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Petar Petrenko

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Everything posted by Petar Petrenko

  1. Designer and Publisher can/must definitely be joined into one app. Photo can also join that union but, let don't push things that way, for now. It is still not too late. Developers can start adding Publisher's functionality to Designer and join these two apps into one on the fly.
  2. Exactly, it is not the same. But, when you watch a bilboard from a distance you can't see the pixels, and if the wall don't have a smooth surface -- it is the same. You will not see a difference.
  3. You should reduce the dimension to 1/10th. So, it should be 20cm x 10cm with 300 dpi. It is the same as you would like to print bilboard.
  4. "Layout" or "Corpus" would be fine. And all three programs merged into one. I don't like prefixes or sufixes like "Pro", "Ultimate" and so on.
  5. +1 Up to now, my opinion is that CorelDRAW has the most precize tracing engine. But, unfortunatelly, as you now, this is a Win app.
  6. +1 I also asked for this few months earlier, though for ALL the programs, because designing is consisted of using all these programs in any combination, not only one of them. I agree that Designer and Publisher have a lot of code in common and nobody can exactly say what strictly belongs to Publisher and what to Designer. Both of them are primarily vector oriented. But (for now) Affinity team does not like this suggestion at all.
  7. Some applications display the glyphs only for Normal/Regular font or better said -- non-italic ones. It would be very convenient if Affinity software displays the glyphs from ALL members of the typeface family because, especially for Macedonian users, there are some specific glyphs for our language in italic fonts.
  8. Maybe it's better to ask Affinity if they plan to add Aperture/Lightroom capabilities to Photo?
  9. +1 Corel also has nice ideas for some "problems": 1. Doesn't have special icons for rounded rectangles, but it uses "Shape Tool" with option to choose which anngle(s) to round; 2. Pies and Arcs are also drawn with the same "Shape Tool". For pies you select the elipse's control point and drag the mouse inside the elipse, for arcs -- outside. 3. By double clicking on a shape you enter automatically into "Bezier drawing mode" and add a new curve control point. With double clicking on an existing control point -- you delete it. Now, in Designer or Photo you can add: CTRL + click on a control point to convert it to a Cusp node, SHIFT + click -- into smooth node, and with ALT + click -- into symetrical node, just without additional "Pen/Bezier" icons in Tools Palette. CTRL + click on a line segment -- to toggle between straight line and curve mode.
  10. Maybe it is better if Affinity team implement (all) those plug-ins as Photo's native tools. From the 5-6 most interested vendors there are plug-ins that are repeated (like masking tool...). So there won't so much plug-ins to add. Just choose the best (masking) tool and make it a part of Photo. Some of them are actions, so Photo must have a PS actions support. I know this is not as easy as it is said, but it is, in mine opinion, the best possible solution.
  11. Why artboards? Aren't resizeble pages better than artboards? They can be differently oriented also -- Portrait or Landscape. And they will be same through all three apps and they can be, also, used for laying out text on multiple pages.
  12. Spot colors are also useful for printing Mono- Duo- Tri- Quad- tone materials.
  13. With Perspective Warp in PS you can add perspective view of the object(s). But, to do so, you have to have a powerful graphic card and to enable graphic processor in PS. My question is if Photo needs this processor to be enabled or it can work on even cheaper graphic cards?
  14. PS needs graphics processor to be enabled to do some tasks like Perspective Warp... Will be the same in APh, or it can be avoided somehow?
  15. Maybe it is better to inform, somehow, the plug-in developers (Topaz, Alien Skin...) that there is a new player in the game and that they must take this in consideration?
  16. Is there any tool to make grid from guides in AD or AP that will be evenly distributed inside the page or between margins? It would be nice also, all objects that are stcked to a guide to move together when moving it,
  17. Is it possible to add control points to the selection as other objects have when selected? This way the selection can be easily moved, resized -- just as an object.
  18. Here is a link to the review: http://www.photographybay.com/2015/07/11/affinity-photo-now-available-as-a-serious-photoshop-competitor/?awt_l=9ORgs&awt_m=JGy_BLMh0f62xu
  19. Just to be more clear: I think it is much better ALL the colors to be global/link colors in the process of defining them. Not to make it optional if user wants or not.
  20. Just to add one more suggestion: ALL colors in AD, APh and Apub must be "global" (an Adobe term) by their deffinition. Means, when you change the color later in your work, all the instances of that color must be changed, even in the gradients and transparences.
  21. It would be very nice if you make an effort to allow PS actions to be imported, just for those ones who already own hundreds of them.
  22. Sorry I am posting this here and because I feel free to send you my idea about your logos. I was late for the topic in "News and Information" to comment about Affinity's new brand logos, so please, don't be offended with my sugestion. Here it is in PDF format. affinity.pdf
  23. I think he would like to know if Designer, or Photo is going to be only photo editor and photo manager, or it is going to have an artistic capabilities like Painter,
  24. All colors should be defined as "global" like in AI. When such a global color is changed, it should be automatically renamed with the new color values.
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