally consistent. If the index has been created, then I can't add topics to it. As soon as I remove it, I can add topics.
  7. I've had the same issues on two different macs using both APub 1 & Apub 2. The only way I can get a topic into the index list is to delete the index itself and then recreate it afterwards, otherwise I get the spinning wheel of doom — never stops. I have to force a quit. It could be file related. Or not. I have a book template file so that might be one source of the issue. Someone else must surely have this issue?
  8. I was working outside of Apub 2 for a while and returned to it today. When I tried to add an index topic to an existing index (for a 250 page book file), Apub 2 crashed repeatedly each time I tried to add a topic. I then remembered my previous work around, which was to delete the index before adding any topics to it. (Not exactly intuitive) When I delete the index (highlight text and delete) I can then add topics as expected. However, I can't see them as entries on that page until I do the "insert index" command. But at least it works for now. But if I was a programmer — which I'm not — this is where I'd be looking for the source of the bug that obviously exists. System and technical considerations: I'm using Monterey on an old Mac Pro. It is sunny outside. I am drinking tea (Red Rose).
  9. I had Pub v2 regularly crashing while working on a 20 chapter book and trying to add an index topic. Not a marker in a document; just a topic without a reference link. The way that I solved this issue was by removing the index text from the text field itself and then adding the topics. After that, I used the "insert index" command to put a new index in place. Clearly something is wonky, but not a terminal joy killer. This is on a Mac, Monterey Intel. The Index issue that MikeTO brought up is haunting me too ie. no master index for the book. No way to search 20 chapters at once for a topic when they are split into separate docs. Ugh. I used one doc. in a previous book. Much easier to deal with, but makes the book feature seem kind of useless.
  10. Very cool. Thank you. Downloading now. Just reading your manual re; books. This is excellent. It digs into issues that would not be talked about in the company manual — such as why using the split feature in books is not a good idea; which I'm learning for myself right now. Thanks again.
  11. I have no idea how big the manual would be for Publisher. But I also use audio apps such as Cubase and Digital Performer, which have traditionally had very large pdf manuals. I think from a user's perspective the manual size is not an issue, but from the coding/creation side, I can understand why silent online updates are a preferable setup. Saves time and is easier to organize. Totally agree.
  12. Yes, for the price of a small car...you can now own your very own manual. I'm just joking around. But on a rare serious note: Blender offers a web-based version of their manual but also an ebook version — the core of which is html; I know because I create my own ebooks as well. I'm just saying, I shouldn't have to "McGyver" something from 3rd party software just to get an independent users manual for Affinity stuff. As I've said, I've used the in-app help menu in the past and it's been helpful. But even that is tethered to the app itself, whereas PDFs (and ebooks) are "free range."
  13. Thanks Mike. But my initial grumble fest was about having to be online for that information — whereas a PDF gives you a little freedom from being tethered to the modem. The in-app help for APub is okay. Not as good as a PDF though because you have a number of options, including "+" in the menu. If I could have the ONLINE version of the manual as a PDF (not as single printed pages as they offer) then I'd be happy with that. Can't be too hard to make that happen, can it?
  14. I just gave it a second look — that "thing" you spoke of in the help menu with the tiny font in the TOC. It's okay I suppose. If I press command + on my Mac, I can get the font to enlarge enough to read; my eyes aren't what they used to be in terms of reading small print these days. [Note to self: get an eye transplant.] I just upgraded to v2, so it's more like a knee jerk reflex thing: "I need a manual." And then I start reading the help files and realize 1/2 the stuff I need to know isn't there anyway. (Manuals have a habit of not going into forensic detail.) Okay, enough of this silliness. Back to work.
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