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  1. Since updating to 1.7, the BASIC erase brush has been very choppy, only erasing in what seems to be full circles, just repeated. Before the update, Erasing was smooth and I was able to mask cleanly and accurately, but this has made that no longer possible. Is there any way to fix this?
  2. Without any modifications made, if you add a new View Point using Advanced mode in Navigator, photo become desaturated and unaffected by any tool parameter changes.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz6xvsxcbtHZwpaLbTgpMsTQ1oiHvfjVy
  4. Since the last Update of 1.7. all my panels are constantly changing with every boot of the program. Was fine with initial 1.7, but the first update screwed this up. Tried resetting with CONTROL on boot...but no luck. This is extremely annoying . Trying to work and this keeps changing. Anyone have a fix? Gary
  5. Pen Pressure Opacity Settings for (1.7 Update): Affinity Photo/Designer - Pen Opacity Pressure Settings (As of the 1.7 Update): you do not need to adjust Flow or set Flow to "Pressure," to affect Pen Opacity Pressure. - All you need to do (via the Context Menu with the Brush selected) is: 1. select "MORE" 2. choose "Dynamics" 3. adjust the "ACCUMULATION" slider to 100% and select "Pressure" from the drop down. 4. Make sure the "Force Size button" is OFF, via the Context Menu; unless you want your brush pressure to affect both size and opacity at the same time, (which isn't uncommon when used with painting &/or blending). Note: you can also set the size to None via the drop-down menu for size in under More/Dynamics. Note: you may have to do this if you're using custom created brushes, such as some brushes made from Daub. Affinity Photo/Designer - Advanced Pen Opacity Brush Settings & downloaded/purchased Custom Brushes: 5. Advanced Pen Opacity Pressure: under (Brush/Context Menu/More Button/ Dynamics Tab/ACCUMULATION - Set to 100% & Drop Down to "Pressure)" you can also change the "Curve". The best curve to use is the same one for "size." The Curve button is to the "Right" of the Drop-Down menu in the Brush/More/Dynamics tab. Select a curve and try different curve alignments or create your own. The best one or rather for normal one you would expect (as in Adobe PS) is the curve alignment all the way to the Right (which again, is the same Curve used for Pen Size Pressure). 6. Download/Purchased Brushes and Opacity (very important especially for Designer): a lot of brushes already have multiple settings created from those downloaded, purchased or inherently part of Designer. However, older brushes not made specifically for the 1.7 Affinity update may need some adjusting. Flow and Accumulation are the two biggest sliders you must pay attention to if a brush does not behave correctly as it may have in previous additions of Affinity. Example: Daub | Essentials Brush Pack. Some brushes will need tweaking. I suggest coping the brush from the original and adjusting those there in (and Flow), as needed. That way you can save them and back them up as well! Hope this helps – Johnny K PS. Sorry for being so "obvious in my descriptions. I want to be clear with those whom never used Affinity before &/or those coming from Adobe. As I mentioned, Affinity really need to get with the program of adding a "FORCE OPACITY BUTTON" to the context menu as they did for Size and list "OPACITY" in the Brush/Context Menu/More Button/Dynamics with all controls, menus and curve alignments as they do for other brush properties. Kinda ridiculous this hasn't been addressed yet! * I will also try and get photos with # descriptions posted here in asap, if it is requested. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While I'm writing a small book... Dear Affinity, Affinity needs to have a "OPACITY preset, under Brush Dynamics" with the brushes customary controls; Example: Typical settings under Dynamics such as: % Slider / Type (None, Random, "Pressure," ect), for both Photo & Designer. If Accumulation is Opacity (though it acts like opacity, it shouldn't be), then change the name, it's confusing. Pen Size and Pen Opacity are the most commonly used setting and not just for pen strokes! Also... a Pen: "Force to Opacity - Button," as there is now for Brush Pen Size is greatly need also. Perhaps you might want both settings on also; as this is "again," commonly used and it shouldn't be a headache to figure out. Again, Opacity & Size (pen, pen pressure, or mouse), are the two most commonly used brush features/settings needed for brush strokes and much, much more! Right now, is the best time to beat Adobe but, the jumping through hoops, having to write a book in the forums, for one of the most needed settings of a Pen Pressure "Opacity"effect is reDONKulous and kinda annoying! Severely Ridiculous; common guys & girls! BTW... Don't mistake me. I love what you are doing with Affinity, overall. That said, it would be lovely if the new Publisher "Studiolink feature," worked in 3 programs. Designer needs the Channels Palette ... just as Photo needs more brush painting abilities' that are in Designer! Couldn't a channels palette be brought in Designer via the Studiolink feature or simply put in Designer's Pixel Persona. This is another commonly used design feature, missing from your core designer program, (no pun intended)! How & why is there no channels palette in Designer? And if for some reason Designer can't support channels, then Photo needs a serious revamp, so it can Paint more effectively like Photoshop (which to be honest, wouldn't hurt doing so regardless). Photo feels like a after thought compared to Designer, with the exception of missing key elements, already mentioned. With all sincerity - J
  6. It doesn't matter what I copy, could be boxes, could be imported SVGs, instead of copying an SVG, Affinity Designer rasterizes it into an image. This is super annoying.
  7. I am having issues with my keyboard working in Photo 1.7 running Mojave. I have given Photo access to the computer, yet it will not respond. Makes it very difficult trying to use the pen tool. Any suggestions?
  8. Hi, I just wanted to ask whether the Metal performance improvements on MacOS have been brought to Windows too, or are most effects here still being computed on the CPU?
  9. The new rubber band mode for pen tool is pretty neat. Draws your path in real time so you can see it before you drop a new point. Helps streamline the process a bit. Great Feature!
  10. Hi, I purchased Affinity Designer and Photo a while ago. Since, i'm prompted to update Designer on the app store at every update you release. But the Photo update never appears in the update panel of the appstore. And when i visit the app page on the store, the price of the app is displayed instead of the usual "open" button, inviting me to buy the app again.. What should i do? I'm stuck on version 1.5.2 of Photo for a while now... Please help. Thanks for paying attention to this message. Regards. k.
  11. Hey, I have a question regarding the "presets" under the ADJUSTMENT tab (Default, Lighten, Darken u. g.) in PHOTO. After my update to 1.7 they are gone. Only DEFAULT (in the German version called STANDARD) left. Do you have a hint how I can get them back? They were very functional for quick or rough changes. Many thanks in advance, Markus
  12. Experienced a crash in Designer 1.7 when exporting a PDF document. I'm not exactly sure what caused the crash, but I will explain what I did. When setting up a simple PDF document (an invoice for a client), I pressed the export shortcut (cmd+option+shift+E). The finder window popped up. I selected the 'PDF (For Print) from the preset menu. I then navigated to the desired folder containing other PDF documents similar to the one I was exporting. I clicked on one of the other PDF files already in the folder (Invoice #323) to save my new document with the same name as the PDF in the folder, but change it from "Invoce #323" to "Invoice #324" before exporting so as not to replace the existing PDF. As soon as I clicked 'Export' my app window disappeared and the software crashed. I have not been able to recreate this crash, so it might just have been a once off thing, but it may be worth looking into.
  13. So, the first hangup of working in 1.7, you can't snip off half of the Bezier curve. It deletes both handles. So ppl are gonna have to learn how to approximate the middle of the curve and build that way. I dont know if this was an unintentional change, but if it was made intentionally, It's not really ideal. Thoughts?
  14. I am having performance problems with Affinity Photo 1.7.0 and I had to go back to 1.6.5 until Serif fixes issue. In the meantime, how do I disable the pop up notifying me that there is a new version available? It pops up every time I start Affinity Photo. I am running in a Windows environment.
  15. Adding new assets to the assets window thing is pretty easy and slick, but, the search functionality is kind of unpolished. It has no margin for error, and it's even case-sensitive meaning if you type "horse", the icon named "Horseshoe" won't come up. Am I using this correctly? Am I missing something?
  16. In Affinity 1.6.7 and previous versions both the align and magnetic tools where in the top bar, now in 1.7 I cannot find it anywhere, I did find the align tool but sadly not as easily accessable as in the previous version where are my tools :( ?
  17. Hi guys, yesterday I've updated to the latest version and now all of a sudden I'm not able to select what's in the layer. With the older versions I was able to hold Ctrl + click on the layer icon and it would select the shape of what's in the layer (no matter pixel or vector shape). After that I can do whatever I want to do with that selection, cut it from another layer, etc. Is there something I'm missing? There is no way to make this selection now and I've tried whatever came to my mind. Still nothing. I'll appreciate any help
  18. Hello, with the new update to 1.7 on Mac I seem to be unable to space or distribute objects more then one object. When I select for example two objects and try to space or distribute, the icons are greyed out. On top of that where are the advance option to change how these work (such as inputting numbers to change the width of the horizontal distribution. You used to have a single icon you can click on and would give you a drop down menu with more option now you just seem to have either a row of icons or the single icons with no drop down menu. Other that that, thank you for your time. Andrew.
  19. As others have noted there is a real problem downloading and installing this update. Mac App store indicated the update was available, clicked to install and got the spinning comma symbol, not the download symbol. After some time tried opening app but could not as it was being "updated". Later I could open app but it was still the 1.67 version. The 1.67 app appears in the Applications folder and in the dock but does not appear in Launchpad which now has an empty download indicator below it. It is like the download never started or is stuck. Tried various methods and restarts to solve this problem but no success.
  20. good day everyone! hoping to get some insight on a weird behavior i can't seem to figure out. i've tried affinity software off and on for a couple years now and have always seemed to have problems. i decided to bite the bullet and buy the latest release instead of trying the trial once a year to see if the issues subsided. they are still present (very slow, processes remain in memory after program closure, no pressure sensitivity, etc), but i'll deal with those once i get this behavior sorted. i am using a dual monitor set up. affinity photo remains in one window (my primary) and i have no need to break it apart into separate windows. i use an intuos pro tablet instead of a mouse. i use a button on my pen to switch be tween monitors. the problem is this: when i switch to another monitor, or essentially move away from the AP window without focusing on another window, the cursor starts wigging out and cannot center properly in the window, nor behaves properly within the AP canvas. here is a video that sort of demonstrates what is happening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2Gy0mzxJ-0 once i create a new document, you will see the cursor jump sporadically and flicker at times. this is me navigating to my other monitor and back to this one. i don't know if there's a setting i'm missing, either in wacom or affinity, that is causing this behavior. all drivers are up to date, and this is the only program on my computer that is showing this behavior. any thoughts as to what might be going on?
  21. Affinity Designer I am try remove the board and I am going show you picture screenshot.
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