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    jmliss got a reaction from Gripsholm Lion in Feature request for MAC: Support the file "revert to"   
    I'm sad that this request never got a response. Publisher is still fragile. The other day I lost hours of work as publisher would not successfully open a saved file. It kept crashing. Even after a reboot. I had to revert to an older Time Machine version, but fortunately I had an exported PDF that I was able to use to restore text. Makes no sense why the suite of tools does not leverage a wonderful Apple feature. Is Apple preventing non Apple apps to use this ?
  2. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from Oufti in Feature request for MAC: Support the file "revert to"   
    Enhance the save option to cause Time Machine to store version numbers.
    This would be helpful for the entire suite.
    All too often, for example, Publisher crashes during a save and I am left with a corrupted file.
    I usually save to a new file name, but the revert option would mitigate my concerns.
    Finally, Pixelmator Pro supports this feature - 
  3. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from PaoloT in Feature request for MAC: Support the file "revert to"   
    Enhance the save option to cause Time Machine to store version numbers.
    This would be helpful for the entire suite.
    All too often, for example, Publisher crashes during a save and I am left with a corrupted file.
    I usually save to a new file name, but the revert option would mitigate my concerns.
    Finally, Pixelmator Pro supports this feature - 
  4. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from Hangman in Affinity Publisher 2.2.1 on Sonoma Apple chip - using place tool for placing PDF pages buggy   
    Hangman, you D' man (or woman) ! - thank you so much for this. I use to do this and it worked and I forgot about expanding the PDF with the Greater than sign ! and I couldn't figure out how to pick multiple pages. As such I thought it was a bug in this new version. In the 1970's I was a Unix Ninja, I could spin shells with the best of them and I rewrote Many unix commands, including the CU command. At that young age I did not have an appreciation for GUI's (they didn't exist). Affinity Tools are powerful, but too many cryptic tricks. I no longer wish to be a ninja. I wish for easy to use GUI. I certainly wish they would add AI (I have a few AI patents) and of course wizards. A wizard to walk through adding PDF would be helpful for the times when a feature is not used often. Think of the new cross reference, which I used extensively to cross reference figure captions. I need to remember anchoring, cross referencing, use an appropriate style, and then grouping the caption text box with the figure. How much more convenient it would be to have a wizard. 
    Affinity Photo is a hodge poodle of features that were thrown together. Time to clean up the GUI's.
  5. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from MikeTO in Publisher cross reference bug; page number not being calculated in "other chapter"   
    I should also thank you for the manual. My production document is about 1000 pages over 4 chapters. Even affinity publisher can't render in one shot from the book, so I render each chapter to pdf and then combine pdf's using finder  The 1000 pages have about 900 linked pngs
  6. Like
    jmliss reacted to MikeTO in Publisher cross reference bug; page number not being calculated in "other chapter"   
    You've found a new bug! The PageNumber sub-field of a cross-reference doesn't work if the target is an object anchor and is in another chapter. It works if it's a text anchor and it works if the object anchor is in the same file.
    I duplicated the problem with my own book and chapter files. I tried all the applicable sub-fields for a cross-reference to an object anchor such as section name and chapter number but page number is the only one that fails.
  7. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from walt.farrell in Cross References   
    You the man ! - you saved me again - thank you so much. I tried the example and it seems to be exactly what I need. Thank you so so much. And yes, I see the top group can be moved around as well. For my own learning, I duplicated the group and moved the duplicate and verified the list numbers updated.  Of course I wish the software made it a bit easier to add "automatic labels" to frames, but this is definitely a very good solution in support of that need.
    I think checking the global box was what I was missing.
    Thanks !
  8. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from loukash in Acquire from Brother Scanner distorts, but works as expected with Pixelmator Pro :(   
    Well, I view it more as a timing bug in and around the api call, because if I wait a few seconds, click again, or switch to another scanner and then back, it works. That is why I said earlier that the environment in and around calling the api is different. Anyway, your second suggestion, simply outputting image capture to AP2 is fine. Doing it twice creates a 2nd tab which is ok, so the image can be modified, then copy/pasted to the first tab. This is a good enough solution for me and it is out of the box, w/o having to create custom code (automator) that perhaps can break in a future OS upgrade.
    AP needs to fix the underlying issue as the fix might expose other issues. I can make Affinity Publisher crash for example and had to identify work arounds - so what I'm saying is that their qualification/system test processes need to be enhanced - yes, every piece of code has a bug, its just a matter of time for it to be exposed .....
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    jmliss got a reaction from loukash in Acquire from Brother Scanner distorts, but works as expected with Pixelmator Pro :(   
    My MAC OS Ventura Network->wifi->TCP/IP->Configure IPv6 is set to "Automatically" - I'm not sure why this would change, perhaps a function of the modem/router ? I have a mesh network. I'm only guessing now. But as I said, if I wait some time, that error message goes away and it eventually works.
    I suspect we (you) beat this to death with your image capture -> AP2 suggestions - as I am now a happy camper.
  10. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from Chris B in Crash on Exit Photo and Publisher   
    Understood, but it continues to happen. The use case is save file, but don't close file, and close Publisher, then it crashes.
    Separately I have been able to crash publisher with a very large file, when bringing up resource manager. I have split the file and now use the books feature.
  11. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from Chris B in Crash on Exit Photo and Publisher   
    I just did an experiment for you Chris. I saved the document on my internal SSD drive and closed affinity publisher (without closing document), no crash.
    Same experiment with external USB Hard Drive is when the crash happens. I save the document, then close affinity publisher. Saved document is not affected, just crash.
  12. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from walt.farrell in Preflight fault positives regarding missing characters   
    UD Man ! - thank you for sharing your knowledge
  13. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from Dan C in Affinity publisher crashing when saving file that was saved before, problem may have started after upgrading to Monterey 12.6   
    Thank you Dan for responding with transparency. I am able to continue my work as I noted. As mentioned, I use Time Machine and Carbon Copy Clone for auto backups. But of course I knew that the changes I made were at the end of the document, thus making manual recovery a bit less painful. I suggest that affinity publisher have a compare feature, to compare two different versions of a source file. This would be helpful for many reasons. Of course crashing should never happen, be it a run away pointer, a memory leak, or whatever. I assume checksums on the dynamic bitmap were not violated?  I also hope that the developers are expanding their investigation into other bitmap implementations or the like to at least detect corruption and rebuild without crashing. Perhaps there should also be a end user enabling feature to save backup copies of source files ?
  14. Thanks
    jmliss got a reaction from Dan C in Affinity publisher crashing when saving file that was saved before, problem may have started after upgrading to Monterey 12.6   
    Dan, You can call off the hounds. I was able to recreate the file, using the last writeable version from time machine, then I cut and pasted the additions from the "read only" latest copy, that would crash affinity publisher upon write. Interesting that publisher could read the "corrupted" file, but not write it back. My 42 years as engineer and manager of a software team strongly suggests to me a bug in affinity photo. At least  it shouldn't crash. Can you confirm for me affinity publisher behavior is the same on MAC and windows, meaning on windows it also crashes with the file I gave you ?
    Looking forward to a resolution, even though I was able to muddle my way through this particular incident.
    Thanks - Jonathan
  15. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from NotMyFault in Alpha channel bugs in 1.10.0   
    @NotMyFault - well I was wrong about the opacity blend modes and the documentation certainly for me was not clear. This video 
     explains the formula and is perhaps what you were saying initially, so thanks again.
    Perhaps my only issue then, is the marching ants - thanks again for your help.
    Seems that Dave always has a video that addresses issues.
  16. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from walt.farrell in Need more WORD like features   
    Walt, again thank you for responding. I guess it boils down to having the ability to provision, so to speak the shift+click in the master when setting up the document, instead of  remembering that it is a manual operation after the fact. Why is this bothering me? I guess for synergy, in that in the master you can set up frame links within the page, so why not have the ability to also provision frame links across pages in the master. It was only after you said that it can be done, and my examination of the help pages, did I find buried at the bottom of one of the pages the shit+click sequence.
    I am a happy camper - except for the inability to have auto numbered figure labels with cross referencing, my entire experience was a success.
  17. Like
    jmliss got a reaction from Chris B in 1.7.3 Crashes upon Filter->Apply Image->   
    Chris, correct, and what I found interesting is that if you follow the steps in the youtube video I sent, it didn't crash, only one I did the one equation. Also, I tried to record the steps from the video and it didnt really work, could be operator error on my part.
  18. Thanks
    jmliss got a reaction from Chris B in 1.7.3 Crashes upon Filter->Apply Image->   
    Use current layer as source. Check equations
    Set DR, DG, DB all to min(SR,SD,SB)
    Hit apply, then crash.
    Was trying to reproduce this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSAdBeYKoFY
    but only for the white equation.
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