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Posts posted by KipV

  1. 20 hours ago, rhmb said:

    I agree it is very disappointing that Affinity has not fixed this, it’s been broken for ages but I’m not sure I’d agree that Apple shares a responsibility to fix it.

    Affinity Photo on Mac is a stable product the only major bug for me is with extensions. The whole point of Apple's Photo app was to leave the more advanced features up to the 3rd party development and I find that component of the app still lacking. Other then Affinity being broken it takes far too many clicks to get in and out of 3rd party editing tools. I think most people where think that Photos could eventually work as a good replacement for Aperture that was released so long ago. I think you should expect more from Apple because I think Serif has been doing a much more solid job in the pro Photo area then Apple as of late.

    20 hours ago, rhmb said:

    Frankly, I don’t think this is a high priority for Affinity as it only affects some users, not all, and presumably is not having a major impact on sales.

    The rest of the tool works very well so I'm sure that is why is sells so good.

  2. 4 hours ago, garrettm30 said:

    If we are just starting the 1.10 cycle, then it might be months before it is finally released.

    Usually it takes them close to a year to put out a major feature product update and we are currently 4 months past 1.9 getting released. Publisher isn't going to go another 8 months before they put out multiple service releases. I don't think 1.10 would make sense for a release that is purely a bug fix release. Unless 1.10 ends up being a very minor feature update or is all about maintenance updates like 1.6. A lot of tech goes with "tick-tock-tick" release cycles alternating between major and minor updates. If 1.10 is a smaller release between major ones that would be fine by me.

  3. I have to wonder if Publisher won't continue with 1.9.x numbering scheme given that it is the one app that really has it's share of glitches yet to be fixed. I can't imagine them waiting until the next feature update of that product before issuing more bug fixes to the stable product. I also wonder if 1.10 will be as big of a feature release as 1.9 or if it will be something in between a smaller bug release and something like 1.9?

  4. 21 minutes ago, MikeW said:

    Kip, the image in your post is a cmyk .jpg

    Oh whoops! At one point the blue used to be a spot color (when it was going to press) I don't know how I switched it over to cmyk. It was going to a cmyk printer at one point. That's probably the reason. Yes, as @Alfred said there is no need to log-in to Instagram. I am not sure why you are getting a log-in window instead the account page like he is but you probably don't need to see it at this point anyways.

  5. We have a logo that is a royal blue and it looks fine when I export it, meaning it looks like it does in the Affinity doc but it becomes a very light turquoise blue once I bring it into some other applications. I am exporting as a jpg since it is going to the web. Any idea on why I am getting this major color shift?

    To see a blue which is closer to what it should be you can see the icon on our Instagram. I set up the IG years ago so I don't know why that logo export worked and what I might have done differently. It should have been exported from designer as well. https://www.instagram.com/cascadeprecision/

    It didn't really need to be that big but I couldn't find the buttons to easily make it smaller.

    Cascade logo.jpg

  6. How strange, I don't think I changed the location of the apps. I always put the stable and beta apps in the application folder. There is a lot of goofiness going on with the App Store though. Now that new betas came out I might just try and download them to see if the new versions act any different for some reason? I wonder if that would do anything.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Nick Beale said:

    That was my experience (I'm also using Mojave) and I did have to re-kill appstoreagent between updating AP and updating AD but I got there in the end.

    They did eventually download for me. I had to do the force quit and just wait a really long time. If it still takes that long in the future I probably have to try downloading it before going to bed at night.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Dazmondo77 said:

    It may take a few go's but you have to have MAS open while you force quit appstoreagent - yes apple is telling people to upgrade to Big Sur which should fix the problem, but like a lot of users, I need CS5 and a few other apps that won't run on anything past Mojave - they've also been telling users to reinstall Mojave which, I' gather is also a temporary fix for the bug   - I also found that booting from an old El Capitan volume and downloading worked - this App Store bug seems to be Mojave specific - Lets hope Apple fix this?

    It only seems to be effecting the Affinity apps now. The force quit trick only fixed the other apps not made by Serif. Last week also had updates for Slack, Things, and Telegram. They all installed. Is it partly something Serif is doing that needs to be fixed?

  9. 6 hours ago, firstdefence said:

    Is it possible for the people who sent the .Ai file to drop the version compatibility a bit

    I think they could, it is basically just a line drawing. So if the latest version can export as CS6 that would work. I have been wanting a document that explains the Illustrator / PDF connection so I will look that over.

  10. I had something really weird happen. The place where I work sent me an Illustrator file to open. I couldn't open it in Illustrator CS6, couldn't open it in Affinity 1.8.4. I eventually got the file to open with iDraw which I don't think has seen an update in years!! Does that makes sense to anyone else? That makes no sense to me at all. I would think the native program it's self or a modern competitor to Illustrator would be the best at opening it.

  11. On 8/3/2020 at 3:13 PM, Snapseed said:

    While I understand the calls for Serif to produce a RAW editor like Lightroom, that market is already crowded with paid-for and free alternatives such as ON1 Photo RAW and Darktable. I'm not sure that it's worth their while entering that saturated market while they have other very good existing products that need to be kept up to date.

    Yes, I agree now too. I think the original post was from three years ago before I tried good competitors like Capture One Pro and especially Capture One Pro 20.1. I still think they have a little ways to got in order to become a major player in with Desktop Publishing.

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