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Docked Text Frame palette resize issues


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When docked in my Left Studio (next to Character and Paragraph in this case), the Text Frame palette has resizing issues. When selected, rather than conforming to the height of the palette group, it resizes the group to its own height. Additionally, it can't be resized by dragging the top edge like the other palettes.

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Yes, unfortunately the Text Frame Panel is the one of two panels which don't allow to change their height, and also don't offer a scroll bar, but auto-change their height according to their collapsed or unfolded sections. The other panel is the Table Panel. And, actually, also the upper section of the Pages Panel: the Master Pages area, which depends on the height of the document pages area and appears to be forced to 1/3 of the lower section of the Pages Panel.

These panel properties are not related to docked or undocked panels or to separated or non-separated studio mode.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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