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Power duplicate dont work properly with move object


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I will select the item with the Move tool, then hit Command + J to duplicate it and move the still selected just made copy and hit Command + J again. If I deselect the item at any point it won't work.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.5 | Affinity Photo 2.5.5 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.5 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

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2 hours ago, DC9V said:

Your objects also seem to lag when moving them. Similar to what I have encountered.


Hi @DC9V

I experience the same problem on macOS and it seems to occur with Logitech G mice equipped with a HERO sensor. Very commonly used hardware.

I only experience the issue in Affinity, and only while moving objects or making selection s.

@Patrick ConnorThis is is the issue I mentioned that I would ask to be given some priority; issues with pointing devices completely disrupts the use of Affinity and graphic programs.

 1) You have completely wrecked the layers panel, Serif.

2) I recommend Reddit groups instead of this forum. Not the same few bot-like users replying to everything, a wider representation of users, fewer fanboys, more qualified users. In short, better!

3) I was here to report bugs and submit improvement requests for professional work professionally in a large setup and to bring a lot of knowledge from the world, i.e. professional product development, web- and software development, usability, user experience design and accessibility. I actually know what I am talking about!

BUT! We are phasing out Designer and Affinity in 2022 Q1 - and replacing it with feature complete and algorithmically competent alternatives.
Publisher is unsuitable for serious use, and was never adopted.

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All of my mice, as well as some other overclocked input devices, have a polling rate of 1000Hz, using at least 3200dpi. 
However, I noticed that resizing an object in Affinity Designer doesn't cause the issue. It only seems to happen when press-holding left-click in order to either select, or move (several) objects. This can also happen when moving files on the desktop.
I assume that it's an issue with vertical sync.

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11 hours ago, DC9V said:

Your objects also seem to lag when moving them. Similar to what I have encountered.


Yes but there is a lot of vector and bitmap objects and I have macbook pro 2019 so i hope this is why is lagging. But it is not the topic of this thread

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On 11/15/2022 at 9:54 AM, bajqo said:

Yes but there is a lot of vector and bitmap objects and I have macbook pro 2019 so i hope this is why is lagging. But it is not the topic of this thread

Yea, I was a bit off-topic. However, in case it turns out that the moving-objects-lag is not limited to M1 chips, you might also be able to benefit from a potential patch on your 2019 MacBook Pro... I just thought it was worth mentioning.

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 From the Help Files ....
To power duplicate:

  1. Select one or more objects or groups.
  2. From the Edit menu, select Duplicate.
  3. Transform the duplicated object or group.
  4. From the Edit menu, select Duplicate.

    A duplicate is created and the transform is automatically applied to the duplicate.

  5. Repeat step 4 to create more duplicates with the transform accumulatively applied

    This seems to work fine for step 3 being resize , rotate.... but if one moves the object it breaks the power duplicate
    Trying to create a sequence of stars that get smaller and smaller across a line - for instance.
    I am fairly sure this used to work in Version 1 but perhaps not

         Is there another way to move the object (not the Move tool) that would allow this ?


Win 11 PCs 64bit  Envy and Envy tablet + Filter Forge  Retired computer systems tester doing graphics for charities and politics etc.

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Bizarre - just been trying it again and it works.   Moving ok with arrow keys, transform panel and move tool. 


Update - found the issue. I was creating a star then trying to duplicate it.   That had left the item selected but the 'star' shape tool was active.
Needed to select the item with the Move tool before power duplicating ...... two different sorts of 'selected' state  - it looks selected but it's different 😞

Win 11 PCs 64bit  Envy and Envy tablet + Filter Forge  Retired computer systems tester doing graphics for charities and politics etc.

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