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Terry Brooks

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  1. Like I said, I'm not interested in AI creation/replacement of things just AI selection tools
  2. That's a shame, I was looking forward to the day that Affinity introduced AI selection methods for sky, people etc (not interested in AI creation of parts of a scene) but I'd guess if that ever happens now it will be after Canva have introduced a subscription pricing and that's when I'll go back to Adobe.
  3. Disabling the opencl acceleration seems to have gotten rid of the weird artifacts but there's still no in camera curve/settings applied, it's just a flat file
  4. Oh dear, long wait for Fujifilm X-H2 support and it isn't right Any RAW file I open has this garbage all over it (I've tried several from different shoots Note, highlight, shadow and tone warnings are all turned off If I make no alterations at all, develop the file the markings are still there, if I then make no changes and export as either jpg or png the markings are on the exported files. There also seems to be no pre applied curve to the file to replicate the camera settings so the image is very flat, easily fixed with adjustments but that is'nt how most would expect it to be.
  5. Thanks Noah I need the flat frames as my lens suffers from significant vignetting I managed to get a stack to work once with flats, but just that once, I was impressed with the results when it worked so it's proving quite frustrating The results so far - Failed, Worked, Failed, Failed, Failed and all with the same set of flat files, it has worked every time when I don't add the flat files, very odd.
  6. Any solution to this, I'm getting the same issue, if using flat frames stacking fails
  7. The lack of AI and lack of support for Fujifilm X-H2 raw files are the only reasons I have not upgraded to V2 and probably won't. For what it's worth I would most certainly have happily paid double the price for Affinity Photo if it had the AI functions, without it there's seems to be no advantage to paying for V2. Don't get me wrong, I really like AP and do want to support it, just can't justify it and may have to opt for the Adobe subscription just to get support for my camera.
  8. Does version 2 now support Fujifilm X-H2 RAW files?
  9. Thanks David However, I was looking to create a batch job which processed two or more style macros at the same time and saving to the same folder as the original, by default (and this seems unchangeable) a batch job in Affinity when saving to the same folder as the original overwrites the original file instead of creating a new file with an altered file name I already know how to create a batch job to process one style at a time and have already created my own styles including my preferred black and white version It would be far better if I could specify and output name/naming convention and also process the same file with two or more macros independently renaming each file and saving to the original folder This would be very useful to me as I will be processing potentially hundreds of images per day into numerous styles and then renaming so that can all be in the same folder ready for uploading None of my software seems to be able to handle that, Capture One is close as it can export and rename to multiple processes (tiff/jpg/resized etc) but does not include the option to apply a style, Affinity can apply a style but only one instance and has to be to a different folder, darktable just doesn't help, maybe Adobe can but I don't have those and don't really want to If only Affinity could record export commands and history action into a macro and also use a custom file name on export (very surprised that last item doesn't already exist) Thanks Terry
  10. Hi folks I wonder if there is a way to batch process a selection of images, each image needs to be saved in two or more different styles and each save using an edited file name For example, I would like to take one jpg file (e.g. image1.jpg), apply a style to it such as Teal and Orange then export the file to a jpg (image1_te-or.jpg), then reset the file to original apply a different style (e.g. Black and White) and export to a jpg (e.g. image1_b-w.jpg) I would like to do this as a single batch job but it looks as though certain functions such as export or resetting the history cannot be recorded in a macro? Many thanks in advance Terry
  11. Any idea if/when this will be fixed, I was so excited when this functionality was introduced, such a shame as the X-Trans sensors in Fuji are often used for Astrophotography due to their filters not blocking much of the HA light, that makes them popular for astro shots
  12. That's awesome, thanks
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