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Found 13 results

  1. This is one of my digital paintings with the title Planets & Inhabitants/ Floryon", a landscape on a planet in our galaxy that has developed a humanoid intelligence, a hybrid between plants and animals. I worked with basic Affinity Photo 2 Beta brushes and brushes created by developers both in app. The figures in the foreground are first, modeled by me and placed in the landscape in the conversational pose.
  2. I fancied doing something shiny, not too easy but not too complicated either, 2 weeks max, so decided to see if I could get this done. Shame it turned out to be such a horrible movie. There was too much background on the photo I used so I cropped it to something a bit more interesting. Who needs fancy pants gradient meshes when there’s the pen tool Sorry about the equally horrible compression.
  3. Hello! I'm going to start posting my work and W.I.P here.. I will share any cool tips and tricks I pick up along the way! A little about me.. I've been following the progress of the affinity team since its launch, I had a different username 'MattyD' but forgot the password and email lol so created a new one, was really happy that the development team implemented my suggestion with the snap anchor to grid , in fact they went even further and now affinity has incredible snapping features, I honestly believe this will be the industry standard software in perhaps 10-15 years overtaking adobe if they keep doing what they're doing, maybe sooner if they increase their development team, sounds like a long time but adobe is over 30 years old and Affinity around 10 . I would mainly use it for just playing around with but since launch of V2 I've been absolutely loving it, and now feel comfortable using the suite for professional work..
  4. So this is an image manipulation using various effects to create my impression of a creature(?!) mentioned in Finnish national epic Kalevala. Her name is Kissa Kipinätär, which loosely translates into Cat Miss Sparkle (I don't know what she's called in the English version of the poem). So here it is!
  5. I knew that I wanted a pentangle included in this picture, so apart from all other pictures sourced at unsplash, the pentangle is mine/mine/mine. I was determined not to go trawling through the internet looking for an easy life in choosing other people's graphics - free or otherwise. So, by using shapes - and my tired brain, I was able to manufacture the pentangle to how I wanted it to look. After many crashes when using the Perspective tool (my computer hates it and always freezes and crashes when it's used) I emerged from my deficient computer's sulky, inadequate gloom, and had myself a customised graphic. Time to invest in an actual faster computer I think.
  6. Hi all. I've been using affinity for a while for painting so thought Id share a piece I just finished. Apart from the initial design which was done on art studio pro on ipad it was entirely painted in photo. I haven't seen much digital painting done in affinity which is a bit of a shame because the brush engine and general speed is pretty great.
  7. I watched a video today by James Riston on compositing and decided to try out some of what I learned. So I took a couple of stock photos, and an image of a tusk from a narwhal added some experimentation and I brought this mythical creature to life
  8. hey guys! I did this piece using affinity designer on ipad pro it was quite fun to do that, many challenges with the perspective. Anyway you can get my brushes used here to do similar artstyle and level of quality Master vector brushes gumroad.com/jhonatanssilva cheers Jhon
  9. Hello there! I've been using Photo exclusively for painting. Here's a sample of my work. Give me a follow on IG if you feel like it. https://www.instagram.com/adriano_do_couto_art
  10. Exploration of brushes, atmospherics to create drama...
  11. Final concept design of garden area for client's top-down JRPG game. All work done with Affinity Photo. You can see more of these and some of my process on my Artstation profile. Enjoy!
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