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I double-checked, and sure enough, there's the little padlock icon.

So, why am I still able to paint, draw, erase, distort, basically everything I can do on an "unlocked" layer? Why am I still clicking on a little padlock icon — placebo effect?

I thought it was locked. Why can I still mess it up? I thought this app was supposed to be non-destructive, but it sure does give me plenty of opportunities to inadvertantly wreck an entire evening's work, as I did about 20 minutes ago. Luckily, it was only a few brush strokes and I was able to "undo" my way out of it, but — cripes, you guys, why am I still able to make changes to a "locked" layer?

I mean, in the attributes box, and on the palette, I'm able to click the little padlock and "lock" it. Should this indicate that I can't DO ANYTHING on this layer?

So, can I lock a layer and — you know, not be able to mark it, paint it, change it at alll? Joke's on me., I guess..?


This is something that has been raised many times in the forum. Locking a layer only prevents movement on it, not editing the contents, i.e. If you have a rectangle and lock the layer you won't be able to move it, but you will still be able to change the colour. There have been many requests for a lock that will prevent the layer being altered in any way, but no sign of Affinity complying with this request.

Acer XC-895 : Core i5-10400 Hexa-core 2.90 GHz :  32GB RAM : Intel UHD Graphics 630 : Windows 11 Home
Affinity Publisher 2 : Affinity Photo 2 : Affinity Designer 2 : (latest release versions) on desktop and iPad

"Beware of false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance." (GBS)

5 hours ago, PaulEC said:

There have been many requests for a lock that will prevent the layer being altered in any way, but no sign of Affinity complying with this request.

Layer locking in Serif’s legacy ‘Plus’ software products always worked the same way, locking only against transformation (moving, rotating or scaling) without disabling other edits such as drawing, painting or erasing, so I don’t see this changing in the Affinity apps any time soon.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)


Well, I'll be dipped. So it wasn't something I missed. It wasn't just me, then. Thanks a bunch; what a relief (sort of).

I'd finally figured that out last night while running through a few steps. "Locked" basically means I can't move anything there, but I can go right ahead and wreck it with an airbrush and a paint bucket. I've nearly ruined two projects this way; luckily, I had enough levels of Undo to back out of it, but was still pretty steamed.

They really need to back off on the "non-destructive" editing hype until they fix this.


I agree that a lock preventing editing should be an option, need not change the existing lock feature but add another option.

I’ve had times where I was erasing or painting on a layer that was not top most ie covered or partially covered by a layer above hidden, much to my dismay. I dont understand why layer that is hidden can be altered, this is obviously problematic when there’s not a “lock” to prevent alteration.


This thread is locked. You can still post replies. Would that make sense, Serif?

This absolutely needs to be handled seriously and, above all, predictably for customers. The worst part is that the function is confused with the behavior users are accustomed to in all programs except Affinity, making the icon and terminology downright misleading. 

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