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Affinity Designer Customer Beta (

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Status: Beta

Purpose: Features, Improvements, Fixes

Requirements: Purchased Affinity Designer

Mac App Store: Not Submitted

Download: Download


Auto-update: Not available



If this is your first time using a customer beta of an Affinity app, it’s worth noting that the beta will install as a separate app - alongside your store version. They will not interfere with each other at all and you can continue to use the store version for critical work without worry.

This beta is no longer considered to be an incremental update to the 1.9.3 version recently released to all customers. As such, we strongly recommend that you do not use this beta for real work as data could be lost and the files you save are not guaranteed to open in previous / future versions of Affinity Designer.

Thanks again for your continued support!

Many thanks!


Changes This Time

- Fixes for a few emoji issues
- Improvements to noise rendering when used on colours
- Fix for inserting an embedded document, which was incorrectly favouring an in-memory version of the document if you were trying to add it again
- Fix for SVG export failing to correctly deal with stretched text when the user selects 'flatten transforms'
- Fix for SVG import not functioning correctly with whitespace between the keyword "translate" and the following opening bracket

Changes Since 1.9.3

- Potentially huge performance improvements for large documents. We've spent a long time looking at this and have improved performance many-fold for large documents and improved scalability. If you have particular documents that still appear 'too slow' then feel free to share them with me and I'll do my best to look into them :)
- Memory handling improvements

- Support for Emojis in text tools! 😁👌🏻
- Further performance improvements to general operations
- Misc text performance improvements
- SVG import and export tweaks
- Fixed PDF Export group opacity potentially being applied twice
- Fixed potential crash when quitting with layers still on the clipboard
- Fix for Trotec Job Control incompatibility
- Localisation improvements

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Updated to this beta and now it refuses to let me use it. I tried restarting the iPad, I reinstalled my retail copy of designer, nothing fixes this. There needs to be more information provided on this warning page and not just a link to the affinity store. What about people like me who have purchased every version of affinity on multiple platforms? The issue for me is not owning a retail copy , I own several


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2 hours ago, Boldlinedesign said:

Updated to this beta and now it refuses to let me use it.

That is because it is for the Mac desktop version of Affinity Designer. It isn't for the iPad version.

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.5 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

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@R C-R I understand it somehow got posted on the mac one - I tried to delete this post and there was no option to do so. All that said, I own a copy of Designer for Ipad (and for the mac) and I can no longer use the beta because it tells me it cant find my installed ipad version, even though I uninstalled, reinstalled it and have it open and using it when i open the beta on ipad.

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