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Petar Petrenko

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Everything posted by Petar Petrenko

  1. It would be nice if you add an invisible marker for the leading override just to know where it is in case we want to change it. Right now, it is very hard to locate the position of the marker and it can't be adjusted if we try at other location. Also, IMO, leading override must be located only in Character panel and removed from Text styles because its real usage is for local adjustments which is not possible with styles. Leading and Leading Override have the same functionality inside text styles.
  2. Yes, I posted the same video at "Affinity Support and Questions".
  3. Sorry for my Indian English. I hope it is better than your Macedonian?
  4. IMO, until the image is not rasterized, it acts like a "smart object" in Photoshop.
  5. Yes, and somebody can printed if needed to have hard copy.
  6. IMO, it is much better option.
  7. It would be nice if they are for the first (imported) text frame, by default as they are resized on the other pages when you SHIFT click on the red triangle.
  8. Yes, I'm aware of that, but I want to use already implemented feature in Publisher -- click anywhere on the page and a text frame appers. The problem is the size of the frame is the same from the original document (I think) and it is not resized to the column or page margins.
  9. The same problem when placing text into Publisher. Text frame must fit the column or page margin.
  10. Hi, when I place text, the center of the first text frame is positioned on the place where I click with the mouse. IMO it must resize automatiaclly to fit the margins; I can't find the rotation center neither inside the text frame, nor on the Control bar.
  11. Hi, is it, by any chance, possible Affinity Spotlight to become a monthly PDF magazine? Something like Adobe has Creative Pro (ex. InDesign Magazine)?
  12. How many? Thousands of them? I find it much more practical to palce a stock photo to fit the artboard by holding some modifier key while dragimg it.
  13. It is not practicle. If I create a template it will be only for one size. What If I need some other size?
  14. Hi, I think it would be nice if we could have an option to auto fit proportionally a stock photo to an artboard/page, while holding some modifier key.
  15. SHIFT = unproportionally resize; CTRL = proportionally resize from center; SHIFT+CTRL = unproportionally resize from center.
  16. But if someone want to use it as an Artistic text frame, he wouldn't link that frame to another.
  17. Frame text tool has an additional handle on the down right corner that makes it act as Artistic text tool.
  18. This file was for internal use only. It was not sent by a customer and I placed this file here because I want Publisher to iconvert PDF files as good as possible.
  19. No, I downloaded it from this site: https://miraclemorning.com/start-here/
  20. Hi, I recently opened a PDF (see: Original.pdf) in Publisher and a few errors occured (see: Opened in Publisher and exported to PDF) which I marked in red. I hope this will help to improve the PDF conversion. Thanks. Opened in Publisher and exported as PDF.pdf Original.pdf
  21. Not as default, but to appear only if you have a selection, otherwise "whole document" if nothing selected.
  22. I think it would be much safer and faster if you exported the ID file into IDML than PDF.
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