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  1. Hello I try to follow the different steps and see no unwanted gradient fill. The only thing is that the vignette of the corresponding layer in the layers panel show a gradient like on your screenshot. Affinity Designer 2.5.7, Sonoma 14.6.1
  2. Hello 1 - Paint the shadow with a soft brush, on a separate layer, it will be more realistic. 2 - I suggest using Liquify Persona for subtle text distorsion directly on the bag (you don't have to create the text as a separate element). Liquify is often forget for this kind of things. Here a quick done exemple. Hope it help. Bag.afphoto
  3. Hello Before resizing, select your objet and clic Preserve Scale (Or whatever the English name is) on the stoke panel. It allow stroke width to be resize with the objet.
  4. Bonjour A ma connaissance (et je pense être bien informé), ce n'est pas possible actuellement de générer des QR codes automatiquement en passant par la fusion des données. Il faut les générer individuellement, à la Mano, bon courage !!
  5. Hello I have followed the same steps that Ldina describe. The step to Convert to Curve is optional, it works without, as the Macro convert to pixel in its first step. I have a Mac Silicon M1 Max with Sonoma 14.6.1
  6. Hi Ldina On Mac with AP 2.5.7, same steps and it seems to work.
  7. Hello In the export Persona you can choose a scale factor. Affinity provide preselect scale factor that you can override. The screenshot is for Affinity Designer, but it's the same on Photo. Hope it will help you .
  8. Hello If I understand clearly what you ask : It is your masking layer that is not perfect. In the attached screen (See the mask), if you display the mask (ALT + click on Mac) you can see that the mask is not totally black in the middle, so it doesn't totally mask the corresponding part of the image. To resolve this, you can use a brush with black color to paint the bad zones of the mask (see attached Paint the mask). Paint black on a mask hide the corresponding zone of the image, painting white reveal the corresponding zone of the image. See attached : See result on grey background (for better contrast). Hope it could help
  9. Bonjour EH Si je comprend bien votre demande, vous pouvez obtenir le résultat souhaité de la façon suivante : 1/ Transformez le contour de votre rectangle arrondi en fond (Menu Calques > Vectoriser le contour). Cela ne change pas l'aspect de votre rectangle, mais le transforme en objet doté d'un fond mais pas de contour. Cela est indispensable pour que l'étape 3 suivante fonctionne. 2/ Basculez sur Pixel Personna et créez un calque de pixels vide sur lequel vous peindrez l'ombre. 3/ Ecrêtez ce calque de pixels sur celui du rectangle arrondi (en le faisant glisser sur le nom du calque rectangle arrondi et non sur la vignette). Ainsi tout ce que vous peindrez sur ce calque de pixels ne sera visible que sur la partie du rectangle qui contient une information (c'est-à-dire son contour). En espérant que cela vous aide. Test.afdesign
  10. You have a "convert to curves" option when selecting a text with the Move Tool (in Designer and Publisher).
  11. Hello You can try this (not elegant but it work) : On every chapter beginning (the same page you have the heading for the chapter, type on a block text: "Chapitre Number + TAB + Name of chapitre Number" and give it it's own style (Heading1 for TOC). This text must be hidden. Base your TOC on that style. You 'll have to edit the style for the heading 1 of the TOC to have two values Tabulation : the first for the distance between "Chapitre 1" and "Name of Chapitre 1", the other for the distance from the entry to the page number. Sorry for my poor English, hope I'm clear (example with aPu v2). Test TOC.afpub
  12. Hello If I understand clearly, you can do what you want this way : CTRL + Clic the initial layer (with the cut-off) : you have the sélection Hide this layer Select the pixel target layer : the selection is ready to use on that layer. It is just changing the order of operations from what you have done. Hope it help.
  13. I second that. It's not practical to have to be in the TOC text zone to access TOC styles. Same for the ability to hide / show TOC Index. I would say too that the TOC panel is not very readable. Indesign is well done for that : it shows all styles and is much more readable. You can organized style in folder, the way you want (ie : put TOC style in a TOC folder).
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