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    : Palatinate

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  1. Die Absatz-Abstände können einem manchmal zur Verzweiflung treiben (wenn man sie übersieht).
  2. Menü > Ansicht > Drehen > Nach links/rechts drehen Alles andere wäre mir mit Blick auf das Drucken zu fehleranfällig. Dieses Risiko würde ich niemals eingehen.
  3. Es war schon immer eine gute Idee, eine Kopie komplexer Hintergründe vor der Weiterverarbeitung auf eine Ebene zu reduzieren – ohne Schriften und mit Anschnitt – natürlich.
  4. That's all you need to know and it's perfectly logical from a typographical point of view.
  5. That is correct. An example to show what else you can consider (a design grid is a science in itself):
  6. Yes, sometimes the border is annoying. Then I simply place a slightly larger rectangle than the page in the background colour under my graphic. And the border is gone. It really isn't rocket science.
  7. I always use a new empty layer because then I can see exactly where I have inserted which changes.
  8. The purchased programme is listed in the App Store under Purchases and can be downloaded again from there.
  9. It's exactly the same with the trackpad. But: The "character" works, while "paragraph" does not.
  10. Woe betide you if the file is (eventually) sent to a film plotter.
  11. That won't work (the branch on which the eagle sits). Disassemble the red element into individual parts and the formerly transparent parts can be coloured white.
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