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Years ago (I’m meaning AI days here), I used to do an exercise with students involving creating a map.

Roads, for example, were given a particular style, something similar to A in my example. I’ve created this by carefully cutting and editing strokes of differing widths. It looks right but it’s not editable.

The problem in the exercise was to achieve this effect whilst still keeping the strokes editable. My failing memory tells me that it involved adding new strokes to the paths, as in B, but to achieve the crossroads effect, rather than the overpass, involved a Style in some way.

But my memory just won’t dredge up the method. It’s of no great concern other than that now that I’ve remembered bits of it, I need to remember it all.

Can anyone help?


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However, the examples only work for intersections within a curve. Not when different curves cross.

Illustrator has the advantage that you can assign a contour style to an entire layer. Each object within this layer will have the same appearance even if separate curves cross.

Would be a ncie feature for Designer too …


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Thanks each and all. Old Bruce—I can't open that file as I have v1 only.

As I was typing my response, MiWe's reply came in. That's the problem right enough. The multiple stroke solution is a solution only when a single path crosses itelf. Doesn't work for seperate paths.

That business of assigning an Appearance to the layer rings a bell. Thanks MiWe.

Seems that it can't be done in AffD. Not a problem for me really, it was just that in doing something else I (partially) remembered the technique and played around trying to re-create it as a learning experience.

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