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Found 16 results

  1. Hi, I was wondering if there is any solution for my problem. I am using Affinity Designer for creating documents for my clients, all of them are based on few templates. I have at least two artboards in each template and I export them to two filetypes - jpg and pdf. Here is my workflow: I am opening last saved document of some kind - e.g. document-1005, then I am editing it with new data and then I am saving it as document-1006. Then I am exporting (ctrl alt shift s) each artboard as jpg and pdf - because filename of Affinity Designer file is kept - its all easy for me to keep filenames constant (I have in one plce files document-1005.pdf, document-1005.jpg, document-1005.afdesign). What would be perfect for me is to use slices to export. Right now if I choose slices - I would need to change slices name everytime when exporting them. I am looking for some simple solution like what I created in Photoshop. Simple java script - it can create subfolders (when I need) and/or save file as jpg/png/psd with prefix or suffix added to original filename. Is it possible in any way? Regards, triforcesolutions
  2. Hi all, I wonder if it is possible to remove the names of the artboards? I've been looking for that option, but I can't find it. Thank you. 🙂 Marlies
  3. Layer symbols are not displayed correctly, if you hover over the symbol icon (the crossed dot), Designer displays a pop-up that reads: "layer", whereas the layer is in fact a symbol. Also, the name of the symbol in the symbol studio and layers studio still reads "layer", instead of "symbol" as symbols would. Also note that if I delete all the layers, the symbol in the symbol studio will read group, as opposed to "symbol". See video, should be self-explanatory. 2023-01-12 13-01-13.mp4
  4. Is there any way to name pages individually without using Sections? I make customisable Inserts for Planners and its more useful to me to have them individually named like the artboards in Designer.
  5. Hello all … back once again with a new Dumb Question of the Month (are prizes given for that? just asking …) Anyhow: Affinity Photo (1.9.2) had been working perfectly well and allowed me to click on a “pixel” layer, highlight the “pixel” designator word, and replace it with a more descriptive title indicating that layer's function. Not so anymore. The last two images I've edited in AP have steadfastly rebuffed all attempts to re-name a layer. Whether it's an pixel layer, an adjustment layer, a group of layers I'd like to rename … doesn't matter. Can't do it. Won't let me. Also of interest (in a masochistic sort of way) is the inability to separate the ‘child’ layer mask and bring it above the layer it's attached to (I assume this is doable since I've done it before.) The same inseparability applies to other forms of layer pairs - they will not permit any detachment or movement from the layer they're linked with. The most puzzling aspect is that, until today, renaming and moving layers or masks was not problematic. Moving a ‘child’ layer from beneath its parent layer to berth it alongside was uneventful and quite easily done. Not so now. Any and all thoughts regarding (a) possible causes and (b) potential solutions are welcome. Have any other users experienced this behavior with 1.9.2? Thanks to all for input …
  6. How do I know which page is about what in the pages panel? Creating sections does not visualize them on the panel. If I have a long list of pages, how do I know which one is which in thumbnails unless I scroll all the way down?
  7. I am using Affinity to create card games or other cards, and with the way a number of programs and game websites handle file names I was wanting to find a way to force Publisher to add leading zeros so that the files would be listed in the same order regardless of which site or program is looking at them. I couldn't see any settings to let me do that. Current Setup: FileName_1.png, FileName_2.png, FileName_20.png, FileName_21.png, etc What I'd like: FileName_001.png, FileName_002.png,..., FileName_197.png, etc
  8. It is not possible to save a file under the name of an existing sub-folder. I always enter the folder instead of saving the file.
  9. Hi, I create UI for work and we often have reusable elements in our designs; when these are exported they have the same name but different X Y coordinates on the page. I'd like to start using Affinity for this but there is a slight issue. Currently when Affinity exports two Slices with the same name, it adds a number to the file name of the repeat slices. Is there a way to disable/override this? My goal is to have only one of the repeat slices exported but still have the coordinates for each in the Batch Builder export. Also it would be great to have some more advanced control on the Batch Builder presets in future hehe
  10. Hello! I am having a curious problem with typefaces in both Designer and publisher, which is that a particular font (Akzidenz Grotesk BQ regular) never shows. It shows alright in Photoshop, MS word, and also correctly installed in the font directory (windows 10). In fact, when I open the character tab, I have a "bold", and two "medium" fonts (the two medium are the same) and no "regular". The same panel in photoshop shows "bold", "medium" and "regular". (postscript OTF) Is it a known bug or something I have missed? The typeface/fonts comes from Berthold website (bought there) so not likely to be corrupted. I have attached a couple of screenshots Thanks a bunch...
  11. Since I'm working witht he german version of APW I'm constantly struggeling with asking and answering questions here in the forum in the english language since in many cases I dont't know the proper english menu, tools and panel naming as only the german version is available as a reference. It would be great to have a lookup table to properly translate from foreign language to the original english naming of menue, panels and descriptions of AP. This would prevent a lot of unnecessary work and misunderstanding in the forum. Cheers Timo
  12. Is there a way to add a Pantone swatch from the Pantone palette into the document swatches and for it to retain it's name, rather than changing to 'Global Colour x'? Specifically relevant for spot colours from the Pantone Solid Coated & Uncoated books. eg if I select 'PANTONE 205 C; and then add it to my document swatches palette it will be renamed 'Global Colour 1'. If I export a pdf then the colour swatch in the pdf will also be called 'Global Colour 1' Do I have to manually rename the colour back to it's pantone name each time? Also, if I want to change the global colour to another Pantone colour , the edit colour palette won't let me search for another colour by name or show a list. I have to guess from the swatches which is my new colour. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
  13. When I convert my iPhotos Library to Photos many of the names/titles I have on photos are replaced with the original name assigned to the photo by the camera or Facebook if I copy a photo from Facebook. Have you looked into a feature that would allow batch naming of photos using either the Title or File Name fields that existed in iPhotos?
  14. Affinity Photo (henceforth "AP") does a stellar job of importing from PSDs, but there are some usability improvements that would help to properly set user's expectations about the nature of the import process. For example, AP appears to rasterize Vector Smart Objects and Embedded Smart Objects into "pixel layers". Fortunately the user can determine the type of an imported layer quite easily by looking at the parenthetical text following its name, but AP's attempt to preserve layer names has the potential to set false expectations at-a-glance, as this image describes: As also noted in the above image, this can have significant usability implications for exporting to PSD, as rasterized layers may keep their default names (as imported by AP), but are in fact be pixel layers within the exported PSD. This confused me the first time I exported to PSD after initially importing from one. There are similar caveats for the layer names of other imported layers. For example: type layers are imported with their names, which suppresses AP's automatic layer naming for type layers based on their text content. It's likely that these layer names originated as auto-generated names in Photoshop to begin with. – Based on these observations, I have a few recommendations in the form of optional PSD import options for layer names: A "PSD Import" option to append " (Rasterized by Affinity Photo)" to the end of layers in a PSD that become pixel layers upon import into Affinity Photo A "PSD Import" option to remove names of type layers if the entire layer name exists as a substring in the type layer's text content, starting from the first character An option to review layers that have been rasterized upon importing a PSD Cheers, Joe
  15. The ability to name layers would be an important feature to me. As you work with more and more layers, I typically name them so I know which one is what.
  16. @matt, @andy, your reply in https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/560-selection-marqu%C3%A9-tools-constrain-aspect-ratio-and-slow-speed/&p=2336 does irritate me. I don't see any tool called "select" besides a various marque tools in pixel mode – whereas a beta mail mentioned "Select tool ... constrain aspect ratio" and matt asked/replied "I assume" concerning my initial question. Just in case Affinity has more than the the rich bunch of Marque Tools of pixel mode ("persona"? you might want to consider to define/name them accordingly in the later manual & online help. (compare 2 screenshots attached: "marque", "selection") (i'll check in next beta: marque: constrain aspect ratio – and let you know here)
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