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Found 20 results

  1. Hi everyone ! I would like to know why every time I save my work, I receive this error ? (picture 1). !🤔 And when I reopen my document, it shows me this every time (image 2). Can you solve this problem please ? Thank you for your attention. 🙏🏽
  2. For more information on the Affinity V2 licence and registration process, please read the following guides: Affinity Licensing and Activation Guide (Affinity Store) Affinity Licensing, Registration and Activation Guide (Mac App Store) Affinity Licensing, Registration and Activation Guide (iPad App Store)
  3. Hi, After a few days of free trial, I purchased Designer from your Affinity Store. Paid, created my account on your website and installed the application on my HP Envy laptop. Unfortunately, my repeated efforts to register the product remained unsuccessful. I have tried everything, even uninstalled the software, restarted my laptop, then installed it again, restarted, etc. Still the same. Please, see screenshots enclosed. I have tried to call the Nottingham number. I tried in the evening and kept trying this morning. Please, help me to complete the registration as I will need to use the programme I paid for. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you, Andrea
  4. I am a registered user of Affinity Photo and Designer. I now have a second personal computer, a laptop, and I would like to install Photo on it, as a Windows App rather than execution of the usual .exe downloaded file. That's important to me because my laptop has a very small SSD where the OS is, but will install Apps on a much larger DATA HD. (On my desktop Windows doesn't see Photo or Designer as Windows Apps, but rather as installed programs. I'd like to change that situation too, but that's a later topic.) So.... Should I pay for the Windows App, then request a refund? Or is there somewhere else I can get the App install file, then later use my registration code to activate it? Thank you, Ray PS. Should have mentioned that Windows allows Apps to be installed on the DATA (D:) HD whereas Affinity Photo wants to be installed in on the OS (C:) in Program Files.
  5. under the assets tab it says ios12 and it has a lot of apple extensions even though i purchased the program/application from the windows store. i am unable to register my productwith your database or whatever.
  6. If you're trying to register or sign into your Affinity Store account from within the app and you get the message Failed to connect to affinity.api.serifservices.com or Couldn't connect to server, please make sure that your operating system's firewall and/or any third party firewall apps are not blocking the app from connecting to the internet. You can also try adding the app to your firewall's allow/exception list along with the https://serifservices.com/ url which is used by the app to connect to the registration API.
  7. We're aware of an issue where users using Affinity apps purchased from the Microsoft Store are getting the error There was an unexpected problem while handling the server's response (0x00000001) when trying to register or sign into their Affinity Store account from within the app. This is a known issue and will hopefully be fixed in the next update, 1.9.2. More information can be found here: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/136186-unexpected-error-0x00000001-while-trying-register-affinity-photo/&do=findComment&comment=750582
  8. Hello, I have issues logging into my account using the Microsoft Store version of the affinity suite, every time I tried logging, I have the same error in both 1.9.0 and 1.9.1.
  9. Just recently got a new PC so I figured out it'd be a good idea to log out from my affinity apps. I logged out from the device and installation on the new PC went smoothly. I registered the new device, but when I checked the "Registered apps & devices" tab I noticed there was already a person using my account for Affinity Photo. Is there any way I can log out from this device? As it's usual I sold my old PC so I don't have access to this computer. Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi After installing Affinity Photo 1.9 update I am getting this prompt for registration : https://imgur.com/GnB789J I am wondering about two things: 1. Affinity already has my details (associated with the purchase serial number) - so what is the additional registration process? 2. Which account credential should I use for registration? The credential that I used for purchase? or the one to log on to this forum? or do I need to create a new one?
  11. I have the same problem. I bought all programs (designer, photo, publisher) in MS Store...
  12. I downloaded the new beta tonight for Designer and each time I tried to register or sign in, it would either stay on the loading screen forever, or tell me it could not connect. Not sure what to do about that
  13. The 1.9 updates added the ability to register your Affinity apps and sync content, purchased from the Affinity Store, directly into Affinity apps . You can find more information about registering your Affinity app and content syncing here and here Please note: If you're using a Mac you will need to be using macOS Sierra 10.12 or above for this feature to work. If you're using a non-supported version of macOS, you will need to manually download and install content purchased from the Affinity Store. More information can be found under the How to install content from the web section here
  14. After purchasing my Affinity Photo, It is asking me for unlock code. I do NOT see anyplace where I can get that code. It was not sent to my Email. So after purchasing it, where can I get this code to complete the transaction. I have problem noticing things, so I'm sure it's staring me in the face, but I just cannot find it. Do I get it from the Affinity Pro application? Do I get it from the web site? Where do I go? Please tell me I don't have to wait a week before I can get answers. Thanx
  15. I aggree with JohnWClark ! I acquired a license of Affinity Photo in December 2017 on the Apple Store and since I have not had any updates. I have the 1.6.7 version and I do not know if it is the most recent one because even on the Serif site I did not find the number of the latest version. I searched on my invoice or my Apple Store purchase history and found no license number Only an order number (MMJF0TF55L). When I open the page of my Serif store downloads, this purchase does not appear. Why is there this gap between buyers at Apple and those at Serif. At the moment of purchase, this difference in treatment was not stipulated and in any case could have been avoided by a simple first launching routine. I would like to know the number and the latest version and, eventually, a link to download it and in the future be treated as a full-fledged Serif customer. Thank you in advance
  16. Hello people. Affinity Photo for iPad Pro won't accept my email address. i cannot register with AP even though i purchased the app from Apple's app store. if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated. i am a beginner with AP and with the iPad Pro 10.5" 2017. thank you all in advance. ali black
  17. It's great news that the Publisher beta will be ready to download soon but I'm wondering if I need to sign up to be notified of its release. I already get the occasional email from "Affinity @ Serif.com" (spaces intentionally inserted) but don't know if the "newsletter" mentioned here https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/publisher/ was something different. Do I need to register, or is the newsletter mentioned the email I already get? P.S. I didn't know where to start this thread so I put it here.
  18. How on earth do I log into an account nowhere I can see is there a way to create a new account, it doesn't recognise my email address. Bought it through the app store.
  19. i have web plus x7 e other`s , my copy of web plus is asking for registration again , i put the cod that is located on the site and does not works please help me now
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