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David in Яuislip

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  1. I could never get File hyperlinks to work but this approach is ok for Publisher V1 using Chrome to view pdfs, I don't know if it'll work with Acrobat or other pdf readers Use Hyperlink Type URL and file:Chapter1.pdf for the URL, well it's a URI really but let's not be too picky. You can also jump to pages like this file:Chapter1.pdf#page=2 or bookmarks like this file:Chapter1.pdf#ananchor or back to the contents page like this file:Contents.pdf Zip contains afpubs and pdfs for Contents and Chapter 1 Good luck LinkedPDF.zip
  2. Good catch. Same in V1, every file format supporting transparency will be placed in Publisher with the K button up apart from 24bit pngs
  3. Using pdftk and the attached bat file on a random 108 pdfs totalling 189 MB took just over 30s so 15000 would take an hour or so The bat file is quick and dirty and will process pdfs in the folder where it's placed and also sub-folders so it depends upon your file structure as to how this can be used Snag is that pdftk cannot overwrite files so the output file needs a suffix, the original is then deleted and the new file renamed without the suffix Available at www.pdftk.com, install the pdftk server version, it's command line and very quick, good luck PdfRepair.bat
  4. If you want to automate finding the max rectangle there is a useful Python solution here https://github.com/gusenov/max-empty-rect-py rect.py -i Lines.tif -o MaxRect.tif -f 0,255,0 -e 255,255,255 outputs (546309, [(179, 131, 779, 1039)]) takes 01m 18s
  5. What lens are you using and is it available in the lens profile dropdown in the Develop Persona? Please post a raw file
  6. My very best sideways thinking On each image set blend mode to Darker Colour and fx as below This shows you the limits of each photo' then use guides to determine the rectangle
  7. Try this link, line 1612 https://github.com/lensfun/lensfun/blob/master/data/db/misc.xml
  8. Rather extraordinary as this data has been in lensfun since Aug 18, 2023 Place the attached xml in the Lens Profiles folder, restart Photo and hopefully it will work as well with V2 as it does with V1 NIKKOR_Z_DX50-250f4.5-6.3VR.xml
  9. Glad it worked. Without teaching you to suck eggs, you can use exiftool's batch facility to convert a whole folder very quickly. Open a command prompt in the folder and run exiftool -rotation="Normal" . the dot at the end means the current folder so all files will be processed, it's much quicker than *.hif e.g. exiftool -rotation . ======== ./DSC00210.HEIC Rotation : Rotate 90 CW ======== ./DSC00210.HIF Rotation : Rotate 90 CW ======== ./DSC00211.HIF Rotation : Rotate 90 CW ======== ./DSC00212.HIF Rotation : Rotate 90 CW ======== 1 directories scanned 5 image files read exiftool -rotation="Normal" . 1 directories scanned 4 image files updated exiftool -rotation . ======== ./DSC00210.HEIC Rotation : Horizontal (Normal) ======== ./DSC00210.HIF Rotation : Horizontal (Normal) ======== ./DSC00211.HIF Rotation : Horizontal (Normal) ======== ./DSC00212.HIF Rotation : Horizontal (Normal) I would report the issue in the bugs forum with a reference back to this post https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/forum/128-v2-bugs-found-on-windows/
  10. ExifTool shows: Meta Image Size : 4240x2832 Full Image Size : 4240x2832 Camera Orientation : Rotate 90 CW Exif Image Width : 4240 Exif Image Height : 2832 Rotation : Rotate 90 CW Image Width : 4240 Image Height : 2832 Image Spatial Extent : 4240x2832 Image Size : 4240x2832 Your file works fine with gmic and imagemagick so it looks like a Photo glitsch I wonder if the Rotate 90 CW is confusing Photo. I've reset that with exiftool DSC00210.HIF -Rotation="Normal" and it's in the attached zip. I can't check it as I use Photo V1. Probably a waste of time but you never know. DSC00210-rot.zip
  11. SVG gradients are defined for linear and radial types, this may change if SVG 2.0 is ever published Mesh gradients by Inkscape are shown by browsers which display the polyfill It is unreasonable to expect any software to warn of not supporting what is essentially Inkscape proprietary markup
  12. AF_Forum_21.jpg is identical to AF_Forum_22.jpg so 22 was deleted Below is an image showing both rows stacked, it's a mystery to me how anything could make a pano from that so Photo has done pretty well to produce what it did Hugin took ages but produced a perfect crop. I don't have the patience to use Photo for 360°'s and muck around with manual cropping although I do use it for say a 180° sweep where it usually works well, is quick and avoids the rather gruelling experience of the Hugin interface Zip contains a jxl file to save space, don't know if Photo V2 can open it but Irfanview can ps Sorry I'm late but I've been cooking hugin.zip
  13. If you have many files to process and you're using Windows here's a Powershell script which will help Place the script in a folder with the svg's, run the script and corrected files will be written to a sub-folder named utf8, the originals are unchanged Once you're happy that it works you can delete the pause statement from the script ToUTF8.ps1
  14. That's not a gap it's a chasm Hard to comment unless you can zip up the images and post them. I can run them through PhotoV1 and Hugin, I expect that Serif would be quite interested too
  15. Surprised it's missing, distortion added to lensfun Oct 4 2023 vignetting added Aug 24 2024 Try this xml, on Windows it goes into the Lens Profiles folder, probably similar for a mac but I don't know CanonRF28mmF28STM.xml
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