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Everything posted by Oval

  1. Is it really "required”, that ALT CLICK RELEASE and CMD CLICK RELEASE (without dragging) results in duplication of the objects?
  2. Yes, for example with a (DOUBLE) CLICK onto the 0;0 ruler corner
  3. Still on feature roadmap: “Text features including Text Styles” (Sorry, no message of MEBs quicker new post)
  4. Input of xxx% is already possible and very handy. Why a new sub menu?
  5. • Snapping for ALT-CLICK-DRAG into the rulers. • Changing of the (zoom) cursor if (h)over rulers. • And please, an extra text ruler. :wub: • And of course: changeable 0;0 or any X;Y. :wub: • Perhaps a second scale in a second colour (yellow / layer colour) on upper ruler edge for activated objects. :wub: :wub:
  6. Has Serif already asked Christoph about the details of his installed Helvetica(s), the situation in TextEdit, if there is a substitution issue etc.? No, you don’t really think it is a AD bug.
  7. Hoping this will not end in a typo disaster, when fonts are mixed.
  8. Dave, we all can see it in his shot that his Helvetica does not:
  9. Grrrrrrrrr… You did not type 1/4. 3 is NOT 4.
  10. No, nothing wrong. What we all already said: If the font does not include what you want, it will not fall from the sky. Just try it with 1/4, which is included in most Helveticas. Have it?
  11. What we said: If your font does not have what you need, you have to build it or ask the type designer. Sorry!
  12. ½ HTH Not? OK: ¼, ¾ BTW: Not every font has what you need.
  13. dmiller, the easy way to get exactly (the same) boarders is to use “Resize Canvas…” (unprop. + centered anchor). In AD is a quicker way. HTH
  14. Sorry, we are not the developers (only users) and have not the time to explain everything in detail, which is not clear in the AFFINITY DESIGNER HELP. Again sorry, but two hints: · It is possible to create export presets: the button "More” > Manage Presets > Create preset… · Have a look into the Export Persona > Slice Tool > Export Options TAB Would be great if you could make a new topic and tell the developers your problems with the usability of AD and the help system.
  15. What is the name of the AFFINITY stock, please? ;) MEOW?!
  16. If you don’t know what was changed: start the app with pressed CTRL … Or if you only want to change this: export once with your loved prefs. HTH
  17. It was, somebody changed it on your Mac.
  18. Hihi, not a box but a symbol in the middle … (and after that just a TAB for the update) sorry Madame, ladies first, old man was too slow ;-)
  19. Thanks Bobaffinity, but from Adobe …?! No alternative from Serif?! ;) Erik Spiekermann: “Jim Felici brings together a vast amount of knowledge in this book. Must-Have!” (BTW: with real quotes instead of typewriter inch marks) ;)
  20. Yes, and this is not funny for beginners. :( It is like a bug. Good to know: Kerning works fast with ALT (and) CMD and RIGHT or LEFT.
  21. … or with the scroll wheel. Very quick: Just type the first letters of the font name. Nice to have: realtime font features list (updates when scrolling the font list) …
  22. Ever seen/tried the search of the Affinity Help?
  23. Ojeh, aber danke für die Rückmeldung. Schade, dass sich hier kein Mitarbeiter gemeldet hat. Aber es gibt Licht am Tunnel-Ende: Es sind wohl auch im Designer File-Links geplant. :) PS: Wieviele Megapixel haben denn eigentlich die platzierten Bilddateien (RGB oder CMYK?) jeweils durchschnittlich?
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