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David in Яuislip

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Everything posted by David in Яuislip

  1. Indeed Affinity doesn't parse svg rounded rectangles. A random example from the file: <rect ry="14.182739" y="436.88196" x="-221.91631" height="46" width="42" id="rect3285-35-8" style="color:#000000;display:inline;overflow:visible;visibility:visible;fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:1;marker:none;enable-background:accumulate" /> which is correct xml but Affinity doesn't understand the ry value and displays as a <rect> If you produce a rounded rectangle from Affinity as an svg it will just be a path, which works but is hardly in the spirit of the standard A quick and dirty method is to open the svg in Chrome print to a pdf open in Affinity Note that there are additional objects in the original file not on the canvas and they will be lost An alternative is to open the file in a proper svg editor and convert all the objects to paths. File size goes through the roof but you can't have everything Calling people citizen science names figure VECTOR FILE_cleanAsPath.svg
  2. Well it's your decision as to how much time to spend but I think it's a smashing picture that deserves the best you can achieve On the other hand, you can cheat, produce a greyscale from the blue channel, apply a sepia filter then pick out the colours in the flowers
  3. First of all I'd try the inpainting and healing tools on the whole thing but you can try and preserve the blue by turning off the Editable button in the Channels panel
  4. Yes, just use a paintbrush on it. In the example below the brush is set to black so it conceals. If it were white it could be used to reveal hidden parts of the image
  5. Try this approach Start macro recording Add a Selective color adjustment layer Rename it in the Layers panel Add a Channel mixer adjustment layer - don't bother to “x” out of the dialog box Rename it in the Layers panel Repeat for the other two --These are the actions, pun intended, above the red line in the image below, the following are below the red line Select one of the adjustment layers Make the adjustments The error box will appear, click cancel, the adjustments will be remembered Repeat for the other adjustment layers Stop recording I don't understand the process though, why create the adjustment layers, rename them then modify them? Why not make the adjustments as soon as the adjustment layers are created? The attached macro may help NewLayersRenamed.afmacro
  6. Well I can point you in a direction, whether it's best depends upon your sense of humour 🙂 What I have done is use a Frame text thing that is populated with a simple text file. You now need to move this up for each image, a cheeky macro can help here 150 images shouldn't take that long, I wouldn't suggest it for 15 thousand though Anyway, hat tip to @Old Bruce, I am going to study that ManualWatermarkNoise.afphoto ManWat.afmacro
  7. You can use a bitmap fill with a Rectangle and nest an adjustment layer below, I don't see how to do it with a Fill layer. If that doesn't work for you I suggest uploading a file so that others may help
  8. I used a Target sampler from the Info panel then a Levels adjustment layer to adjust each colour so the sample/orange border reached #ffffff The attached file contains this plus an alternative to an invert layer which was an attempt to reduce the yellow at the top, it doesn't really work Left image is Photo, right image is that well known competitor using a curves layer and the white picker on the orange border BoatAdjustments.afphoto
  9. This is for Windows but when using Place, the cursor is aligned to the image centre so if you hunt around the canvas centre until the red and green guides appear, then click, the image will be centralised - mid point snap must be on If you drag from the File Explorer then the cursor is aligned to the image top left so drop it anywhere and follow @BofG advice
  10. Beaten but I'll post it anyway Select the area to be modified using one of the Marquee tools Press V In the Channels palette, turn off the channels editable symbol for green and blue Move the selection with the cursor keys or mouse Repeat for the other channels Effective on pixel layers only
  11. I just used your AD svg code to replace the path, colour and viewbox data in the example that worked and it was fine. Only thing to watch is the nested quotes so I changed the AD doubles to singles I've been down this url converter route before and concluded it's a waste of time which just makes the file larger. Within the url definition you only need to change a hash # into %23 I've also removed some surplus stuff from the .ad class in the attached file i.e. version='1.1' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' x='0px' y='0px' style='enable-background:new 0 0 531 18.9;' xml:space='preserve' is all redundant Great fun this <svg> xml! underline.html
  12. As you reduce the size of that owl it's going to tend towards a dark blob A bit of sharpening helps, especially the text A curve to lighten the mid greys helps the owl at least to my eyes Adjust to taste, good luck Owl120x60.afphoto
  13. Use the Transform panel to find the offset of the key shape, in this case the star, and apply the opposite to the group I think it's easier if the Spread Origin (see Guides Manager) is set to the centre of the canvas. See 'Rulers' in Help for more info. Select the star, click the centre Anchor point selector and note the values +260 & -84 Select the Group and type -260 at the end of the X box and +84 <enter> for the Y
  14. I'm afraid that it is. Turn off the spell check and look again My Latin is lousy but my eyes are ''annos sexaginta septem'' and they don't see a problem
  15. Try changing the image blend modes to Darker Colour or Dunklere Farbe as we say in Яuislip
  16. If I copy your images and view them in Photo I can see a 1px transparent border around them and I'd guess that this is causing the border in the pdf although I do not know why. A quick fix is to merge all images onto 1 layer then merge that onto a white fill layer (rasterised) below BearbeitungfinalMaybe.pdf
  17. Sorry, I thought the problem was that the image was covering some of the text. If you are copying a section of an image then make sure it is a pixel layer (rasterised) and not an image layer otherwise the complete image will be copied not just the selection
  18. Exiftool is a command line program available from https://www.exiftool.org/ -CameraOrientation#=0 is the option that needs to be used to rewrite the Camera Orientation metadata Your original file shows CameraOrientation: Rotate 270 CW after exiftool -CameraOrientation#=0 IMG_0201.CR2 it becomes CameraOrientation: Horizontal (normal) so the file will open in Photo as landscape For Windows Download the Windows Executable: exiftool-12.13.zip (6.3 MB) and unzip it to a folder, there is no installation as such Set the path to point to this folder using Control Panel\System and Security\System\Advanced System Settings\Advanced tab\Environmental Variables\System variables Now you can open a Powershell window in a folder containing your raw files and use Exiftool there exiftool -CameraOrientation#=0 *.CR2 will operate on all files
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