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correct way to have lots of picture frames

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I'm trying to use Picture Frames and will be needing many (100+) in a document (book).

In proper DTP fashion, I'd like to:

  • design only one and then copy it many times, changing the image inside (replace image)
  • have design settings associated with the Frame - eg anchored to text so it flows, centre justified, set size as width with height adjusting to image automatically, size to be set absolutely or as % of frame, border properties eg think grey line around it
  • be able to change these settings in a Style once and have the changes affect all Frame of that type


Currently I can't seem to find how to do this.

Even copying and pasting a frame seems to place is in the text where the cursor wasn't - and the pinning image shows it linked somewhere other than the cursor position.

I'd welcome you thoughts as this is my first big project with AP release.



Image attached shows a "misplaced" picture frame - I can move it manually but that defeats the idea of pasting it into the correct text position in the document. 

Screenshot 2019-09-08 at 14.51.53.png

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• The red marked icon (bluedot) gives the info that you pinned the picture frame as a floating object. Instead you might prefer to use the "Inline as character" option. Whereas th floating object has a marker like a i with a large dot (as pin icon) the inline object has a vertical line only, both are blue.

• You can copy/paste a pinned object in two ways: selected with move tool (black arrow) or with text tool (text cursor). To change its content you just need to drag/drop a new item onto the picture frame on page view.

• Unfortunately there is no way yet to create a "global" object or frame style in kind of a master/mother which will transfer any change simultaneously to its children. Instead you would need to select all objects and assign the wanted changes. (a symbol would actualize more than wanted, an object style can not be altered and therefore would not actualize at all.)

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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I'm really struggling with this - 


The attacjed screenshot shows the picture frame now in "inline placement mode" not floating ... 

I used the pointer to move the cursor (blue vertical line) to the empty lien shows in red.

Yet the frame is not "in line" and is over existing text ??

The Text Wrap is in "jump" mode and still this is not applying.



Screenshot 2019-09-08 at 23.49.25.png

Screenshot 2019-09-08 at 23.52.43.png

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just a another thing I've found

copying and pasting that image frame doesn't work!! 

I have to add some temporary text before and after the Image Frame and the copy the text sandwiching the Image Frame ad then paste that for the centring paragraph style to work...

What are you doing? All is working completely as expected:


By the way: Looking at your (in my humble opinion: deeply unfair) blog posts here: https://medium.com/@postenterprise/affinity-publisher-beta-hands-on-review-4f5f05c96c02 I would have expected, that you know this procedure from InDesign … :)

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11 hours ago, tariq said:

Screenshot 2019-09-08 at 23.52.43.png

Do not set the text wrap around your pinned image with the text wrap options window but with the "Borders" in the pinning panel. In your screenshot they still are set to 0.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Keep in mind for copy/paste: The way you select a pinned object does influence the copy/paste result:

– Selection with Move Tool copies the inline object with recent/current/default settings from the Pinning panel.
– Selection with Text Tool copies the inline object including all its individual settings.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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