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Designer opens so that the toolbar is off screen. Can't access panels and toolbars.


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I think this is an issue that has always been in Affinity, you've just done something to trigger it. You should be able to fix it by resetting your studio but if you really like the way you have it customized then that would be painful.

If you have a studio preset saved from a while ago then loading it should also solve the issue. But if the saved preset contains the issue then it's of no use.

I haven't seen the studio do this before but I have had issues like the context bar appearing at the bottom of the screen, the studio borders being transparent, and the studios being too narrow for their panels. The solution to all of them is the same. Fix it however you can and then save a new preset that can be loaded if you run into the issue again. Your situation is tougher since the studio is partially off screen and I'm unsure how to force it back.

Try forcing Affinity to adapt to a new screen size by going to System Settings and changing the size of the screen that Affinity is running on. Or try hiding and showing the right studio or hiding and showing the toolbar and/or context bar. Double click the Layers tab to minimize it within the panel. Customize the Toolbar.

I don't know if any of these will work but hopefully one of them might be the trigger needed to get the studio to snap back to the right coordinates.

Good luck!

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36 minutes ago, MikeTO said:

adapt to a new screen size by going to System Settings

This worked for me by making the toolbar clickable so I was able to drag it over to the studio display. Thankfully I didn't need the top part the window to show in order to drag it over like I do with many programs! That would have made things really difficult.

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  • 1 month later...

I have issues like these when moving from the Studio Display. None of the affinity apps adjust properly when I return to using my 14-inch MBP M1 Pro.
Here is a screenshot from  Designer being opened after being unplugged from the display. As you can see it opens off the screen. Resetting the Studio, showing tools, and other options are not fixing it. I have to do some workarounds to make it reset.

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 6.51.09 PM.png

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Hi @Jon McCallon,

Sorry to see you're having trouble!

In order for our team to investigate this further, can you please confirm for me:

  • How are you connecting your MBP to the external display?
  • Do you have the MBP open (ie with the screen in use) or closed (ie with the screen off) when connected to the external display?
  • Are you opening the Affinity app on the external display, then disconnecting the display with the app still open to continue on your MBP when the above issue occurs?
    If this isn't the correct workflow, what exact steps do you take to trigger this issue please?

Many thanks in advance :)

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Thanks for responding!

  • I am connecting it to a Studio Display from Apple
  • I do not have it open
  • I do both - I open it up while plugged in, and sometimes it is open already.
  • The trigger is moving from the size of the Studio Display down to the the MBP when disconnected.

Thanks for your help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same here, switching between external monitor (Apple Thunderbolt Display) to MPB 14" results in an inappropriate screen size that hides the tools and is hard to reset from. The studio presets are not working.  Had to do all sorts of workarounds to regain control of my windows.  This is only happening after updating to the most recent version. 2.2.1.

Posting here to be notified when there is a fix.

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Thanks for letting us know @Diego Lopez & we're sorry to hear this!

This issue is still logged with our development team and I have 'bumped' this issue with them, to bring it to their attention once again - as we're seeing a steady increase of reports for this issue, we're hoping to resolve it as soon as possible.

Our apologies for any inconveniences caused due to this in the meantime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the Affinity Forums @evander & sorry to hear you're having trouble here.

As above, this issue is logged with our development team and we're hoping to have this resolved shortly.

In the meantime, navigating to Window > Zoom from the top menu bar when this occurs should return the app window to the expected view.

I hope this helps!

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Thanks for letting me know - this issue is currently still unresolved by our team in both 2.2 & 2.3, though I'll be sure to update the development log, including this information now.

We're hoping to have this issue resolved ASAP, thanks for your continued patience and understanding here :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, A-mark777 said:

I am having the same issue. Running MPA with External Thunderbolt Display. Ventura OS. When I use external monitor, then switch back to MBA screen the panels and tools all go offscreen. Using Window > Zoom did help, but it should be automatic.

By bring up Ventura it makes me wonder if Somona would be any better in this area? I didn't want to upgrade at first but that version is nearly up to 14.2 now.

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Welcome to the Affinity Forums @A-mark777 & thanks for your report!

I've 'bumped' this with our development team once again, as we're still working to resolve this issue currently.

11 hours ago, KipV said:

By bring up Ventura it makes me wonder if Somona would be any better in this area?

Unfortunately I don't believe the behaviour differs across macOS versions, my apologies.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Staff

The issue "[macOS] App Window Disappears after disconnecting and re-connecting an external monitor between app sessions" (REF: AF-417) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
On 12/14/2023 at 11:22 AM, Dan C said:

Thanks for your report & welcome to the Affinity Forums @Zonbizoku.

This issue is logged with our development team, but in the meantime, navigating to Window > Zoom from the top menu bar when this occurs should return the app window to the expected view :)

If you gave this function a name like "fit window" people would actually maybe find it by themselves. Zoom is a terribly non intuitive name for this. 

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2 hours ago, Hansha said:

If you gave this function a name like "fit window" people would actually maybe find it by themselves. Zoom is a terribly non intuitive name for this. 

Thanks for your feedback however this is the macOS standard for this menu option, and is not named by the Affinity app - if you open Finder, Safari or other macOS default apps, you'll find the Window menu uses the same named options.

I hope this clears things up!

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