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Petar Petrenko

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Everything posted by Petar Petrenko

  1. When I enter text in a table it is gray and in the Color panel it shows K100. I draw a rectangle above the table to compare its fill, which is correct K100, with the text fill in table (see the selected number 22) which is gray. I can't change the color of the text in multiple selected cells. It colors the background instead of the text.
  2. Another missing feature: Adding rows/columns before the first row/column.
  3. Maybe something like this from QuarkXPress: 1. Composition zones (starting from 8:00) 2. Job jackets
  4. Try this: (?<= \_).+?(?=\_[ .,]) * EDITED * NOTE: There is a space character after the first = and after [.
  5. I got this value in InDesign. In Publisher it is R236 G0 B140.
  6. OK. Compare Photo and Photoshop with the same settings from my attachment.
  7. You used different color profile. I compared conversion of M100 in InDesign and Publisher with same color settings. Can you reproduce the same result as me?
  8. I've just noticed something interested. When I create Magenta color (0 100 0 0) in InDesign and Affinity and the convert the color space to RGB, you can see some differences (see the attachment). Both, Adobe and Affinity have the same color settings so I wonder why these differences occur.
  9. Because I am familiar to Excel and I saw that all PANTONE libraries are editable in Excel, so I got the idea to see if it's going to work. I don't think there is a problem finding the location where the PANTONE libraries are, at least it wasn't for me. As I said, i'm familiar with this process and I have in plan to add more palettes this way. I'll keep a copy of them, so it won't be so hard to "install" them again, if needed.
  10. Just place the file from attachment in the folder where the other PANTONE color libraries are and you will have all CorelDRAW default colors: C:\Program Files\Affinity\Publisher\Resources\Pantone P.S Replace Publisher with the Photo or Designer to locate the folder to copy the library. CorelDRAW default colors.csv
  11. Up to this moment you can do it only in QuarkXPress -- neither in Publisher, nor even in InDesign.
  12. Thanks, Mike. But, why you insist on only those 2 PANTONE libraries, is something wrong with the others?
  13. Yes, I use the coated one. But, what with others? They not work, or...? BTW, here is the image for an example. What I am trying is to add PANTONE color to it, to simulate duotone. Can you see if there is a problem with the image because I use all the settings you displayed.
  14. I don't need to redistribute them at all. Why should I? Every one who has Affinity apps have this files. I just show the path where are they located.
  15. I followed strictly your instructions, but the PANTONE color was not shown in "Output Preview".
  16. It is not strictly Affinity proprietary as I found those libraries years ago in some other software, but I can't recall its name now.
  17. Here you can find all PANTONE libraries in CSV (text) format. You can open it in Excel (the best option) or with some other text editor and see all RGB and CMYK values: C:\Program Files\Affinity\Publisher\Resources\Pantone
  18. In these 2 examples you didn't use text styles because you can't do it with them. You just, simply, can't set inside text style which line(s) you want to apply the leading override (LO) to. Personally I don't use LO (and do not recomend it, at all) because it changes the rhytm of the text, the "color" of the page (darker or lighter) as authors like James Felici, Nigel French, James Craig, Robert Bringhurst... advice. I always use fixed leading (not Auto) because I don't like inline graphic(s) to change the leading on the line(s) they appear. In this case I would resize the graphic (make it smaller) or change the leading value in the text style to be applyed globally. In cases of drop caps and small caps on the first line of the paragraph, which is usually used in the opening paragraphs (just after the subtitles) I would use bigger leading. Of course you can use LO freely where you want, this is just my opinion.
  19. 1. Taht's exactly want I want to say. If you need to apply different leading override to a multiple places creating styles is not appropriate. 2. I agree with this. I put graphic on separate line because I usually use align to baseline grid for the body text. Math equations atract more attention if they are on separate lines like other graphic elements even they are short and the same size as the body text.
  20. To a any number of chars (4-5 or more) with different leading override with one character style.
  21. Have you read my answer to Walt: apply the character style to at least 4-5 characters, but with different leading override values?
  22. 1. I don't understand what you mean by hand rolling. 2. Making adjustments means that all paragraphs to which that paragraph style is applied will change.
  23. Would you be so kind and give me an example, but bear in mind to apply the character style to at least 4-5 characters, but with different leading override values?
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