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waiting for an affinity DAM...

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If you are still running Mavericks you might be able to use iPhoto for this. The Mac Affinity Media Browser can display both Photos & iPhoto library items -- at least that is true for Macs running later OS X versions so it should be able to display iPhoto library items even when running on an OS X version that doesn't support Photos.

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.5 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

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Thank you R C-R,

I basicly wish I could tag and organize photos keeping them in their original folder (exactly like iPhoto's smart albums) so I'll try your advice for sure.

In case I should fail can you suggest me a free or cheap alternative (until I can get a yosemite installer...)? I also use dpp4 but it can only rate photos with stars and/or flags; no tags.


@uuiop: Sierra? I'm on mavericks and I don't want to update sierra or el capitain for now because I shoul upgrade different sw lucenses too....

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I gave up worrying about selecting and using the right DAM, when I discovered the MAC operating system was indeed (with a little tweaking) a very good DAM in itself. The attached screenshot shows just some of the things it can do, including tags, star ratings, color ratings, image stacking, EXIF data, coloured folder backgrounds, smart folders and smart searches including SIRI. The list goes on and all this without a complicated library and all safely tucked away anywhere you like including iCloud Drive et al.



“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” 

― Confucius

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I agree with havovubu,

I coded my own DAM about a year ago, and it hooks in to the macOS file system for all of that functionality.


This means that I don't have to bother with updates and any incompatibilities, as the OS itself does most of the work. My app just acts as the UI where everything gets co-ordinated from.

High-End Photographic Prints



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The DAM is crucial.

At present, I am managing my images in Photoshop Elements Organiser, which I find excellent.


If I use Affinity as an external editor, the processed images do not nest back into Organiser easily.


I am hoping that your new DAM will allow me to

(a) transfer my existing stock of images from organiser to the Serif DAM retaining the nesting of RAW and processed images (called stacking in organiser, but completely different from photo stacking)

(b ) allow me to nest processed images in the same way (it means that you only see the most recently processed image in the nested group, and when you use copy for  a selecyion of different  images, it is only the top one of each nested group you copy unless you open the "stack". Very useful)

© include such features as the event and people selections as applied in elements organiser.


It is a tall order, but you have shown with the brilliant ffinit products that you can match, and perhaps exceed the performance of Photoshop and its derivatives.

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Hi havovubu,

thank you for answering!

I'm very curious about your advice but I don't see any screenshot... (reading from an old ipad2...)

I'm hoping you can post it again!



See my screenshots attached here for more examples of MAC OS DAM functionality:





“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” 

― Confucius

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