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  1. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, aber ich vermute, dass es etwas mit der Affix-Datei zu tun hat. Entferne ich nämlich /Pozm hinter ratenvereinbarung wird das Wort nicht mehr als falsch geschrieben markiert. Was auch immer die Kürzel hinter dem Wort zu bedeuten haben. Rattenvereinbarung hätte ich auch auf die Blacklist gesetzt 🤣
  2. You also use Leading Override (Character Panel) which can cause problems using it along with Baseline Grid settings.
  3. Noooooooo. Do not remove it. Pleeeeaaaaase. PS: As this RC3 was released I thought it was meant as a birthday present for me. Obviously not. 😭
  4. Or turn Balanced off and set phase to 2 I was too slow
  5. Not a real solution, because is not solved yet. a) Make your own Document palette b) Click an element using a spot colour c) Add it as Global Colour to your palette d) Rightclick the colour and set it to overprint e) Assign the Global Colour to the element again f) Repeat this for all colours Not a convenient way or I missed a step.
  6. In the Layers panel is the Blend Mode "Vivid Light" active for the table, which makes it rasterised. Just switch back to Blend Mode "Normal". Tooooo slow. Beaten by GarryP and GRAFKOM
  7. I doubt it. Also on Windows there some strange effects when printing tiled. As a nonsensical proof I created an A4 document printing on A6 with a 45% scaling, which fits completely on A6 (see preview on the left), after activating "Tiled" only a part is shown (see preview on the right). Furthermore I would like to see "Tiling marks", when it comes to tiled printing. I asked for it already, but I have no hope this will be implemented.
  8. Could have various reasons. Something lying behind it? Hard to tell without the Affinity Publisher file.
  9. Not for me. I turned this option off, because I want to control what happens in my documents.
  10. Something I don't like about the tables. Holding the SHIFT key and manually preserving the width of other columns is not a good idea IMO.
  11. Hmm, it would be nice if we could add fields from the Fields panel as well using them as variables. I confess, this is very specific.
  12. Alle deine Elemente inklusive Hilfslinien sind nicht auf deinem Artboard. Verschiebe alles in Ebene1. Wäre natürlich sinnvoller, wenn die Hilfslinien Teil des Artboards wären.
  13. Indeed. What the heck. Your client's printer needs some updates. AFAIK the PDFLib Serif uses, is not going to support X-1a anymore (or never had?). I wonder why there are problems while converting the PDF. Not the best idea perhaps: Place a PDF made from Publisher in Indesign and export from there for testing purposes. If the printer is happy with that ... fine ... although a lot of work.
  14. Create a Character Style and give it a shortcut. I know, it could be easier. A while ago I used a programme where I was able to give every menu entry a shortcut while navigating through the menus.
  15. I wouldn't rate this a bug. There are more severe bugs Serif should focus on. I would call it room for improvement.
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