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Found 17 results

  1. Does affinity has tiling feature like in Adobe Animate or Krita? The feature I am asking about is wrap around mode in Krita. Example : In Animate : Check the last gif for example. I want to make nice looking tiles in affinty designer. As long i can make that I am willing to switch to affinity. All I want is nice fast workflow for making 2D game art in affinity. I have attached some references of what i want to do. https://www.gamedevmarket.net/asset/jungle-tile-set/ As advertised in the affinity designer page here. The artwork they shown is from a game too. https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/designer/ pyxel edit tiling.mp4
  2. I just have two questions (and probably more later) 1. how do you temporarily hide selections? in Photoshop, you can do this by pressing Ctrl+H. I often use this feature when i'm painting and prefer not to constantly ticking boxes or selecting something. its much faster if I can just assign a key to it so I can use it on my drawing tablet's express key. 2. when using the color picker, a big sphere/circle will appear in order for me to get a good view of what the color i'm selecting. is there a way to disable this sphere/circle? or atleast maybe reduce it size? cause unfortunately its too distracting as it blocks a large portion of whatever drawing/image is behind it.
  3. Hi all, I am wondering if anyone here knows how to make a pattern like this in Designer. Using illustrator, all I have to do is make a dashed line stroke on a circle. Notice how the lines get wider the farther they are away from the circle. I have not been able to figure out how to do this effect with affinity. The dashed stroke seems to just make dots that surround the circle with Designer.
  4. I ran across an old color photography technique called photochrom and I'd love to figure out a way to emulate it. My first thought is to duplicate the image and make a monochrome version, then use a live procedural texture on the original to create a number of single, non-CMYK/RGB color overlays, but I'm not quite sure how to create the procedural texture to do that. Has anyone done something like this? Is there another approach I could experiment with?
  5. Hi all, a new affinity photo user here. I just got the app on the ipad, and have not used this at all, so it's all still a tad foreign. I tired looking up some information on my issues, but found it slightly difficult to locate answers to my questions. So hoping some people can help me out here/ direct me towards the right place. 1. First issue regarding importing photoshop .abr files, I've tried with an .abr file with just one brush, and that seem to work. However when I tried to import a larger .abr file containing multiple brushes (around 700mb) the app would crash. The brushes are from photoshop cs5- cs6 so I'm not entirely sure if it's just a really large .abr file or it can only be one brush at a time? 2. Brush group adjustments, by default, there are multiple brush groups, with different kinds of brushes eg dry brush, drawing...etc. However it doesn't seem like you can edit / move / duplicate the brushes around between these groups? Or I just haven't figured it out. If anyone can clarify that, it would be great. The only thing you seemed to be able to do is edit settings, rename the brush, and delete the brush. 3. Having then tried to adjust some setting on the brushes, I've noticed that when I set brush size to 100% regardless of curve adjusts there is always this initial spot from the brush at a larger size as if I was apply a lot of pressure, however I would only be pressing extremely lightly, it was then jump to presumably what the size should be for that pressure, and then the rest of the stroke is fine. Attached are some images of some of the strokes, and settings which I've adjusted it to, again I'm not entirely familiar with how all the settings work, but I cannot figure out how to change the setting to have just a nice smooth line tapering properly. Hopefully someone will be able to enlighten me on my current situation. Thanks!
  6. Hi all This is my first post here in the Affinity forums . I got familier with Affinity designer when it was in beta a few years back . For the past year I used Gravit as my main vactor app (I'm an amateur , using it for fun only). Since I'm considering the switch I would like to share my thoughs and get some feedback : Affinity designer is one time fee while Gravit Pro is annually based subscription . I prefer one time fee but Gravit is giving 60$ off for Gravit users , which makes it cheaper from Affinity designer (Though I'm not sure if it's only for the first year or every year) . I'm already familiar with Gravit and feel "Right at home" when I use it . I still don't feel it with Affinity . Should I be worried ? Unlike Gravit , I see a lot information and tutorials on Affinity , both here and on UDEMY and it makes me think Affinity is more welcomed by the design insudtry . Am I right ? Assuming I'm willing to purchase Affinity designer , will I get every minor/major updates in the future for free ? One of the main advantages on Gravit is the fact they have support for browser . Will you add such support in the future ? Thank you !
  7. Apologies for posting this here but, as you will read later, there wasn't anywhere else for me to put it. There have been a few times where I have needed to ask a question about the forum itself - not the software, just the forum website - and have had to put my post somewhere - like here - that seems inappropriate. Would it be possible for there to be a "Forum Questions" section just for people asking about the forum software? You could pin tips and information up there too so people know how to conduct themselves. Or what about a "Website Questions" section where people could also post about things on the main Affinity website and Affinity Spotlight too? I have a couple of questions to ask and I really don't want to have to put them in the "Customer Service, Accounts and Purchasing" section, but there's nowhere else that I can see.
  8. I have just purchased Affinity and have some questions. 1/ Can the icons be made larger? 2/ If I wanted to download a second copy to my Desktop computer, how would I do that? 3/ My screen does not look like the tutorial screens. There is no reference to the pixel base image in the lower right side of the screen,nor are there the red dots on the drop down menus when an adjustment layer is activated. Why??? Thanks B.
  9. Hi there I'm just buy Affinity Designer and downloading from Apple Store (I have Mac)... I wondering some questions.. Why in my Affinity account there is nowhere my downloads, and my order history is empty???.. Secondary and minor importance.. this BONUS - Grade UI Kit... it's only for windows users???... Third... if I need to install again the software... how can I do it??? because in Mac it's making auto-install.. one more... Downloads & Product Keys in my Affinity account is empty..... Many thanks
  10. Hello, I have a really big problem with the Gradient tool... When I use the tool it immediately applies black/white color on my image, i can first change the color when its already applied which means under my intended color there will remain black or white pixels which make the gradient look terrible. My question is can I turn the automatic-application off somehow? it kind of works with Context:Fill-->Type:Solid Im just wondering if other people have experienced same issues with the tool, im still a newbie at the program... overall it's good but I enjoyed the Gradient tool of GIMP way more... Affinity Photo never acutally saves the colors that i've used before it always jumps back to black/white colors or it lets me select 1 color but the other one stays black/ or white... I struggle so much at this, maybe it's on me to blame. IDK anymore... sometimes I click on Stroke and the ( Type: ) option is even locked... or it doesnt allow me to reverse the gradient on the options.
  11. I have had the trial version of Affinity for several days now. I can't seem to find where you offer any frames, the stuff you can add to a photo. Is there any in Affinity? More important is this question. Does Affinity have an ORGANIZER to which I can upload images from my camera to Affinity? Or, do I have to use Affinity only as a second software application for editing? Thanks for any help.
  12. I have actually two questions. 1. Is there any way to make editing RAW images quicker with less sliders in Affinity, like some sort of AUTO feature. Right now I use Capture Pro from Phase One to develop my RAW images due to its very quick and less sliders are all over the place. 2. Capture Pro makes it very easy to develop Batch images all at once. As soon as the image enters Capture Pro, the image is automatically developed with the users saved preset or default presets available. Then I send the tiffs to Affinity Photo for the touch ups. I know Affinity can develop RAW files but is there any way to make it similar with Capture Pro quickness as well as Batch developing? I have a 1-3 day time frame I give out my images to clients. because of my current setup. Would love the wisdom of some professionals on this one. I am looking at getting an iPad because Affinity now being able to be used on there, I just need some wisdom. thank you.
  13. So I have a shape and I am trying to make sure the text I put to the side of it is perfectly centered to the with the shape. I know photoshop has something like this with their grids that show a line when you reach the top portion, bottom portion, or center of an object you are moving the item nearby. Does Affinity do the same? Photo from my website to show what I mean. See how the purple lines appear when I move my text over the bar on the bottom letting me know they are centered against each other? Thanks everyone! loving the program so far.
  14. Now I've finally sussed out the inpainting brush tool, I am now having an issue with a blur. So I recently had a photo of two deers, and wanted to delete one of them, so i did, and it finally deleted after a few takes, it had a noticeable blur patch. What do I do? I'm on the trial as well.
  15. Hello, I have downloaded the trial version and have to say it is very nice. I loaded my current tvOS projects character SVG which has about 110 frames of character animations. Each frame comprised of about 30 elements. So a good test to compare to Inkscape 0.91 for performance. System is fairly maxed out 2011 iMac. Pros: Wow it is fast and scrolls in and out so smoothly Using the same keyboard shortcuts as the rest of OSX is nice as well Near perfect import of the test SVG (see cons for issues) Easy to use so far Awesome export options Cons: Clipped & Masked items in the test SVG did not import clipped or masked. This is actually quite a mess to have to clean up by hand. Color picker eye dropper was not nearly as intuitive to use as pretty much any other apps I have used. The click & hold then move selection area to color felt very awkward. Much prefer the select tool then move to area and click on color desired style eye dropper tools. Not so happy with the path node tools either. Enjoy having control arms on all three types of control nodes in Inkscape. Questions: 1. Is there something I am missing to fix the problem with Clipped elements on SVG import? I use this technique often in Inkscape so getting this right on import is important. Just to much work to fix it all by hand on every image and if I can't bring in all my old art it negates the value of moving to AD from Inkscape. 2. Is there a way to get a color picker that works more in line with the select object, select tool, select color (like inkscape) with out the need for the click/hold/drag AD uses? Being new I bet I missing something here. 3. Path node control arms for all nodes types would be nice, so am I missing the obvious on how to get them to appear? 4. I know they keep this tool up to date so I will ask about PNG export without transparency (Alpha). Anyone that is developing for Apple knows that they have moved several items to no Alpha channel and that they prefer PNG format files. The latest is Image Stacks for tvOS apps require the back most layer to not have any Alpha. So could that becomes a PNG export option? I ask about PNG because it is easier to keep all images in the same format vice a mix of PNG and JPG files. Also right now Apples tool chain for image stacks is young and mixing PNG/JPG in the stack has resulted in fun and for me it being easier to use Preview to fix the alpha channel as required and stay all PNG files. 5. Speaking of tvOS will there be an Export option to create the Parallax Images (.lsr files) added at some point? I have an idea on this might be done. Special template with 1 to 5 layers (range that Apple's LSR format allows. The export option would export each layer into the LSR file (layer 1 being back most) and then counting up from there. It would sure be awesome to have something like this for AD given that Apple released a plugging for PhotoShop to do just this. Again great product. Loving the trial version. Besides the clipped and masked objects not importing correctly I am thinking this is a clear move from Inkscape for me. Look forward to hearing back. Matt
  16. Dear Sirs and Madams, (sorry for my bad english) first: aphoto and adesigner are both very very cool and useful programs. :D it was a very short time to converse my habituation from indesign to adesigner. (meanwhile i rather use adesigner) your video-tutorials was very helpful but in aphoto i must learn still some things, so i am sorry when following suggestions or questions are unnecessarily: 1. shortcuts in non-english keybord-layouts thats a big problem for german users because the user operability suffers some time. especially the „[" and „]“ keys are not reachable in german keyboard layouts. is there an (usable) way or for german users without changing the whole keyboard layout? (that would be in conflicts with shortcuts in other programs) 2. if using quickmask, the brush color must be set to „white“ to remove desired areas in the red „invertmask". but if i set the brush color to „black“ his functionality is opposite - like an eraser. thats very cool - so i dont need to set the eraser size seperately - only switch from white to black. but it is a bug or a feature? (i have not seen that in the tutorials) 3. is there a shortcut in quickmask (like „alt“) to switch from „mask“ to „demask“ function? 4. there a many different brushes in aphoto but most as an „circle“. sometimes i wish there would be some brushes with „sharper“ forms to better paint ore refine masks. maybe like an „triangle“ that can be rotated and changed like desired to work better in sharp edges. 5. i wish the cropping tool would be have a "preview“ function for blend out the unselected (cropped) areas. maybe switchable in the colors black, white or (selectable) gray. so it would be better to estimate the cropping result bevor pressing the „apply“ button. (wysiwyg style) 6. a more consistently way to crop "lossless" - without loosing the cropped areas after pressing "apply". the crop tool could maybe be ask on pressing "apply" what to to: "crop finally - and loosing the cropped pixels" or "crop with mask - without losing the cropped pixels". 7. a better indication which tools will act "reversible" or in "finally". (parallel or serial processing) at the moment this distinction is "from where" the tool is selected - from the "layers" or the "filters" menu. and - to find a needed filter the user must be click around in different menus. i think ALL filter should be storaged in ONE place (one menu) with a special sign (or a submenu) if the filter is availble for act in parallel and/or serial processing. best regards, yummiweb
  17. Hello Guys, I have a small problem. I imported a PDF file, what I made previous in Adobe Illustrator. The document size is standard A4. The problem is the background colour. I don't know why but It became a bit brownish instead of white. If I open a new document, I is white. Any idea? If I put a white rectangle on It, It blends to the BG so I think It would be some colour space issue. Thanks Gergo
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