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Attached is a macro set for splitting RGB image into separate layers for a number of colour models.

  • RGB: Basic separation
  • RGBW: New model! Like CMYK but Red, Green, Blue and White
  • RGB-W: Like RGBW but only two layers for separate colour/tone editing
  • CMY: Effective inverse of RGB
  • CMYK: Standard internal model
  • CMY-K: Like CMYK, but with only two layers for separate colour/tone editing
  • HSL: New model! Hue, Saturation and Luminosity on separate layers!
  • HSL-RGB: Same as HSL, but with Hue broken down into separate RGB layers

Principles used in doing these:

  • Start with 'Merge Visible' to create flat layer for base (saves tripping over adjustments)
  • End with single layer group (so you can delete it in one go if you don't like it
  • Named layers, so you know which is which
  • Keep it simple (just the layers, no 'edit ready' adjustments such as curves, sharpening)
  • Fast as possible (so RGB done with channels, CMYK with curves, etc), though new ones need Apply Image which can be very slow!

Any bugs, etc. please let me know. Do be patient with Apply Image adjustments and don't try to 'Esc' out as this can leave you in limbo.


Dave's Colour Models V1.afmacros

Dave Straker

Cameras: Sony A7R2, RX100V

Computers: Win10: Chillblast i9 Custom + Philips 40in 4K & Benq 23in; Surface Pro 4 i5; iPad Pro 11"

Favourite word: Aha. For me and for others.


Thanks @dmstraker. I have many scanned slides and I am looking to use these separations for sharpening, smoothing and general clean-ups.


Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

15 hours ago, dmstraker said:

Any bugs, etc. please let me know. Do be patient with Apply Image adjustments and don't try to 'Esc' out as this can leave you in limbo.

Thanks Dave, tested these and they all worked as expected in the iPad version of Photo. :)

M1 IPad Air 10.9/256GB   lpadOS 17.1.1 Apple Pencil (2nd gen).
Affinity Photo 1.10.5 Affinity Design 1.10.5 
Affinity Publisher 2, Affinity Designer 2, Affinity Photo 2 and betas.

Official Online iPad Help documents (multi-lingual) here: https://affinity.https://affinity.help/ 



   HSL separation test, I appreciated the explanation
   I still haven't understood why the Hue layer should be in multiply mode, but that's correct.

Very good result in RVB  32 Bit linear.

 In RGB 8 & 16 bit (integer), little less precise color,  truncation error in  calculations, I think.
Thanks Dave .:)


Hue multiplies with Saturation to cancel out the min-max numerator and denominator. Just channel maths, not creative blending as such.

original value (in combined layers) = H*S+L


And yes, probably some trunc/round error? Maybe accuracy of float as values are 0-1. Perhaps it does the sums in 8-bit?

Dave Straker

Cameras: Sony A7R2, RX100V

Computers: Win10: Chillblast i9 Custom + Philips 40in 4K & Benq 23in; Surface Pro 4 i5; iPad Pro 11"

Favourite word: Aha. For me and for others.


Thank Dave

Yes I saw that the truncation, or the rounding  is  more important than I thought.

  • put a pixel layer with a solid color,
  • add a white layer, and
  • subtract another white layer.

1-1 = O => the effect should be canceled, and we should return to the original color.

yes or no depending on the encoding depth.  

  • 7 months later...

So I hate to dig up an old thread but I’m in need of spot color separations to prep a file for screenprinting. Would anyone have any help on this? Ive been digging around all over the internet trying to find some help.

On 9/2/2020 at 5:21 PM, kterry333 said:

So I hate to dig up an old thread but I’m in need of spot color separations to prep a file for screenprinting. Would anyone have any help on this? Ive been digging around all over the internet trying to find some help.

No affiliation and I've never used it so no clue if it even works.  That said, you might reasearch this:




Hi Gang,

My name is Steve Yates. I created the screen print spot color separation macro set (Color Separation AP) and can help with any questions. Let me know how I can help :)


3 hours ago, steveyates said:

Here’s a couple videos that may help...



Oh thanks so much for this! I’ll have to grab these soon, it looks like they are on sale do you know how long they will be on sale?

  • 3 weeks later...

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