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    Chills reacted to wonderings in Affinty Publisher to read M$ Publisher files   
    There are free conversion sites for just about everything. 
    If there was a market for MS Publisher I am sure Microsoft would still be selling it.
  2. Like
    Chills reacted to pixelstuff in Please consider Linux as a viable platform - Microsoft is bleeding users to Linux because of their choices.   
    Publisher is still around, but not for long. Microsoft announced earlier this year that Publisher would reach end of life in October 2026. Afterward existing versions won't receive new updates and it won't be included in the Microsoft 365 subscription service. They've hinted at making some of the Publisher features available in Word, PowerPoint, and Designer.
  3. Like
    Chills got a reaction from gpjo in Please consider Linux as a viable platform - Microsoft is bleeding users to Linux because of their choices.   
    Hallelujah!  At last!
    I now have to move a load of Senior Citizens who are welded to it off to Affinity.  It would help if Affinity Publisher could read M$ Publisher files.
  4. Like
    Chills got a reaction from loukash in Why won't Serif listen to customer needs and create a Lightroom alternative for us?   
    You don't understand. We are asking for a Light-Bridge DAW
    Designers and  book/magazine people need a Digital Asset Management system that does a combination of Lightroom and Bridge.    Something that natively ties together photo, designer and publisher.  ON1 Photo RAW does not do this.
  5. Like
    Chills reacted to Shaggy1007 in Please consider Linux as a viable platform - Microsoft is bleeding users to Linux because of their choices.   
    Agree with Cyberlizard. 
    Regardless of Linux compatibility or not, I think there's alot of little things that need done before they can be a major contender, though the foot is definitely in the door. 
    People may not be jumping ship as social media would like us to perceive. But a lot of eyes are on Affinity. I tried it some years ago, found it didnt meet my needs, but after the beating adobe pushed out, I came back to check it out. Photo for me is lacking. Design though, just need to figure out how to get the files out into a format my CAM software can read, and I'll probably never touch illustrator again. 
    Lotus123....Remember Word Perfect?
  6. Like
    Chills reacted to wonderings in Please consider Linux as a viable platform - Microsoft is bleeding users to Linux because of their choices.   
    I don't think Adobe is bleeding the users you think they are. They have been having year after year growth. Adobe, the company that makes Canva look like the mom and pop shop around the corner looked into Linux years ago and opted to stay out producing for the user base. I think it is simply there is not enough money in such a small market. Apple is a small market, but the small market that is Apple is predominantly used by creatives and thus an obvious target for Affinity. Capitalism will find a way if there is money to be made, so far no one really seems to think there is much money with creative software in the Linux market. 
  7. Like
    Chills reacted to pixelstuff in Please consider Linux as a viable platform - Microsoft is bleeding users to Linux because of their choices.   
    I'm not sure you applied that analogy correctly. Those examples were all the industry standards and thought they slack off without taking damage. Excel and InDesign didn't target a minor platform when they picked up the slack.
  8. Like
    Chills got a reaction from Alfred in ISBN-13 and ISSN barcode   
    Just looked and I have OCR-A installed. Though I can't remember when or why I installed it.
    It appears to be a 2002 Adobe font. 
  9. Like
    Chills reacted to Alfred in ISBN-13 and ISSN barcode   
    For the avoidance of doubt, I didn’t think for a minute that you wouldn’t know! I was merely pointing out that (a) an ISSN/ISBN feature was never added to PagePlus and (b) an ISBN generator would require the presence of an OCR-A font. Serif’s ‘legacy’ applications were always bundled with a large selection of fonts, whereas the Affinity apps have only ever offered fonts as optional extras.
  10. Like
    Chills reacted to thomaso in ISBN-13 and ISSN barcode   
    Is it "essential" in APub – Or is it enough to create the barcode, for example, using one of the various online tools and import the resource like any other?
  11. Like
    Chills reacted to walt.farrell in ISBN-13 and ISSN barcode   
    You've probably been here long enough to know that Serif doesn't really answer that kind of question, and that requests for new function go in the Feedback forum, not Questions.
  12. Haha
    Chills got a reaction from Anonymous Puddle in [Solved] Cannot change the data value for the QR code   
    We have all been there..... I mean it is common for everyone else to make that mistake, I of course would never be caught doing that! 🙂
  13. Like
    Chills reacted to Paul Mc in [Solved] Cannot change the data value for the QR code   
    @carl123 Bingo!. That screen was switched off though. It is strange that it works that way. Thank you. I feel a bit stupid now for not checking. 
  14. Like
    Chills reacted to kaffeeundsalz in wie erzeuge ich EAN 13 Strichcodes in Affinity Publisher?   
    Since Affinity Publisher doesn't have a built-in barcode generator, I wouldn't bother too much replicating the exact appearance of the reference image with only Publisher. You'd have to convert the barcode font to curves, manually add lines to the code, increase their length and realign the numbers accordingly. I would simply use one of the many online barcode generators, output the EAN13 code to PDF or SVG and import that into Publisher.
  15. Haha
    Chills got a reaction from mopperle in Affinity does not support .dng   
    This is scandalous.... you mean Affinity is not fixing bugs in Samsung software?  What is the world coming to?
    (I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you !! 🙂 )
  16. Haha
    Chills got a reaction from Dan C in Affinity does not support .dng   
    This is scandalous.... you mean Affinity is not fixing bugs in Samsung software?  What is the world coming to?
    (I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you !! 🙂 )
  17. Like
    Chills got a reaction from mopperle in Affinity does not support .dng   
    DNG is a series of extendable standardised forms.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Negative  Some Apps read all versions and some don't. For example one of the worlds best RAW converters (Dxo PL https://www.dxo.com/dxo-photolab/ ) won't read VueScan DNGs!    However in this case it seems  Samsung have pushed (broken?)  some of the DNG specs.
  18. Like
    Chills reacted to mopperle in Affinity does not support .dng   
    Again, they rely on LibRaw and they add permanently all kind of new cameras and formats and currently support hundreds of cameras. But this is very time consuming and can you imagine how many cameras/smartphones are being released every year? And even within one brand formats changes. Best example is your beloved Samsung.
    And btw. there are wellknown photo editors, which do not support DNG at all.
  19. Like
    Chills reacted to mopperle in Affinity does not support .dng   
    It is not a poor show.
    Serif relies on the Open Source project LibRaw. And as long as they do not add it to their library (and this can sometimes be extremly difficult), you wont see it in APho.
    Yes, Adobe supports it, but they have a "few" more resources then Serif and they have another price tag. 😉
  20. Like
    Chills reacted to thomaso in Affinity does not support .dng   
    Alternatively you can try converting the Samsung .dng with the Adobe DNG Converter to a more universal DNG raw file before opening the image in APhoto:
  21. Like
    Chills got a reaction from Micke oplr in Affinity, we need clarification: are you or aren’t you working on a DAM?   
    In fact, the opposite is true.
    PDF, DNG, TrueType, GIF, Mpeg, Bluetooth, There are lots of proprietary formats that actually make the industry work.
    They may be proprietary, but they are open specifications, so anyone can use them.  Sometimes with incenses that may or may not cost.
    BTW MS has licences for long file names..... 
    The good thing about all these formats is that they are controlled by a single point, then usually an industry committee such as ISO, ANSI, DIN, IEC.  IEEE etc.  This makes sure they work and the industry moves with it.  You mentioned a controlled vocabulary for keywords... the one you referenced works to the IPTC standard, which is controlled. 
    OTOH completely open systems and Open Source is a good example of this, wander all over the place at any time and often have multiple incompatible versions in the wild.
    The world runs on standardized interfaces, most of which are proprietary but are also open.
    That said we need a "light-Bridge" DAM  to link publisher, designer and photo because designers and publishers use lots of assets in each work and the Photographers need to catalogue thousands of images.
  22. Like
    Chills got a reaction from R C-R in V2.5.3 and missing fonts   
    In another thread, Dan C an Affinity staff members said :  As I understand it, the Affinity apps rely on the operating system for supporting Type1 fonts  
    Adobe has stopped supporting type 1 as has Apple in MacOS as from Ventura and it seems Microsoft is following suite having dropped support in new versions of MS Office.
    You can argue semantics and split hairs, but Type 1 fonts are going, and it is probably time to transition any old documents now rather than when it is "very urgent"

  23. Like
    Chills reacted to walt.farrell in Affinity, we need clarification: are you or aren’t you working on a DAM?   
    That's definitely not a good idea, because every item in the Assets panel is contained in a single .afassets file in your file system, and it can get very big, and fragile, and impact performance of the application significantly.
  24. Like
    Chills got a reaction from walt.farrell in V2.5.3 and missing fonts   
    In another thread, Dan C an Affinity staff members said :  As I understand it, the Affinity apps rely on the operating system for supporting Type1 fonts  
    Adobe has stopped supporting type 1 as has Apple in MacOS as from Ventura and it seems Microsoft is following suite having dropped support in new versions of MS Office.
    You can argue semantics and split hairs, but Type 1 fonts are going, and it is probably time to transition any old documents now rather than when it is "very urgent"

  25. Like
    Chills got a reaction from Alfred in V2.5.3 and missing fonts   
    In another thread, Dan C an Affinity staff members said :  As I understand it, the Affinity apps rely on the operating system for supporting Type1 fonts  
    Adobe has stopped supporting type 1 as has Apple in MacOS as from Ventura and it seems Microsoft is following suite having dropped support in new versions of MS Office.
    You can argue semantics and split hairs, but Type 1 fonts are going, and it is probably time to transition any old documents now rather than when it is "very urgent"

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