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  1. Beside the option for separate files with an option for a custom suffix/prefix it would be handy to have the option to change the page names or add a name so that this can be used as dynamic part of the filename (^P).
  2. I'm using Designer in this case. I'm also using Publisher and yes using parts from one to the other. But to be specific. This one I created fresh in Designer
  3. Hi, Not sure if it's bug but my paths are getting a fill after a shape is converted to a text path. Never had this problem. And can't find a setting for it.
  4. That would be a great option. I also use publisher to create uniform images with use of the master pages
  5. Problem is still there. I encounter the same problem here. Starting Fontbase after starting publisher isn't even possible. Edding a font will crash the app in some cases. Is Having 2500 fonts the problem?
  6. Hi, Ik prepered a photo document to use in publisher. With the inpaint tool i removed some logo's. Its showing fine in publisher. But after exporting it to pdf the logo's are showing again. Publisher built 227 Photo Only rasterizing de linked documents would fix the export to pdf
  7. what I noticed: When I start up the computer freshly and try to open the large document the program wil crash immediately. I then restart the program over and over until the file opens (about 5 attempts). In the beginning, the system uses 8 GB of memory. With every new start-up after a crash, I have more time to work on the document. In the in the meantime the used memory runs up slowly. After about 10 crashes, the system uses 28 GB of memory (thats the max allocated memory as set in the preferences) and the number of crashes are considerably going down.
  8. What i noticed is that when i navigate to a page by using de pages pane (double clicking the page or by right clicking and choosing go to spread) the program is more lickly to crash than just by scrolling the canvas. Anyway, the image rich pages are the suspect of crashing the program. Current file 72 pages with many jpg,s and linked designer and photo files, build 206 on windows 10, i7 with 32gb memory
  9. i'm experiencing the same issue. Is there already a solution for this problem?
  10. Hi, I cannot find any checkbox in the TOC panel to activate the numbers :-(. Am i looking at the wrong place? Can you please tell where to find it?
  11. I'm experiencing the same two problems. For the crashing part i started a topic and uploaded an example file.
  12. Hi Chris, Problems are back. I uploaded the file to dropbox. Regards
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