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  1. I agree, also a long time Indesign user. Publisher have more features than i expected. A specially appreciate they added an option to add a shortcut to any text style. It's also nice they have mixed Paragraph & Text styles in one palette (showing both paragraph and character styles at the same time).
  2. I add: #4 Illustrator 8 and EPS (AI 8) work, but Pushlisher don't show / export nothing. You need to copy/paste from AI to to Publisher. This means you need Illsutrator. #5 Importing options are needed. Specially importing PDF files (size of page, bleed, media, etc...). Also an option to replace current selected object is needed; even Aldus Pagemaker had this option.
  3. Overall Publisher seems to have many features. But their workflow with spots inks is pretty weak or simply don't work. I know Affinity just released the first beta; indeed, this is just the time to request this. Many proffessional works are done with spot inks (maybe a background hard to print in CMYK, maybe they need a rich orange/green/blue ink). Also the little works, due to be cheap using only two spot inks instead of full CMYK. Things to be implemented or improved: - We need a more streamlined workflow with spot inks. Currently it's a pain. We don't have a way to see all current colours of the document (spot inks or any other color); we can only have the option to create a custom palette wich don't works with spot inks (it converts your spot inks to color space document colors -CMYK in my case-). Currently, the most easy way to see your document spot inks it's export to PDF and open your exported file with Acrobat Proffessional. - We need overprint control. This is a must. - Object styles don't export when you use spot inks. - Publisher considers spot inks as "unsupported features" when you export PDF. This converts all you vector works (external documents placed) with spot inks to images, even with PDFX 3 preset. Disabling "convert to image unsupported features" allows to export your linked vector files with spot inks. - Publisher don't recognize AI, EPS colours, spot inks or CMYK. Tested with Illustrator 8 files. Things to be implemented in future updates: - Ink preview options will be very appreciated. Specially overprint and ink separations (just as Indesign and Illustrator). Sorry for any misspell, i'm not a native english speaker. BTW there's some spanish bugs, i will report them when fully translated betas are released.
  4. Well done. Next year the winner will be Affinity Designer
  5. I know this is a feature hard to implement, but i have to ask for it. I compose some magazines with 2 Spot inks, usually Black & any Pantone ink. I don't like to use that method, but some customers seems to like it and it's cheapper to print (in offset press) than full CMYK. So, i have tu use that feature. It's the only feature i miss, both in Photo and Designer; so, i have to use Adobe Photoshop. So, this is the workflow in Adobe CC suite, and i it will be nice to have it in Affinity apps... Bitmap: - First, create a 8bit gray image - Change format to Multichannel (you are not allowed if you don't change first to Gray) - Add many channels as you need - Change Spot color of each channel This is not just Duotone/Tritone, etc... Is full channel working. You are allowed to paint any part of the channel, not just all the channel as a whole image. In those examples, i just coppied Cian or Magenta channels of the orinial image, then coppied directly to Spot Channel. Image must be saved in .eps DCS 2.0 format. It's the same format as duotones, but you are allowed to edit channels directly (duotones are curve variations of the same 8bit gray channel). Compositing (Indesign): - Import your DCS 2.0 image. The spot inks of the image are auto. incorporated to document swatches. - Then, yo can create mixed inks, with % of each spot ink yo wish. You can also add gradients based on those mixed inks. Thanks
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