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How to Find layers i complex artwork

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Dear community,


How can I find and isolate layers in complex artwork (with over 200 layers)? "Automatic scrolling" doesn´t work, Neither does the ^ctrl button.


I click around, but the layers aren´t selected, nor do they show in the layers panel.


Thanks so much for your help!



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  • 5 months later...

I posted this suggestion a couple of years back (never got a response)...

It would be great if we could right click on the canvas/work area and be able so select the layer from there. If the mouse is over several layers you can choose the one you want in just one click from the list.

This is one of the features I miss most from Photoshop and makes working with multilayers very easy.


Fernando Velarde



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Hi, velarde,


By accident I checked out, that you can click on the very left of a layer in the layers panel (see screen shot below: click on the blue field on the left of the green thing) and immediately photo jumps to the layer you need in your file and if you have the "move layer" tool selected it shows the blue rectangle. I hope that helps you.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-13 um 09.47.36.png

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7 hours ago, PixelPest said:

And cmd+LMB click will let you select any object/s (with additional shift-key) inside a hierarchy/group.


Thank you PixelPest. That helps a little. Didn't know that shortcut.


But is still very klunky / hit and miss... It Doesn't work as expected. The problem is when you group layers... Which Many people do to organize files.

For example: My Background can be a group which consists of 4 layers..

Then on top I can have a Logo which is  a group and consists of several layers.

On top of that I have a group with some texts. etc... Maybe the file consists of 4, 5 complex groups.


Right now in Affinity if I hold my mouse over a certain point in the canvas and command + click ( like you mentioned)  It chooses the group it wants..  (Probably the one  in top) But  I want to see the hierarchy of  ALL the several groups that intersects my exact mouse position.   This is very important.. !

If you try it in Photoshop you can see it's VERY EASY to choose a particular layer from a very complex hierarchy file.  Affinity Photo is not there yet and selecting objects is not as easy as it should be. Just exported my file and tested it in Photoshop. It works just as I remember. I can click in 2 seconds and choose  the layer I want instead of fiddling on the layers panel (or canvas) checking what was selected...  The group which I had closed is opened.., I have to close it again  (it's a hassle) 

I'm sure other people have noticed this.. Strange I don't see any more comments on this.  

Selecting objects in Affinity Photo  (in complex files) is in need of fixing... 




Fernando Velarde



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