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  1. I too am having the same trouble. It seems I cannot import more than 14 different sets of brushes. I even get an okay the set is installed. NOTHING. I restart the program. Nothing. I did not have this trouble with previous versions. It appears the latest one is causing the issues. see pics.
  2. I have been trying to use the mesh tool 185 with this new update and it locks up not only the program but my machine. It tied up my machine so bad a few times I had to reboot. The task manager would not even come up. I was having no issues until this update. I kept saying to myself, don't update, because they are full of bugs. I should have listened to myself. Now I am stuck on a work project because the warp won't work and I need to wrap a label around a dang bottle. Edit: how do I go back to the previous version?
  3. Wosven: When you import your PDF, the app is unable to reconize ligatures. You can either disabe them before export (look at the paragraph style panel), or convert your text to curves when exporting (in the "more" options when exporting). So I tried that. I went into the original document and had set all the text to curves on export. It did not solve the problem. I opened the file in Affinity Publisher and Designer (now it's a issue) - both have garbage on the import. The only one NOT showing the garbage is Photo but only on the original file. I only use Affinity products for designing. I don't even own Photoshop or any other design programs anymore. I would think there would not be problem between applications when they are from the same developer.
  4. Seems I am having a bit of issues this morning and it's only 8am. First, I was having trouble with fonts in Photo (also the latest version) but Walter says it might be might font set and offered some work arounds. Okay, I can live with a font not doing subscript. Now, the graphic I was working on in photo was intense in text and images. I exported the graphic to PDF = BEAUTIFUL! Totally crisp! no issues! See attached sample - Perfection! However, when I import that very same BEAUTIFUL file into publisher - I get a lot of noticeable garbage on the the text portions of the file. See attached sample. So I figured maybe something messed up and it was just maybe my pdf viewer - the one that comes with windows - so I closed publisher - opened again re-imported the file an still had the same issue. So I closeout everything and open the file in a separate SEDA PDF Viewer program after exporting a test from publisher - nope! So, I do know that it is a font issue or possibly an import/export issue for the font. The font however does reside inside my machine. The font is calibri regular. Not too way out there. I can type in the PDF document using the very same font with no ill effects. See attached sample testtyping.pdf exported from publisher. So assuming it's just a font issue, I went online and downloaded a random pdf. no issues. So I did some research and adobe says to make sure the font file is embedded. so I go back to the original photo file and I check all the PDF export options. Embed all fonts was selected- I even selected the embed advanced features since that was unchecked. I export, again a beautiful document, import to publisher - says all fonts are available upon loading- again garbage is what I see when opening the file. to ensure it was not just a cache of the page issue, I even renamed the file to another name - still got garbage. Sigh! I do love technology but sometimes I just want to kick it across the floor! testtyping font.pdf eco2.pdf FYI: Opens perfectly in Designer and Photo.!
  5. Hi All, I am having a weird text issue. I am adding the TM trademark text to a file. I highlight the text and using the font adjustment and try to set it as subscript. (needs to be lowered, not like in superscript.see example picture) and nothing happens. Superscript is working fine, just not subscript. I now have to go into my document and hand make spaces between all the text on the page and insert an image instead of just the text. Very time consuming.
  6. Thanks Ron, That was the issue! I appreciate your help with that. It was making me crazy, as I did not have this issue with the software from Affinity. Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend!
  7. I don't know what is going on. I have downloaded the new 1.72 version for windows. I keep getting the message that there is an update. I go through the install process and get as far as "do you want to allow this program to make change to your system" - then nothing. There is no"it's finished" , no new icon, no update. I thought maybe my virus program was causing an install issue, so I put it to sleep. Still, the same thing keeps happening. I have been trying to update photo since the new release. ( I do own the software: actually I own designer, photo and publisher. and I have not had issues updating the other software. Is there something special I need to do in order for it to update?
  8. Here is a strange development. I select the design element I want to rotate to the left and the WHOLE document shifts on the screen. The item I selected does not move. I did not select the small circle to rotate the design element, used the right-click menu for rotation. see attached screen shot.
  9. Hi All, I just installed APUB a few minutes ago while offline. I did not want to have an Internet connection on while doing a trial run of the software. While looking through the help files to get an overall feel of the software and clicking each section, I have found a few pages are missing when the software is being used OFFLINE. SYMBOLS PAGE - ASSISTANT MANAGER PAGE - EFFECTS PANEL PAGE --- FIELD PANEL PAGE - and in the copyrights page there is a > symbol just hanging out on the page. In the system requirements page where it reads Hard Drive Space I see only ??? ( don't know if this is a typo or it reads something online.)
  10. Forgive me but I feel this needs to be said. Again. You guys really should make the copy and paste function more intuitive and easier to use when using AD. I spent an hour trying to copy and paste a selection of an image. I did --FINALLY - after going on google and researching how to make a copy of selection of an image. It was a complete waste of my time. I lost over an hour of work time just trying to get an image portion pasted. I should not, in a software program, have to continue to raster EVERY IMAGE Layer just to make a copy and paste. I should be able to just select a layer, ANY LAYER, make a selection and copy and paste that single selection or a group thru the layers selection and paste that. Almost every drawing program on the market is that intuitive, including Photoshop. I noticed that there are a lot of issues with users, both experienced and new, having this same issue with the software, and is really a stopping point of the creative process. Having to stop the creative flow to research why you can't copy and paste a selection is a time waster. I know there are ways around this issue as a programmer. Can your software developer write a code where when you make a selection, then select copy that it automatically rasterizes the image layer for user in the background and then when you select paste, viola, it pastes as an exact duplicate? I know coding can be difficult as I have worked with many developers on software projects, but this should be a small coding change that would take AD further than any other program. Just my thoughts on the copy and paste issue.
  11. Also it would be excellent to have folders in the layers panel. (sometimes you need to make more than one group of the same stuff.) I know groups exist, but folders can divide projects up into sections. PS does have this handy feature!
  12. Okay, so I have spent countless hours going thru the Internet, forum (found one solution about trimming but couldn't get it to work), I am finally posting here. I have AD 152.58 Windows version on win10 Brushes: I can use and edit brushes that are supplied by AD inside of AD. I can edit the curves of a brush in draw mode but only AD brushes. (imported brushes do not show up in draw mode and curves are not there. Period.) Personas: If I switch to pixel mode, I can view all imported brushes and have the settings to make changes to the brushes. However, I have to double click to get it to place on the art board, I then can only resize it smaller or larger via the handles. I can use the clip feature on the brush and some of the other effects. I cannot convert any IMPORTED brush of my own into curves. It does not allow me to edit the brush. So I switch back to drawing mode once the brush is placed, and still the convert to curves is not available. I have tried several different brushes with the same results. BTW.. once I switch personas - I lose the ability to convert the AD provided brushes to curves also. I cannot select lines in the brush to make any changes. I have to use them as is - or erase parts and hand draw what I want. I cannot move or adjust the lines. In PShop, you have ability to change the entire brush to suit what you want, move it, erase it, raster ect. Just no vector, it is also the same with the fonts. (I have tried fonts yet in AD). Is this a part of the program or do I need to completely draw and edit every brush before importing into AD?
  13. Okay, so this is like the 3rd time I have had to redo this post. ARRGGGGHHH. As you can see in the image, the preview of the individual brushes is really small. Unless I missed it. I have not been able to resize it. In PS the preview image is much larger and does not require me to select the brush, test the brush on the screen, then see if I want to use it. this is win 1.5.2 I am also having the issue with the brushes when selected, I have to double click them to use them causing me to either make double images on occasion or having to wait for it to decide if it wants to print on the page. Just fyi on that.
  14. Hi Everyone, I sure hope that support can help with my issue as I usually do not have install problems with most software. Affinity keeps rejecting the product key and email address. I logged into my affinity account copied the info from the page, re-started install several times and still is not allowing me access. I then checked the emails, copied the info from there and still it will not accept the prod or email address. I THEN handed typed it all with the same results. I feel as if I have crossed into an Internet /software time warp where installs of software was a true pain in the arse! Is there a work around for this or should I just scrap this and get a refund. I downloaded the win 151 and I more than meet the requirements for using the software. thanks. Snowite
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