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Chris B

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Everything posted by Chris B

  1. Hey, I believe the issue is being caused by our marching ants running at 60fps. On macOS, they I believe they run at around 15fps which is likely why we do not see this on a Mac. This is putting additional strain on the system made worse by the full canvas redraw on a pan and zoom. So the fix would be to reduce the speed of the marching ants on Windows to free up resources to more elegantly redraw the canvas. This has been bumped and I'll add the tag to the thread.
  2. Hey Conrad Hoffman, As far as I know, the Tint is only affected when the Temperature is set to use Kelvin. In the Develop Persona, you will notice that the Temperature uses Kelvin and if you develop the image (as a Pixel layer) and return, the Temperature then uses % as opposed to K. Using the White Balance Tool here only adjusts the Temperature and leaves the Tint alone—similar to how the Picker only affects Temperature on a JPEG. As far as I can see, this has always been the case and is true for V1. Unless I have completely misunderstood your post? Can you suggest another app that does this different to what we do so I can investigate further? I have managed to reproduce the issue regarding the target. If I add and delete a couple of times, the target seems to be placed to the right of my image, as opposed to the top left corner as expected. I can log this.
  3. It looks like this raw has been edited previously - are you absolutely certain you did not output it as a Pixel Layer on first open and develop? Because once you have pushed it as a pixel layer, it will remain so upon return to the Develop Persona.
  4. Sorry, I should have specified what I meant. It's the user folder located here: C:\Users\yourusername\.affinity\2.0 (Beta)\user - if you can zip the user folder up I can replace mine with yours. For what it is worth, I did manage to reproduce what you said but after resetting the app, I can no longer do it.
  5. Hi anto, I also found this a little bit puzzling and queried it and it was suggested that the behaviour was by design. I personally think it ought to be greyed out if you are not on an actual Layer. In this instance, it seems to function exactly like Select All
  6. I agree. B+Ctrl+Alt+Drag does not feel natural to me either. It started to fatigue my hands. Update - I've logged this as an improvement
  7. Hey Frozen Death Knight, can you send us your user data, please? We cannot reproduce what you are describing https://www.dropbox.com/request/KVlocxyduQXCoQOQwSbj
  8. Generally when there has been a substantial LibRaw update as opposed to a more incremental one. I believe LibRaw has its own cycles as well so we would try to coincide with that. I could not give you a wait time as I have only just pushed this request to the developers. I will update you once I hear anything.
  9. This is what I assumed jmwellborn was doing in my reply above. As far as I know, this is intentional - perhaps Ash can confirm and then I can log it
  10. So it looks like we last did a LibRaw pull in February. LibRaw said they updated their library to support the Panasonic DC-S5 II in March so unfortunately, we just missed it. I have spoken to the developers about this.
  11. Make sure you aren't releasing the shortcut before you are releasing the mouse button. For example: Tap B to get the Paint Brush Tool > paint something Now hold E for the Erase Brush Tool With E held down, mouse click to erase the paint you applied above This is where you can trip up; releasing E first and then the mouse click will leave you on the Erase Brush Tool. You need to release the mouse click and then E
  12. Hi john30, I am not sure why you raised a support ticket via email when the bug was confirmed in this thread unless you were under the impression support would attempt to contact LibRaw? I think the issue here is that we haven't done a LibRaw pull since February which was just before LibRaw added support for your camera.
  13. Brilliant! Thanks for updating us. Hopefully the developers can identify the issue and sort a fix out to prevent it happening in future
  14. Hi @Arthur Meili The good news is, I have identified what the issue was. The somewhat less good news is that I had to delete about 5 or 6 images that were using a Greyscale D50 ICC Profile. I suggest you go through the Resource Manager and look for those images and either replace or convert them. This can easily be done by using the arrow keys to go through the list of resources in the Resource Manager. It took me about 2 minutes. I did not want to send a project back with the missing images to prevent you from looking through all the pages for what I had deleted. Here's an example of one of the offending images. I will be logging this with the developers:
  15. I've created you a private Dropbox link @Arthur Meili https://www.dropbox.com/request/nuZ9MmTjugqSttGHlpsc Please inform us once you have completed the upload as unfortunately, we do not get notifications for this. Any issues, give us a shout
  16. Hey john30, All of this information has been available to the developers since the issue was initially reported by you. I update the affected versions with each app update that does not contain a fix as I also encounter this issue with my Galaxy phone.
  17. Hi Gary, You might be on to something here. In V1, the app defaulted to using approximately half of the installed RAM on the machine. In V2, there's actually a bug wherein the RAM usage slider isn't set to half, it seems to be more and we've just found resetting the app doesn't reset the usage slider... Perhaps this is why V1 was OK and V2 was not. I cannot imagine the app using more than 22GB unless you're keeping it open all day with multiple files so I think that value is fine going forwards. We've fed this back to the developers. Hopefully you continue to see positive results going forward.
  18. Hey Scythian, Apologies for the delay. I still cannot reproduce it. When I type, the justified text causes the jump, however, the word goes with it. In your screenshots, I can see your cursor seems to jump away from its initial insertion point. Can you review the video I've attached and tell me if I'm doing the right thing? Cursor jump.mp4
  19. is an old version. I had this message (if memory serves) when I had a version mismatch. Try uninstalling any old beta apps and downloading the newest ones.
  20. Hey Scythian, I am unable to reproduce this. However, I think I'm just missing something. Are you able to attach a simplified document that displays this behaviour?
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