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David in Яuislip

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  1. Affinity macros and the clipboard can be weird, try this Open a slide Create the 4x text & position as required Copy text layer Start macro recorder Paste Stop macro recorder
  2. Affinity is pretty fussy about styles, try this <style> .cls-1{ fill: #14516f; font-size: 202.16px; } .cls-2{ fill: #14516f; stroke-width: 0px; } .cls-4{ stroke-width: 0px; fill: #85c225; fill-rule: evenodd; } .cls-5 { stroke-width: 0px; fill: #85c225; } .cls-8 { fill: #85c225; font-size: 136.67px; } .cls-9 { font-family: ITCAvantGardePro-Md, 'ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro'; font-weight: 500; } </style>
  3. This is a cmyk eps opened in Publisher A white rectangle with blend mode set to saturation is placed over the top Then a recolour adjustment with saturation set to zero is added All the colours are now shown as percentages of K Also works for rgb.eps placed into a cmyk publisher doc
  4. You're correct but don't stop at tiled, this is from Photo V1 help and it's appalling, heaven knows what the translations are like Single: your page are printed per sheet. Tiled: your page can be printed to a large format (e.g., posters, banners, etc.). N-Up: 'gang' prints your page so multiple copies can be printed per sheet. We don't write like that in Яuislip
  5. It's not the base64 image data, Affinity can handle that, it's the use of <pattern> that stuffs it. Best thing you can do is use inkscape to save as another file type eg pdf. If you do it a lot then inkscape can be scripted, if it's just once in a while you can even use a browser and print to pdf. The Affinity svg parser isn't all that modern
  6. Try this xml, it recognises the Q3 and applies the Q2 correction data from lensfun LeicaQ3.xml
  7. Download & install Adobe DNG converter and you will have access to these profiles which can be added to the Photo Lens Profile folder Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Front Camera - RAW.lcp Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Rear Super Telephoto Camera - RAW.lcp Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Rear Telephoto Camera - RAW.lcp Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Rear Ultrawide Camera - RAW.lcp Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Rear Wide Camera - RAW.lcp On Windows they are in C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Samsung\
  8. It's best to be aware of both methods and decide for yourself however I see significant advantages by forgetting the pdf and copying straight from Word/Excel into Publisher. I use Libre Office these days but in both cases, MS or LO, the charts will paste into Publisher with emf format so remain vector and editable
  9. Good question and my answer is no. Even by oversizing the images then constraining the displayed size by css, the site builder has no idea what software would be used to make the print. In such a case I would consider using pdf
  10. Decide on your target viewer, the most popular screen size per carl123's quoted barchart above is 1920x1080 On the basis that you want the image in the browser to appear without scrollbars it'll need to be a bit smaller If you're not bothered about scrollbars read no further This pc has a max screen res of 2560x1600 but I've set it to 1920x1080 for this exercise The available space in a browser window will depend also on System/Display/Scale (Windows speak) These are my figures for two scale values, the attached html was used Display: 1920 x 1080 Browser: 1536 x 776 devicePixelRatio: 1.25 Display: 1920 x 1080 Browser: 1920 x 991 devicePixelRatio: 1.00 Hence there is no point in serving an image >991px high Using h = 990 then w = 1920 / 1080 * 990 = 1760 (1760 * 990) / (1920 * 1080) = 84% so a reasonable saving already Now the website designer needs to understand the difference between devicepixels and csspixels and adjust image sizes based on the viewers pc This can be done client side by establishing the devicePixelRatio and adjusting the image zoom; details are outside of the forum scope File format probably webp, I use cwebp.exe available at the Chrome developers area. It can be used by drag/dropping images over a bat file to produce various quality factors at the same time, outputs can be loaded as a stack into Photo then the optimum chosen. There is also a lossless mode, I don't know whether PhotoV2 can do that ScreenWidthHeight.html
  11. I can't find that lens at lensfun however if you download & install Adobe DNG converter you'll find PENTAX (smc PENTAX-DA 55mm F1.4 SDM).lcp in C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Pentax Try copying that to the Photo LensProfiles folder, restart the program and see if that works
  12. 1.-<ctrl><shift><alt>N will make a new document from the clipboard. If you're copy/pasting from an Affinity program the colorspace and profile will be maintained, the dpi will always be 96. 2.-yes, pretty similar to Photoshop 4.-No 5.-Try changing the shortcut to say F12 7.-Never seen this, with units set to pixels everything is in pixels
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