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Posts posted by pioneer

  1. @Alfred wrote I've never known number 15 to be referred to as anything other than Pete........Correct...........Peter Murray James, OBE.....Correct.  Nor me Alfred

    The running theme is obviously people with a forename of either Peter or Pete which gives away half of the answer.

    Would you like the answers?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Alfred said:

    The running theme is first names in common, sort of! I wrote 'certainly not 2' because he was Russian (so neither his given name nor its diminutive form matches any of the others).

    I'm afraid I've identified depressingly few at the time of writing.

    First class! thumbup1.gif

    Yes you are correct @Alfred  He is as you say Russian and his name is Pyotr (Peter in English) Ilyich Tchaikovsky.  Cannot make them all too easy there would be no point to a quiz otherwise. I did not know 5 even though I recognised the character he was famous for playing and 13 myself

  3. 1 hour ago, Alfred said:

    That’s true of 15, the second one I identified, but not really 4 (instant recognition there!) or 7, and certainly not 2. There are a couple of other familiar faces, but even though I quickly spotted the theme I’m still struggling to put names to them.

    So Alfred what's the running theme?  How many have you recognised.  Bearing in mind this is a team game and you are coming at this on your own,  so you do not have others to pool their knowledge with you.

    That aside what did you think of the presentation overall for a picture quiz?

  4. I create most of the  Quizzes for my local bowls club and I always l try to make the half time break quiz a bit different. Most of the time I just hash a picture quiz together with no shape of form but I thought of this design for the latest picture quiz. the 16 Box layout and numbers created in Designer.  The rest of the work in Photo. I usually just pick images at random but sometimes with a theme.  This one has a theme which once guessed makes the quiz even easier.

    Picture quiz.png

  5. Once again thank you everybody for your comments for which I am most grateful.

     @GarryP wrote the green ‘music icon’ just above the scroll has a box around it.  Yes and I only noticed it after you pointed it out.  Is weird though It is a copy and pasted of the black png from the lower down as are all of the other musical notes within the heart shape. All I have done is rescaled them and given them a flood fill. The only way it would of been possible to eradicate this was to mask it out or use the erase tool. I have not been able to replicate this bounding box

    That said the best laid plans can sometimes go awry. The tickets where printed at the club by a volunteer and cut up to go on sale this evening. Only for me to receive a call this afternoon to say that page one had been printed 12 times instead of all pages being printed.

    This obviously resulted in page one numbers 1-9 was printed 12 times ha ha.

    So with the office now being closed with no access to the PC or colour laser until Monday

    I created a small box and power duplicated this 100 times onto a sheet of A4 then enter the numbers 1-100.  I printed this out on my B&W laser, my wife then went over the club and with the help of the steward cut these up and stuck them on the ticket number entry in time to be on sale this evening as scheduled.  ( Note...we have a lucky program draw during the break)

  6. Thanks to everybody for the comments for which I always welcome, most of which I have taken on board and made alteration to the ticket template.

    3 hours ago, GarryP said:

    The “Gary King” text doesn’t seem to be following the curve of the ring it’s in

    I have now, forgot to use the alignment tool before inputting the text


    2 hours ago, Alfred said:

    I agree. The WT and ME pairs would benefit from being kerned just a tad more tightly, too, but the OW pair is particularly noticeable.

    Played around with the Kerning and appears much nicer now.

    2 hours ago, William Overington said:

    How is the 'N' said in speech?

    Listening to people in McDonalds and my local chippy it always seems to me people say fish "n  or Burger "n.  I cannot believe the "n" usage would prove controversial


    14 hours ago, William Overington said:

    You refer to the Elvis image. Is that Elvis or the performer?

    No it is the performer Gary King. I sought his permission before using.


    14 hours ago, William Overington said:

    Here it seems that if someone who has a dietary issue

    William these are but mere tickets.  The dietary requirements are on an A5 table top flier along with an attachment to an email to all members, with A4's on the two noticeboards. There is also a permanent statement that all dietary requirements would be met at all functions on the clubhouse menu blackboard.  Which you would not of been aware of.

  7. 3 hours ago, William Overington said:


    But even having had a go onn the internet at trying to find that landmark I still have not found the answer.

    I found a list of sixty famous London landmarks but alas not one that fitted the puzzle.

    I suppose that like the ship if and when I find the answer I will be amazed that I did not realize the by then "obvious" answer.

    Hey ho. 😁



     @William Overington Its classified an an iconic Grade II* listed, legendary London landmark. Would not normally give out clues but here we go........It was sold in November 1996 for £400 million.  November 2008, Chelsea F.C. was reported to be considering moving to a new purpose built 65,000 and 75,000 fan stadium. Two new underground stations, were opened on 20 September 2021. The construction cost £1.1 billion and is 3 km (1.9 mi) long. The developers provided £270m towards the construction of the extension. One of which is the last leg of one of the Northern line legs

    Hope these clues have opened up other areas of you knowledge and helps

  8. 4 hours ago, PaulEC said:

    I think, as pioneer pointed out, you have to remember that these sort of "pub quizzes" are intended for a team of mixed players, not individuals. Everyone will have different interests and ranges of knowledge. It's hardly surprising that individuals may struggle with any general knowledge quiz. After all, what exactly is "general knowledge"? Some subjects may be familiar and seem like "common knowledge" to some people, whilst other people see the same things as strange and unusual. For example, I'm usually OK with questions about the arts, history and so on, but I have virtually no clue when it comes to sport, contemporary music or reality TV! On the other hand, I'm sometimes surprised by other peoples apparent complete lack of knowledge about some things that I would have thought were common knowledge, yet they turn out to be experts on things that are a "closed book" to me! It's more difficult than you might think to come up with quiz questions that are not either unfathomable by some people, nor idiotically simple for others, and try to get a balance that everyone will enjoy trying to answer! (Which is, at the end of the day the purpose of these quizzes – to enjoy them!)

    @PaulEC Well presented. You put it into words better than could of. Thank you

  9. 2 hours ago, William Overington said:

    What sort of knwledge of various things does one need to solve these?

    For example, I used to see episodes of Mastermind where one of the questions for General Knowledge would be about the BBC Soap Opera Eastenders. So easy perhaps for people who watch it regularly and a blank wall for those who never watch it.

    For example, the cocktail, and is the film character from a film only seeable at the cinema, and so on. A film character could be from about 1910 onwards.

    I wonder if John might consider doing a version with more letters filled in, and/or enhanced clues, so that when the quiz is being run people who are really stuck can have that version. Or would that not work at the event?

    I realized that the name of a small bird would fit the surname of the film character, and there seemed to me to be two possible first names.

    I searched on the web and I found a book that reminded me of an image often shown on television in the Tour de France.



    @William Overington as regards  your suggestion a producing a version with more letters as this IMHO would make the quiz too easy.  You are looking at this from an individual viewpoint whereas the Quiz night will consist of at least six members per team of varying ages so they will have the opportunity to pool their knowledge.

    With your reference to Mastermind, If I were asked a question about Eastenders I would probably struggle with it. Apart from the square where it is set and ome of the early characters along with the pub name etc which are just things that I have picked up over the years  and are stored away in some sort of distant box in my brain/memory.

    I have taken onboard your observation about the "Quiz team name".  Sadly this was an oversight from me when I created the page I had to find somewhere to put it after I had finished the quiz. I have swapped FILM and SPORT around to try and avoid confusion even more

    I am most grateful for your input.  Cheers John

  10. 7 hours ago, AffinityJules said:

    Most were reasonably easy, although some needed a lot of digging out from memory.

    I got them all except one - the 'famous landmark' question has currently got me stumped.

    Elaboration on this one I have altered the wording to Famous London Landmark if that helps.  

  11. @Alfred  Thanks for the feedback, now rectified, thanks for being the first proof reader.

    In answer to your question "why Photo".  I've been using Serif products since the early 90's with PagePlus being my most used. With the introduction of Affinity Photo I was determined to understand what I could do with this new program.

    I created this file simply because I had just finished work on an image and the program was still open when I started to enact my thoughts on the next quiz.

    Just by the by did you answer any of the questions. if so were they reasonably easy?  Cheers John

  12. 2 hours ago, lepr said:

    it states 12th April

    yes you are correct but that was for a future event.  The Brochure's primary intention was to be placed on the tables as a guide to the event on the night. (With hopefully a discreet rub about mobile phone usage as there had been comments from members about this before) 

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