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Masks on layer effects

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You can paint black or white (or in between :)) on a FX layer to mask it. Does this do what you want ?

Choosing one or more layer effect(s) only gives an "fx" icon on the actual layer - how do you get into a mask for it - painting on the layer just paints the actual color on the layer itself?

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Open the layer (there's a little array for it to expand it / open it, right?). That way you see all the adjustment layers and live-fx layers. Each layer is a mask in itself

No - It's an dialog box with checkmarks for Gausian Blur, Outer shadow, Inner shadow, Outher glow, Inner glow, Outline, 3D , Bevel/Emboss,Color overlay, Grdient overlay - you open it by pressing the "fx" icon between the adjustment- and live filters icons in the bottom of the layers panel. I'm not referring to filter and adjustment layers - but to layer effects?

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