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  1. Thank you very much! Is there no way I can get access to those brushes? I am retouching some photos right now and it is exactly what I am looking for.
  2. Where can I find the "Luminance Brush" which was used at the Affinity Keynote to demonstrate Affinity Photo in Publisher? Kind regards & have a sunny weekend!
  3. I consider this a very important feature, too. Looking forward to see it in the next beta update
  4. We had some trouble exporting a printable PDF. Some functions are missing here (or I was not able to find it): - respecting bleed and other marks for the printer - selecting the pages I want to export (e.g. 2-4) - choosing if I want do export single pages or spreads Kind regards Linus
  5. Where can I add columns to my layout (not only to a text box)?
  6. How does Affinity Publisher deal with variable fonts? Are there any plans to integrate related features?
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