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Found 16 results

  1. Hey so I'm not sure it's supposed to do this. When using the Contour Tool, at a certain point unintended line fragments and geometry spawns inside of the new outline being created by the Countour Tool. See video. Application: Designer Using version 2.5.3 Is reproducible: yes Happens for a new document: yes Happens with both hardware acceleration on and off: yes What happened: I created a little squiggly blob shape using the Pen Tool. I then selected the Contour Tool, and upon scaling to a certain size, strange small line fragments and other odd unintended geometry began to appear. I also tried this with a square and had the same result, though the artifacts and unintended geometry was diamond shaped. Recipe: 1: Make a blob or other shape with Pen Tool. 2: Use the Contour Tool and scale it up until strange geometry and/or lines begin crawling out of the void like some sort of occult hidden mathematics. And that's it. I'm a new user and this was the first thing I tried to do in Designer, so I recognize I might be making a big deal about nothing, but I did notice that this could occur within ranges of reasonable use of the Contour Tool, like making an aura for a serpent, for example, and wanted to report it. Video attached. Unusual hardware: I have a midi keyboard plugged in but I doubt that impact this. Also as I'm working on a desktop I have two monitors but again, I don't think that's the cause. Did this same thing used to work and if so have I changed anything recently? No I just bought and installed this today. First thing I did in this program ever. 2024-07-06 16-30-00.mkv
  2. Now, maybe it's a user error, but I am trying to use the contour tool to offset the path on text, but it only seems to work off the artboard. Example below. What am I doing wrong? Screen Recording 2024-06-24 at 8.45.50 PM.mov
  3. Hey everyone, I've run into an issue in Affinity Designer when using the Contour Tool with compound objects. What I would expect: When I select individual elements within a compound object, the bounding boxes fit snugly around each element – just as they do with shapes that aren't using the Contour Tool. What actually happens: All good when selecting elements one by one. But when I select the whole compound object, the bounding box is unexpectedly large, even though I reduced the shapes size inside with the Contour Tool. It doesn’t match the actual size of the object, making it really tough to position things accurately. I attached a sample file. I know I could »bake the appearance« to fix it, which makes the size permanent, but I want to keep the design flexible (need to create a graphic with different sized window frames). So, that’s not the solution for me. Has anyone else dealt with this? Greetings Dennis Contour_Tool_Compound_Object_Bounding_Box.afdesign
  4. When an object is applied a style with a contour (either by style picker tool or by using saved styles from Style Panel), the applied contour is undoable. Windows 11 Affinity all suite v2.4.1, v2.4.2 (maybe even earlier)
  5. I think it would be useful to have a tool in the Designer to offset an open path. At the moment I don't see such a possibility. There are workarounds e.g. using Contour Tool and splitting the path, or adding extra Strokes in the Appearance panel. I am not sure if a separate tool is needed for this. Maybe it would be possible to extend the functionality of the Contour Tool by adding an option to offset the path when it is open, instead of making a buffer around it.
  6. I create text and a text contour with the contour tool. Since I have to move them together, I create a group for those 2 text layers. When I move the group, I see glitches in the contour. Ungroup the 2 layers, create a compound with the 2 layers and you see more glitches.
  7. Contour tool creating garbage on strokes. Please check the video for details. Screen Recording 2021-05-27 at 6.19.09 AM-2.mp4 OS: macOS Catalina Ram: 16GB Macbook pro 15in mid-2015 No external devices attached with USB.
  8. Just trying out Contour Tool and the things you can do with it. Fill from StuartRc Camouflages and Dinosaur Styles https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/tutorials/designer/desktop/video/497645654/ Around 3.30 in the video they explain how to do it.
  9. In addition to the existing bugs in the contour tool and expand stroke, visual artefacts also appear! S_curve_example_BUG_contour_tool.afdesign S_curve_example_BUG_expand_stroke.afdesign S_curve_example.afdesign S_curve_example_BUG_contour_tool.mp4 S_curve_example_BUG_expand_stroke.mp4
  10. I use the Pen Tool to draw a curve. I duplicate the curve and adjust it using the Contour Tool. I duplicate the edited curve, and use the Layer\Convert to Curves menu to convert it back to a curve. These are completely different shapes/curves, and yet in the Layers Panel they all name exactly the same. Would it not be possible to name a curve that is modified with the Contour Tool, for example, "Contour"? This would greatly improve and clarify the orientation in the Layer Panel, because otherwise it is difficult to determine how the curve/shape actually was created and with what (which Tool) it can be modified. Thank you
  11. Has anyone ever experienced something like this? I can't find the fill and stroke in the contour tool, I've gone to affinity.help but can't find the answer. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thank you.
  12. See video attached. When I apply the contour tool it creates a weird broken contour that I am not sure is supposed to be like that. Is there maybe a way I can avoid this? Also, I hardly can work with it as it freezes the app and I have to restart it. Thanks. Contourartifact.mp4
  13. Grouping items where a contour has been applied breaks when dragging the group....... Create artistic text. Duplicate. Contour top item to be smaller. Add stroke to top item Group. If one then selects the two items within the group and drags, they move correctly [lower part of image]. If one selects the group as a whole, [upper part of image] and drags, the drawing parts move differently, as if the scaling of the contour is affecting the movement? Windows 10 Ryzen5/Radeon Designer 1.9 regards Gareth
  14. Hello there, the picture says it all, I guess, but just for clarity: there seems to be a hard coded Mitre limit in the Contour tool and there are situations where it needs to be adjusted. These are plain vertices, no funky extra ones underneath, yet the obtuse corner is behaving as expected but the acute angle leaves no choice but to either alter the geometry or switch to Illustrator’s Offset tool, where it can be adjusted. Please make AD even greater, thanks! Best regards, Matt
  15. Hi Do you know what the lead time is for something like the contour tool to be taken from beta to final product? Thanks
  16. Hello, I can’t enter anything above 50 px in the radius input box. The only way to successfully achieve a higher value is to grab an object’s handle (be it corner, or side, doesn’t really matter) and drag it left to decrease the value and right to increase it. Unfortunately there’s no cursor on my screenshot but that’s how I did it. Immediately after increasing the value via the input it resets to 50. The same for moving the pop-up slider. cheers Matt
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