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  1. Today I added some pages to my Publisher document. I did this by choosing 'add pages' and then indicating after which page I wanted the new pages to start. As a result of doing this, Publisher created a new section in the document which I did not want. I can't find any way to delete that section or to make those new pages part of the first section. I've looked at tutorials and searched on the web, to no avail. So, is there is way to add pages without creating a new section? And how do you delete an unwanted section? Thanks
  2. I'd appreciate seeing some clarity on what can or cannot be done when it comes to merging documents if APub. Especially in relation to the "Add Pages from File..." under the Document menu. Using that option and having selected the file from which you wish to insert pages, you are given the option to add all pages, a range of pages, or a specified section from that file. Within the "receiving" document you have the option to insert the "incoming" pages before, after , or replacing a specified page or after the last page; or you can select to insert before, after, replacing or after the last page of a specified section within the receiving document. However, the process appears buggy. My test scenario - I have a "Sections Base Document" of 10 pages divided into sections with Section Manager. The document is set up with facing pages and has a simple Master (A) with a page header frame at the top and a page number frame at the bottom, populated by the section name and page number values from the References-> Fields panel. There are three single page sections in the middle of the document (named Placeholder 1/2/3). The concept being that each Placeholder page/section could be replaced with a separately produced document. So, I have a "Sections Insert Article" document with 4v pages of content and the same facing page/master page layout for the "Sections Base Document" as a single named section. My intention is to replace the Placeholder 1 section of the base document with the insert article. I use the "Add Page from File..." option on the base document, specifying that I want to add the single section from the "Sections Insert Article", replacing the "Placeholder 1" section of the base document. The results are mixed. The four pages are inserted. The page header of the inserted article is blank - while the frame is there (as seen in the Layers panel, it does not show any content. The inserted article section restarts the page numbering from 1 - OK, I can accept this, there is no way I can see of telling the section to continue the numbering, and it's easy to reset. The second and third pages of the inserted article have the correct section name in the page header, but the fourth does not - it has the section name of the section it replaced. The page after the inserted section now has two page header text frames! So not quite what was expected. See my attached test files of Base Document, Inserted Article ad resulting "Base plus Insert" My initial thoughts are that the use of facing master pages as in my test are not correctly catered for. I think it would be useful to have more information on how the merge documents facility is intended to work. My understanding is based on the information in the Help file, but does not seem to match up. Serif's video tutorial on the Section Manager only appears to deal with splitting a document into sections. Sections Base Document NMF.afpub Sections Base plus InsertedNMF.afpub Sections Insert Article NMF.afpub
  3. Ok, here's the scenario for which I am looking for a solution: I am busy layouting a book. I have my text frames all connected from page 1-x. and one large text filling the frames, making up the book. I allocate master pages when new chapters start. New chapters are also new sections, from which I grab the name to fill the <SECTION NAME> variable which shows up at the top of each right-hand page. So far so good. Now if for whatever formatting reason the length of the text changes (images, formatting, spacing), the master pages "move", messing it all up. If I disconnect the text frames between two chapters, the text flow gets interrupted. It stops with that frame, emptying all those frames that were previously filled on the subsequent pages. So... am I'm thinking out loud here... the only solution is to split the text by chapter, rather than having it flow from chapter 1-x. Only when the text is split I can probably add new pages after a "chapter", leaving the other pages untouched. I did that to try it out, and it indeed inserted hundreds of pages after the last "frame". SUMMARY (and I stand corrected if you have a better solution): IF you edit a book with many chapters, DO NOT throw it all into one text-flow from beginning to end. Rather start new text flows at the beginning of each chapter, because that leaves the master pages intact, should you add new text to one chapter or change the formatting requiring more space/pages. Looking forward to your ideas/experiences. Helmar
  4. This might be a bit challenging to explain what I'm doing, but I'll try. I want to know if there's a way to link specific artwork to appear on the pages in a given section without using master pages? Some background: I'm am using Affinity Publisher for the first time and loving it. I am putting together an art book that is roughly broken down into sections by the year the art was created. It is going to be an illuminated manuscript-style book, so there are some repeating visual elements that are consistent throughout each section. The basic layout is the left hand page will have some calligraphy and text, along with the embellishments that need to appear on every left hand page of the section, and the right hand page has the artwork. I know this could be done with master pages, however, I have created 3 custom old, yellowed paper textures that I rotate through the whole book that I have set up as master pages. If I were to use the master page route to add those repeating art elements, one for each of the 3 sections, I would have 9 different master pages for the main pages of my book (there are a few others for the preface, etc.). Is there a way to accomplish this via sections? Creating an image frame or something that is connected to the section and not a master page? Hopefully I explained that adequately, thank you for your time. Toby
  5. I would like a way to apply master pages and start new sections based on the text style. (This forum post has an extensive discussion of some of the problems chapter book creators are having with Affinity Publisher without this feature: Right now it is a bit crazy making that any time I change my choices about line spacing, header fonts, hyphenation, or make minor text changes, I run the risk of changing the text flow enough to bump text onto a new page, and once that happens all the following section breaks and master page assignments are mis-aligned. It would be great if one of the options when editing a text style would be to have that style "Apply Master Page" and/or "Start New Section". In the case of "Apply Master Page", if there is more than one style on the page with this option set, the first style on the page with this option set wins the day. In the case of "Start New Section", if there is more than one style on the page with this option set, the text and page continuation settings of the first style on the page wins the day (and only one new section can be created on any single page). With options like this assigned to the text styles, then sections and master pages could be applied by styles instead of only to pages. If there is too much of a chance that this interferes with the page-based settings, then Affinity Publisher could add a "Apply Masters Based on Styles". Similarly, and "Define Sections from Styles" could be another global option if the page-based and style-based are hard to make play nice together. I would then choose to Apply Masters Based on Styles and Define Sections from Styles in my document. I would create a Body style that applies a plain body master page. I would define a Chapter Header style that applies a chapter header master page and also defines a new section with continuous page numbering. On the first page of any new chapter, I would see the chapter header master design because the header was first on the page before the body. On successive pages the body text style would be first to appear and thus the play body master page would be enforced.
  6. hi, How do i create multi-level sections in the pages manager ? "section 1 -blablabla Point A Point B Point C section 2 -balabala .... " i want to be able to jump from section 1- point C to section 14- point D without scrolling all the document!
  7. Current state: There is no logical link between text styles and master pages. If the page flow changes for whatever reasons, the entire structure of master pages gets messed up and needs to be redone. My suggestion: Link the a text style to a master page. Example: if this text style is chosen, apply the following master page to the page where the style resides. This would make setting up documents so much easier and more intuitive. Link master pages to each other. Example: if page 149 (right page) is Master A, make page 150 (left page) Master B. Then make page 151 (right page) Master C. Screen Recording 2020-03-15 at 15.22.56.mov Screen Recording 2020-03-15 at 15.22.56 720.mov Screen Recording 2020-03-15 at 15.22.56.mov Screen Recording 2020-03-15 at 15.22.56 720.mov
  8. I made a simple 3 page document, double spread, to play around with Sections. I inserted the text "Chapter x" (x=1,2,3) at the top of each page to keep track of them. I then created a section for each 'chapter', i.e. the first started on physical page 1, the next on page 2, etc I then inserted two new pages before page 2. The sections automatically updated and the section for "Chapter 2" now referred to physical page 4. All well and good. Next I deleted the two new pages, i.e. physical page 2 and 3 This time around Section 2 (correctly) pointed to physical page two, but Section 3 vanished. As a result, my Chapter 2 and 3 were incorporated into Section 2. I can only imagine how this would play havoc with a lengthy document with many chapters and sections. Is this how it's intended to work or a bug?
  9. How do I know which page is about what in the pages panel? Creating sections does not visualize them on the panel. If I have a long list of pages, how do I know which one is which in thumbnails unless I scroll all the way down?
  10. Hello, everyone, In the drafting of documents with multiple sections would be nice to have the opportunity to highlight these differences with different colours for the text of headings1, 2 ... of each section, these differences in colours of the text should be reflected in the ToC. Example: Section 1 - heading 1 text blue - heading 2 text blue Section 2 - heading 1 text red - heading 2 text red ToC should reflect the different colours to highlight the different Sections to make it easier to read or search for a specific content. Thanks & Ciao
  11. Publisher 1.7.1 on MacOS 10.9.5. Apple TrackPad. No joy with new or old document. Follow exact procedure portrayed in Sections Tutorial : dbl-click on Field name in Fields panel. No options shown in Text/Insert/Fields menu other than page, next frame and previous frame number. Must also add that for book production, hierarchical sections are very highly desirable, allowing display of both chapter and section title in header. Rank almost as highly as need for foot/endnotes.
  12. Working in InDesign for many years I am acquainted with Sections, Page Numbering, etc. I have worked in AffPub since the beta appeared and now in 1.7.1. What I have always wanted is a way to see my various Sections in the Layers panel so that I could easily go to a section and have the pages of that section appear under the section title. Is this possible? I do not see this in the Section Manager panel where I create and edit my various sections, nor have I found it related to my master pages panel, nor do I see it in the Navigator panel which appears to only change the current page. If possible combining Sections and Pages would allow easy navigation within a large document with numerous sections. Perhaps I am missing something, but as yet I have not found this possibility. Even a "Go To" button in the Sections Manager would be a big help.
  13. Hi there just playing with the new beta .192 I edited a master page with the intention to create a dedicated template for a section intro page. Here is the process which ends in a crash: 1> Assigning a name with section manager 2> go to View > Studio > Fields 3> Sitting on the master page; go to Fields > Document Sections > click on Name 4> boom It might well be that the master page isn't the place to do this, it shouldn't crash either. When doing the same on a document page it seems to work as intended. Best regards, Jörg
  14. I'd like to reallocate a different set of pages to each section using the Section Manager, is there a way of doing this in the Beta? John
  15. Impressive at first look for a first beta. I come from QuarkXPress and I find AP intuitive. • Projects – What if you have several related files (stationery, brochure, etc.) and you want to them to share resources and formatting. If you add another item to the project, such as a booklet, could you pick up the resources and formatting? • Long documents – Sections, etc. How to handle long documents. • Issues – Publications with several locations, etc. Maybe ads change from region to region. • External copy editing while layout is being worked on. Could a text editor be used to edit placed text and have it update on the page geometry? • Versioning – is that Save History? Can you revert to a previous version. • Step and Repeat – Such as 4 across and 8 down, duplicate. • Repurposing – eBooks, web, etc. I am writing a book using Scrivener. I want to do my own layout, since I have a graphics and printing background and have been hoping AP will be ready by the time I am ready to layout my book. Scrivener recently included an option to output to software called Vellum.
  16. Hello, I am working on a project right now and I have created a document in size of 22*28 inches. However, in order to print it, I will need to print it on 8.5*11 inch paper. I have made guides that divide the document across exactly where I need to print each individual sheet, and I am pasting it onto a poster so I do not need to worry about overlap. Can someone please help me figure out how to create the individual sections? I have a picture of my document here: https://goo.gl/photos/z2eijf8dB8w1WMbW8 Thank you for all your help!
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