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Export text to PSD

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Hi guys,

Please add the feature which exports text as editable text to Photoshop, we really need it. This feature has been promised for such a  long time, some of us rely on Affinity to export to PSD. I actually recreate the text in Photoshop, just so I don't have to work in Photoshop, which I absolutely hate. I'm pretty sure many ui.ux designers prefer Affinity simply because they hate Photoshop, but they need to deliver PSD files to their clients.


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7 hours ago, chris.bannu said:

Not sure why they don't care, there is competition in the UI design industry, and most client have never heard of Affinity. Even though it's a great tool, until it gets more popular, I will switch to Sketch.

Trust me: they care.

Best regards!

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