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How to Install Nik Collection 4 to Affinity Photo

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Nik Collection 4 was released today (June 2, 2021) and the install procedure has changed.  I found the steps at the following URL:


I hope this helps someone avoid the frustration getting the Nik Collection 4 installed to Affinity Photo. I was fouled up because I tried to follow the steps for Nik 2.5 and 3.0. However, the new release is installed for Affinity Photo differently.

Edit: By the way did a quick test and Nik Viveza worked fine.  


Edited by MarvinR
adding info
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On 6/2/2021 at 9:17 AM, MarvinR said:

Nik Collection 4 was released today (June 2, 2021) and the install procedure has changed.  I found the steps at the following URL:


I hope this helps someone avoid the frustration getting the Nik Collection 4 installed to Affinity Photo. I was fouled up because I tried to follow the steps for Nik 2.5 and 3.0. However, the new release is installed for Affinity Photo differently.

Edit: By the way did a quick test and Nik Viveza worked fine.  


How has this been working for you?

Did you have to delete Nik 3 first? Or did it just override?

Did it maintain any preferences or settings?

What are your thought on the upgrade/

Thanks in advance,

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3 hours ago, youngmedia said:

How has this been working for you?

Did you have to delete Nik 3 first? Or did it just override?

Did it maintain any preferences or settings?

What are your thought on the upgrade/

Thanks in advance,

James, I am running it on Mac mini M1 (2020) macOS Big Sur 11.4 and using it from Affinity Photo and have not had any problems after I got it installed. However, be aware that on the DxO forum (https://feedback.dxo.com) the postings are mixed for both Windows and MacOS. So, you may want to visit that forum and read over some of the experiences people seem to be experiencing.  Like I said, my experience has been good so far.

The install procedure for Nik 4 uninstalls Nik 3 completely and you do not have the option to keep it in place. However, all presets and recipes are retained. I did read one posting on the DxO forum where an individual was able to install Nik 3 after they did the Nik 4 install and was successfully running them side by side. Now the reason he did that is because when you use Nik from PhotoShop, PhotoLab, or run it standalone you have the option to save the settings which allows you to work non-destructively. But, Nik 4 will not read the settings from the Nik 3 saved item.  That only affects you if you have been using it from one of those apps and expecting to go back and edit those settings. That is a situation I don't have because you can't save the settings when calling from Affinity Photo. 

While I think the changes implemented are good. Especially being able to call Viveza 3 from Affinity Photo and save it back to Affinity Photo without the app crashing is a big plus.  The changes to the interface in Silver Efex Pro and Viveza handling of Control Points means you have the old way in all other apps in Nik Collection and a new way in Silver Efex Pro and Viveza. Some people maybe put off by that. However, on the plus side you can now name Control Points and Control Point Groups; you can assign name to the Control Points and Control Point Groups; and you can save the Control Points in presets you create.  For me, those there capabilities offset the need for having to cope with the old way and the new way of Control Points. The new way is sure to be implemented in the other Nik Collection apps at some point.  

I would recommend that you check out the link to the DxO Forum. Read of some of the experiences and see if the bad experiences are occurring to with the way you use the Nik Collection apps, your OS, and your expectations.  Speaking for myself I am pleased with the changes that were made to the interface and control points in Silver Efex and Viveza and look forward to them being implemented in the other apps. I used to be a software developer when I was young. I know that the code in the Nik Collection has been around for several years and has had a couple of different. So, I expect that changes being made require a lot of forethought and consideration and that is probably why only two of the apps have the new UI and Control Points and other changes now and other apps will be done later. These things take time.

I have tried to give you my honest opinion. While I am glad I made the upgrade I would not want to sway you one way or the other. So, check out the forum. Read up.  The cost to upgrade from Nik 3 to Nik 4 is $59.99 until June 30 2021.  Robin Whalley has an excellent video on YouTube about the changes that were made and I highly recommend that to you - "Nik Collection Launch Review".

Hope this information helps you.


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@MarvinR - thanks for the input. I jumped on board and just installed it.

Worth noting that some of the Affinity install info is further down the page. I missed that at first. 
Also, their version of events seemed slightly different to mine with regards the Support File links. But, whatever, all seems fine. I did it twice, by the book, and ended up slightly off piste the second time to get it to work. 

I think a lot of people's issues come when they can't do something they did before. I often find that embracing the new and letting go of some of the old often ends up in a better experience. 

Thanks again.

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I've arrived here because I've installed Nik4 successfully but not able to see or use Viveza or Silver efex from Affinity. I've just looked at the link which is very useful. Do I have to uninstall Nik and then reinstall but identify the folder as in step 8 of the guidance as shown in the link. Please keep it simple "I Hate Tech"

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5 hours ago, Ray Allen said:

I've arrived here because I've installed Nik4 successfully but not able to see or use Viveza or Silver efex from Affinity. I've just looked at the link which is very useful. Do I have to uninstall Nik and then reinstall but identify the folder as in step 8 of the guidance as shown in the link. Please keep it simple "I Hate Tech"

That is exactly what I did and it worked fine. My experience was with installing to a Mac mini M1 (2020) with Big Sur 11.4 and using the latest version of Affinity Photo that was purchased from the Serif store. if your system is different I really couldn't say. So, if you have a different system or purchased from the Mac App site then you would be better served to check on the DxO Forum at https://feedback.dxo.com or contact Customer Support at DxO (https://support.dxo.com/hc/en-us). Keep in mind that there are variables between operating systems, operating system versions, and software releases so what works perfectly for one may not work for the other.  Hope this info helps.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not sure if I should add a question to this thread or start a new one. However, here's the question.

I had NIK 3 in Affinity on a PC with Windows 10 and it worked fine. Today I upgraded to NIK 4, installed it according to the directions, set the Edit/Preferences panel as directed, but it doesn't work.

When I try to open NIK in a pic I only see two options instead of all the apps, I can see Viveza 3 and Silver Efex Pro 3 in the menu but none of the others like Perspective, Color Efex, Analog etc. When I hit the link nothing happens. The interface that used to open is gone and nothing is happening.

Shouldn't the things I can see refer to version 4 instead of 3?

Any hints anyone? Or should this go in a new thread?



Edited by KimM
Another question added
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OK, update a half hour later. Some success and some continuing frustration.

I tried to reinstall the software from the download but it told me it's already installed and wouldn't do it again.

So I went into the search box on the bottom left of the Win 10 screen. I found there was a DXO NIk entry. I hit the link and it asked me if I wanted to install NIK so I did. This time it mostly worked.

When I open Affinity and try to use NIK I can see all the apps on the Filters/Plugins menu. I worked down the list and they all open now, except for Viveza 3 and Silver Efex Pro 3. The app list shows Viveza 2 and Silver Efex Pro 2 from the previous version and they work.

Frustration continues.

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6 hours ago, KimM said:

Frustration continues.

Kim, I can't speak to the problem you are experiencing.  However, I currently have a support ticket in with DxO considering poor performance with Silver Efex Pro 3. I believe if you checkout the feedback forum at https://feedback.dxo.com you may find something related to the problem you are experiencing or another user who had dealt with the problem under Windows 10.  There are multiple experiences from current users dealing with problems related to both Windows and Mac with Nik Collection 4.  Also, it would be worthwhile to file a support ticket at https://support.dxo.com   I suspect customer support is pretty busy at DxO right now. 

Hope this information helps.  


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The support team is keeping very busy. I put mine in last week and they contacted me for more information on Sunday.  And, now my situation has moved on to the developers to work with it.  It takes time sometimes.  Hope everything works out for you.  


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I got an email from DXO. They said that when I installed NIK4 it didn't uninstall NIK3 as it should so I should uninstall them both and reinstall NIK4. I did that and it's all up and running OK.

However, it tells me that Perspective Efex does not work in Affinity. I can make changes on screen but apparently they do not get saved. The perspective tool in Affinity is very powerful in its own right so I guess I won't miss the NIK tool.

It looks like they got my issue sorted faster than a lot of others. Best wishes to those who are still waiting for their fix.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you, thank you, thank you MarvinR.

Everything's a go now.



If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you. - Oscar Wilde

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/2/2021 at 6:17 PM, MarvinR said:

Nik Collection 4 was released today (June 2, 2021) and the install procedure has changed.  I found the steps at the following URL:


I hope this helps someone avoid the frustration getting the Nik Collection 4 installed to Affinity Photo. I was fouled up because I tried to follow the steps for Nik 2.5 and 3.0. However, the new release is installed for Affinity Photo differently.

Edit: By the way did a quick test and Nik Viveza worked fine.  


Please I need help, I can't get nik plugins 4 working with affinity photo 1.10.

on a brand new macbook pro with up-to-date big sur, i installed affinity photo 1.10 from the app store and donwnloaded nik plugins 4. I followed the instructions from the tutorial you linked (thank you!). In detail:

1) created a Nik Collection folder in Applications
2) launched the installer
3) accepted the default /Applications/Nik Collection folder
4) clicked on + and selected the /Applications/Nik Collection folder as host
5) got the fake photoshop enrtry in the applications list and continued
6) at the end of the installation, I had the standalone programs and a DxO folder in the /Applications/Nik Collection folder; the /applications/Nik Collection/DxO folder contains the plugins
7) launched one of the standalone programs and registered my license
8 )opened affinity photo, then preferences => photoshop plugins
9) in the plugins folders I selected the DxO subfolder
10) then selected authorise globally, without selecting any folder: Now I have "/" in the support folders list -- like with previous versions of affinity and nik, but differently from the screenshot in the tutorial, where the DxO subfolder is listed two times (weird)
11) checked "allow unknown plugins"
12) closed the preferences panel and restarted Affinity Photo

When I load a jpg, select the pixel layer (the only one I have) and go to "Filters=>Plugins=>Nik Collection=>any plugin" nothing happens.
However, when I exit affinity, it asks me to save the image, as if it had been modified.

I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

I also repeated the affinity configuration process selecting the Nik Collection as plugins folder (instead of DxO), with no result
I also tried manually selecting /Applications/Nik Collection/DxO as support folder, but this way color efex and analog efex are no more listed in the plugins menu (and the other plugins do not start as well)

Any help will be deeply appreciated.


take care,


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10 minutes ago, barninga said:

Please I need help, I can't get nik plugins 4 working with affinity photo 1.10.

on a brand new macbook pro with up-to-date big sur, i installed affinity photo 1.10 from the app store and donwnloaded nik plugins 4. I followed the instructions from the tutorial you linked (thank you!). In detail:

1) created a Nik Collection folder in Applications
2) launched the installer
3) accepted the default /Applications/Nik Collection folder
4) clicked on + and selected the /Applications/Nik Collection folder as host
5) got the fake photoshop enrtry in the applications list and continued
6) at the end of the installation, I had the standalone programs and a DxO folder in the /Applications/Nik Collection folder; the /applications/Nik Collection/DxO folder contains the plugins
7) launched one of the standalone programs and registered my license
8 )opened affinity photo, then preferences => photoshop plugins
9) in the plugins folders I selected the DxO subfolder
10) then selected authorise globally, without selecting any folder: Now I have "/" in the support folders list -- like with previous versions of affinity and nik, but differently from the screenshot in the tutorial, where the DxO subfolder is listed two times (weird)
11) checked "allow unknown plugins"
12) closed the preferences panel and restarted Affinity Photo

When I load a jpg, select the pixel layer (the only one I have) and go to "Filters=>Plugins=>Nik Collection=>any plugin" nothing happens.
However, when I exit affinity, it asks me to save the image, as if it had been modified.

I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

I also repeated the affinity configuration process selecting the Nik Collection as plugins folder (instead of DxO), with no result
I also tried manually selecting /Applications/Nik Collection/DxO as support folder, but this way color efex and analog efex are no more listed in the plugins menu (and the other plugins do not start as well)

Any help will be deeply appreciated.


well, in another thread I found a post by @MEB where he suggests to improve compatibilty by running Affinity Photo through Rosetta Emulation

I tried just now and it apparently works, so I suppose that those of you who did not have my problem are running a pre-M1 mac.

Just to spread the word.

I opened a ticket to DxO but got no answer yet.

take care,


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