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  1. On a related note, the preview should show a bigger image or higher resolution so it's clearer when you zoom in!
  2. Here's Affinity Photo with the same bug... Grabación de pantalla 2024-06-15 a la(s) 10.30.13 p.m..mov
  3. When I close a document using the red dot to close the window and immediately click the app's icon on the Dock, I can still see the layers of the just-closed document. If I click one of the triangles to expand or close a layer, the app crashes because there is no document open! This happens with all three applications. Grabación de pantalla 2024-06-15 a la(s) 10.45.18 p.m..mov
  4. Same problem here with all 3 Applications!! All updated to v. 1.9.3!! I'm going to start doing all the suggestions and see what I can find..
  5. One more detail with "Decimal Places for Unit Types"... For example, I've set inches to have 4 decimal points, but the settings are not kept in other places, like in 'Guides Manager': You can type a fraction like .375, but after hitting tab the value changes to 0.4. Although internally the value remains the same as what was written. It's only what it displays that is rounded with 1 decimal point instead of 4 decimal points. In other places the settings are honored like in 'Document Settings': I could not find an old post regarding this topic.. But if I remember correctly, someone from Affinity said that they were working on it and that I'll be ready in the next update... But even with version 1.7.2, the problem hasn't been fixed!
  6. I thought this bug was fixed in 1.7!!! All three programs do not respect the precision set in Preferences. Two or more decimal places are ignored in Guides Manager.
  7. After several years of not having Adobe Products in my computers... I had to install a trial version of Illustrator just for this functions... I had to clean a very large amount of elements in more than 200 files, and the only way to quickly and effectively clean a lot of extra elements was with commands like 'Select Same Fill Color', 'Select same stroke weight', etc. etc. So PLEASE Affinity!!!... Include this set of commands ASAP. Did I said PLEASE?? If not. PLEASE!!!
  8. I know right?? If you ask Affinity.. They say: "Because We Can". But they can't expand a stroke properly.
  9. Am I reading this correctly??? 2 BILLION % ZOOM with the latest Beta ?
  10. It is incredible that Designer ( and maybe Photo and Publisher ) CAN zoom up to 1 Million percent. while keeping every single detail in all the shapes ( curves and strait lines ). But it can not expand correctly a "small" ( or relative small ) stroke !!!??? Even with the latest beta !!! Please Affinity... Fix it already.
  11. Is it posible for the "Guides Manager" to 'respect' the Decimal setting in ALL Programs?? Right now I've set Inches to have 4 decimals, but the window only shows one decimal, like in Gutter, Margins, etc. I know that typed values are respected regardless of what it's shown.. But it looks odd!!. Thanks!!!
  12. Hello there. May I suggest enhancing 'Zoom to 100%'? When an element is selected, pressing Cmd-1 should go directly to the selected element.. Just like 'Zoom to Selection', which is nice.. but normally requires two hands Cmd-Shift-0. I think that's the behavior in InDesing. And If I remember correctly it was also in PageMaker. ( Yes I'm that old ). As a right-hand person, I tend to have my left hand on the keyboard, and my right hand on the mouse. Thanks!!
  13. @Franky Drappier, just to let you know: You've described my own story... ( One difference is, that I worked with Illustrator 1.1 instead of FreeHand. ) But everything else is exactly what I've seen over the years, the evolution of hardware and software!!! I'm so happy with Affinity's software... That I'm completely free of Adobe's software!!! Thanks Affinity, keep up the good work!!!
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